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This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.

What is this repository for?

The backend code for bonsai. Process SMS(s) for a user, parse it and break it in constituents, classify them and put them to DB.

Ideal flow: App uploads a SMS, SMS is appended to a user table and an event is queued for the userID+SMSID. The background process picks up the event, reads the SMS for the user, do parse/classify and updated the processed table for the user.

When a Get request is fired, the processed table is accessed to get the list of SMS with metadata.

'Get requests' to backend: > Get SMS list: returns all SMSs + meta data (like mechant, category, cost, datetime). > Get stats: returns a structured obj with data points helpful to plot the graph/piecharts.

How do I get set up?

  • Summary of set up
  • Configuration
  • Dependencies
  • Database configuration
  • How to run tests
  • Deployment instructions

Contribution guidelines

  • Writing tests
  • Code review
  • Other guidelines

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact