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File metadata and controls

79 lines (52 loc) · 3.76 KB


jRestrict is a dsl built to restrict .java files into using only what's specified in a simple .jstrict script. The script has 3 main commands:

  1. requires - clauses that must be in the java code for it to be valid. If a single clause is not in the java code then an error is thrown.
  2. encloses - clauses that can be in the java code. The code may not include all clauses, but it can only include the clauses specified here.
  3. prohibits - clauses which may not be in the java code. If any clause specified here is found in the code, then an error is thrown.

Each of the main commands accept a list of clauses. And each clause takes a list of java arguments.

File reading

A special clause file{ <>; <>; ... } has been added to the language, so that an input .java file can be read and analysed.

jRestrict grammar

 script    := file requires? prohibits? encloses?
 filename  := [a-zA-Z]+ ".java" ";"
 file      := "files"     "{" filename+ "}"
 requires  := "requires"  "{" clauses*  "}"
 encloses  := "encloses"  "{" clauses*  "}"
 prohibits := "prohibits" "{" clauses*  "}"
 clauses   := (clause-type | clause-returntype | clause-vartype | clause-operator | clause-modifier | clause-import | clause-loop | clause-branch)
 clause-type       := "type:" java-type ("," java-type)* ";" 
 clause-returntype := "returntype:" java-type ("," java-type)* ";" 
 clause-vartype    := "vartype:" java-type ("," java-type)* ";" 
 java-type         := ("int" | "double" | "boolean" | "float" | "char" | "byte" | "short" | "long" | "void"| JavaIdentifier)
 clause-modifier   := "modifier:" java-modifier ("," java-modifier)* ";"
 java-modifier     := ("public" | "private" | "protected" | "static" | "final" | "abstract" | "volatile" | "synchronized")
 clause-loop       := "loop:" java-loop ("," java-loop)* ";" 
 java-loop         := ("while" | "do" | "for" | "foreach" | "break" | "continue")
 clause-branch     := "branch:" java-branch ("," java-branch)* ";" 
 java-branch       := ("switch" | "if" | "else")
 clause-operator   := "operator:" java-operator ("," java-operator)* ";" 
 java-operator     := (java-ternaryop | java-binaryop | java-unaryop)
 java-unaryop      := ("+" | "-" | "/" | "*" | "%" | "|" | "&" | "=" | "!" | "^" | "~")
 java-binaryop     := ("++" | "--" | ">>" | "<<" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "&=" | "^=" | "|=" | "&&" | "||" | "==" | "<=" | ">=" | "!=")
 java-ternaryop    := (">>>=" | ">>>" | "<<=" | ">>=")
 clause-import     := "import:" java-import ("," java-import)* ";"
 java-import       := [a-zA-Z] ("." [a-zA-Z]* | ".*")
 comments  := "#" [^\n]*
 spaces    := [ \n\r\t]+ | comments

Accepted clauses

type: <java-type>; - restricts a java type usage in the whole code. This includes return type, variable type and argument type.

returntype: <java-type>; - restricts all methods from returning a java types defined here.

vartype: <java-type>; - restricts all varibles from using this java type.

operator: <java-operator>; - restricts the usage of java operators such as assignment.

modifier: <java-modifier>; - restricts the usage of modifiers such as public, private and protected.

import: <java-imports>; - restricts the usage of the import clause.

loop: <java-loop>; - restricts the usage of loop, break and continue.

branch: <java-branch>; - restricts the usage of if and switch.


  • You can't both require and prohibit the same clause;
  • You can't require a clause that has been restricted by encloses;
  • You can't prohibit a clause that has been restricted by encloses.

How to use it

To use jRestrict, you can add the core/ folder to your eclipse project and then add the provided core/main/javaparser-core-3.2.6.jar to your classpath.