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RBQL Description

RBQL is minimalistic but powerful SQL-like language that supports "select" queries with python expressions. RBQL works with tsv and csv files, so you don't need a database to use it. RBQL is similar to "awk" unix tool.

Main Features

  • Use python expressions inside "select", "where" and "order by" statements
  • Use "a1", "a2", ... , "aN" as column names to write select queries
  • Output entries appear in the same order as in input unless "ORDER BY" is provided.
  • "NR" variable holds record's line number
  • Input csv/tsv table may contain varying number of entries (but select query must be written in a way that prevents output of missing values)

Supported SQL Keywords (Keywords are case insensitive)

  • select
  • where
  • order by
  • desc/asc
  • distinct

Special variables

  • a1, a2, ... , aN - column names
  • * - whole line/entry
  • NR - line number (1-based)
  • NF - number of columns in current line/entry

Query examples

  • select * where NR <= 10 - this is an equivalent of bash command "head -n 10", NR is 1-based')
  • select a1, a4 - this is an equivalent of bash command "cut -f 1,4"
  • select * order by int(a2) desc - this is an equivalent of bash command "sort -k2,2 -r -n"
  • select * order by random.random() - random sort, this is an equivalent of bash command "sort -R"
  • select NR, * - enumerate lines, NR is 1-based
  • select * where re.match(".*ab.*", a1) is not None - select entries where first column has "ab" pattern command line interface

CLI is self explanatory. See ./ --help for all options


./ --query 'select a1, a2 order by a1' < input.tsv > output.tsv


  • python2 or python3