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Rohit edited this page Aug 1, 2015 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the GitFx wiki!

Yet another Git client!!! GitFx is a Git client done entirely in JavaFX and JGit. We are developing a cool Git client with advanced visualisations of JavaFX. Try out the ensemble examples to understand the full power of JavaFX. JGit provides an amazing infrastructure to build the Git version control client


  • Initialise a new repository
  • Change History
  • Clone a Repository
  • Branching - creation, merge and rebasing
  • Advanced Visualisations on commits, code frequency etc.
  • Internationalisation Support

Setting up your repository

Fork the GitFx repository and clone it. GitFx uses the maven build system and should be fairly easy to setup with NetBeans IDE, IntelliJ IDEA CE 14 or Eclipse. You can additionally install Scene builder to edit JavaFX fxml files. However if you are working on Java part alone its not a hard prerequisite.

Here's how you can setup with IntelliJ Idea

Here's how you can setup with NetBeans IDE

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