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File metadata and controls

73 lines (67 loc) · 5.8 KB


Name Description Default
dev Device path of robot /dev/ttyUSB0
base_frame The robot's base frame ID base_footprint
odom_frame The robot's odometry frame ID odom
latch_cmd_duration If this many seconds passes without receiving a velocity command the robot stops 0.2
loop_hz Frequency of internal update loop 10.0
publish_tf Publish the transform from odom_frame to base_frame true
robot_model The type of robot being controlled (supported values: ROOMBA_400, CREATE_1 and CREATE_2) CREATE_2
baud Serial baud rate Inferred based on robot model, but is overwritten upon providing a value


Topic Description Type
battery/capacity The estimated charge capacity of the robot's battery (Ah) std_msgs/Float32
battery/charge The current charge of the robot's battery (Ah) std_msgs/Float32
battery/charge_ratio Charge / capacity std_msgs/Float32
battery/charging_state The chargins state of the battery ca_msgs/ChargingState
battery/current Current flowing through the robot's battery (A). Positive current implies charging std_msgs/Float32
battery/temperature The temperature of the robot's battery (degrees Celsius) std_msgs/Int16
battery/voltage Voltage of the robot's battery (V) std_msgs/Float32
bumper Bumper state message (including light sensors on bumpers) ca_msgs/Bumper
clean_button 'clean' button is pressed ('play' button for Create 1) std_msgs/Empty
cliff 'cliff' sensors are pressed ca_msgs/Cliff
day_button 'day' button is pressed std_msgs/Empty
hour_button 'hour' button is pressed std_msgs/Empty
minute_button 'minute' button is pressed std_msgs/Empty
dock_button 'dock' button is pressed ('advance' button for Create 1) std_msgs/Empty
spot_button 'spot' button is pressed std_msgs/Empty
ir_omni The IR character currently being read by the omnidirectional receiver. Value 0 means no character is being received std_msgs/UInt16
joint_states The states (position, velocity) of the drive wheel joints sensor_msgs/JointState
mode The current mode of the robot (See OI Spec for details) ca_msgs/Mode
odom Robot odometry according to wheel encoders nav_msgs/Odometry
wall Wall is detected std_msgs/Bool
wheeldrop At least one of the drive wheels has dropped std_msgs/Empty
/tf The transform from the odom frame to base_footprint. Only if the parameter publish_tf is true tf2_msgs/TFMessage


Topic Description Type
cmd_vel Drives the robot's wheels according to a forward and angular velocity geometry_msgs/Twist
debris_led Enable / disable the blue 'debris' LED std_msgs/Bool
spot_led Enable / disable the 'spot' LED std_msgs/Bool
dock_led Enable / disable the 'dock' LED std_msgs/Bool
check_led Enable / disable the 'check robot' LED std_msgs/Bool
power_led Set the 'power' LED color and intensity. Accepts 1 or 2 bytes, the first represents the color between green (0) and red (255) and the second (optional) represents the intensity with brightest setting as default (255) std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray
set_ascii Sets the 4 digit LEDs. Accepts 1 to 4 bytes, each representing an ASCII character to be displayed from left to right std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray
dock Activates the demo docking behaviour. Robot enters Passive mode meaning the user loses control (See OI Spec) std_msgs/Empty
undock Switches robot to Full mode giving control back to the user std_msgs/Empty
define_song Define a song with up to 16 notes. Each note is described by a MIDI note number and a float32 duration in seconds. The longest duration is 255/64 seconds. You can define up to 4 songs (See OI Spec) ca_msgs/DefineSong
play_song Play a predefined song ca_msgs/PlaySong