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helm install test/csi-qingcloud


To install the chart with the release name csi-qingcloud:

helm repo add test
helm install test/csi-qingcloud --name-template csi-qingcloud --namespace kube-system  \
--set config.qy_access_key_id=key,config.qy_secret_access_key=secret,

The command deploys the csi-qingcloud chart on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.


To uninstall/delete the csi-qingcloud deployment:

helm delete csi-qingcloud --namespace kube-system

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Upgrade Notes

The qingcloud-csi chart uses csi-snapshotter v4.0.0 by default starting from chart v1.2.9, v1 snapshot CRDs are required for csi-snapshotter v4.0.0 and above, therefore user must install v1 snapshot CRDs prior to the upgrade, otherwise the snapshot operation will fail. csi-snapshotter v4.0.0 supports both v1 and v1beta1 snapshot objects. User can specify chart value snapshotter.tag=v2.0.1 with helm to use csi-snapshotter v2.0.1 which does not require v1 snapshot CRDs to be installed.

Support matrix 

Chart Version Snapshot CRDs Version Min K8s Version
<= 1.2.8 only v1beta1 1.14
>= 1.2.9 both v1beta1 and v1, only v1 1.17

Vertical Pod Autoscaler

Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) frees the users from necessity of setting up-to-date resource limits and requests for the containers in their pods.

  • Set enableVPA to true in values.yaml to apply VerticalPodAutoscaler for csi-qingcloud-controller. (Need to make sure that vertical-pod-autoscaler can work first.)

  • Specify the minAllowed and maxAllowed value for each container in values.yaml, if the defaults don't meet your need.

  • When setting limits VPA will conform to resource policies. It will maintain limit to request ratio specified for all containers. VPA will try to cap recommendations between min and max of limit ranges. If limit range conflicts and VPA resource policy conflict then VPA will follow VPA policy (and set values outside limit range). For details, refer to the following examples

  • By default, VPA won't update the resource requests/limits of the container if the replicas is 1, in this case, the csi-qingcloud-controller, you can enforce this by adding below arguments to the vpa-updater deployment:

    - "--min-replicas=1"


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
config.qy_access_key_id Access key id of QingCloud
config.qy_secret_access_key Access secret of QingCloud Zone of QingCloud API host of QingCloud
config.port API port of QingCloud 443
config.protocol API protocol of QingCloud https
config.uri API URI of QingCloud /iaas
config.connection_retries Retry count of API 3
config.connection_timeout Retry time out of API 30 Name of the CSI driver
driver.repository Image of CSI plugin csiplugin/csi-qingcloud
driver.pullPolicy Image pull policy of CSI plugin IfNotPresent
driver.maxVolume Max volume of CSI plugin 9
driver.retryDetachTimesMax Max time of retry detach 100
driver.kubeletDir Directory of kubelet /var/lib/kubelet
provisioner.repository Image of csi-provisioner csiplugin/csi-provisioner
provisioner.tag Tag of csi-provisioner v2.2.2
provisioner.volumeNamePrefix Prefix of volume name created by the driver pvc
attacher.repository Image of csi-attacher csiplugin/csi-attacher
attacher.tag Tag of csi-attacher v3.2.1
resizer.repository Image of csi-resizer csiplugin/csi-resizer
resizere.tag Tag of csi-resizer v1.2.0
snapshotter.repository Image of csi-snapshotter csiplugin/csi-snapshotter
snapshotter.tag Tag of csi-snapshotter v4.0.0
registar.repository Image of csi-node-driver-registrar csiplugin/csi-node-driver-registrar
registar.tag Tag of csi-node-driver-registrar v2.2.0
sc.enable Whether to enable this StorageClass true
sc.isDefaultClass Whether to set this StorageClass as the default StorageClass false Name of storage class csi-qingcloud
sc.type Type parameter of storage class. If setauto, disk type will be automatically set according to instance type auto
sc.replica 1 represents single duplication disk,2 represents multiple duplication disk 2
sc.tags Tag parameter of storage class
sc.fsType FsType parameter of storage class ext4
sc.reclaimPolicy ReclaimPolicy parameter of storage class Delete
sc.allowVolumeExpansion AllowVolumeExpansion parameter of storage class true
sc.volumeBindingMode VolumeBindingMode parameter of storage class WaitForFirstConsumer
enableVPA Whether to enable vertical-pod-autoscaler false