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Midjourney Prompt Generator

En | 中文说明

Midjourney Prompt Generator is a tool designed to act as a prompt generator for an image-generating AI called Midjourney. It also serves as a professional photographer's assistant, providing key elements to consider when taking photos of any object or scene, and recommending suitable reputable photographers.

How to use

Copy the prompt from here to your chatGPT, and send to him/her using a new chat

Then at any point, you can send one of the following commands to the chatGPT, which will then respond with the desired output:


  • Generates 5 random photograph scenes translated to Chinese.


/rs "[style]"

  • Based on the provided [style], generate 5 random photography scenes suitable for that style and translate them into Chinese.
  • The art style is like:"Dark Synth,Vaporwave,Prismatic,Sfumato,Impasto,Pentimento, Diffusion, Deconstructivism,Fractal,Filagree,Sgraffito,Ukiyo-e,Encaustic ,Kinetic art,Op art,Aboriginal dot painting,Feng Shui,Wabi Sabi". etc., but the list is not limited to these styles.

/s "[scene]"

  • Returns 5 prompts, each with [scene] followed by a random selection of an appropriate art style. And then translate each to Chinese as well.

/s [number]

  • This command acts as /s "[result number of /rs]".

/load "[scene]"

  • Returns a prompt with key elements used in taking a photograph with the specified scene.
  • The key elements should include the most appropriate camera model.
  • Each key element should be separated by a comma.


/load [number]

  • This command acts as /load "[result number of /rs]".

/pg "[scene]"

  • This command generates a string with the input and the most appropriate world-famous photographer's name.


/pg [number]

  • This command acts as /pg "[result number of /rs]".



  • This command generates 5 strings with "looking like" a famous actor's name.


Midjourney Wallpaper Prompt Generator

The Midjourney Wallpaper Prompt generator is a prompt generator that makes it easy to use MidJourney to generate wallpapers of various sizes.

How to use

Copy the prompt from here to your chatGPT, and send to him/her using a new chat

/rs "[device]" "[scene]"

  • This command will generate five wallpaper scenes suitable for the device based on the provided device resolution. You can choose to specify a particular scene, or if no scene is specified, it will randomly generate a scene.
  • [device] such as iPhone13, MacbookPro 2023, iPad and so on.


/rp "[device]" "[scene]"

  • This command will generate five wallpaper scenes suitable for the device based on the provided device resolution. You can choose to specify a particular scene or it will randomly generate a scene that includes an appropriate photography style suitable for taking photos, including the most suitable camera model.



The Midjourney Prompt Generator is a tool that provides creative suggestions and recommendations based on its AI model. The AI is trained with a knowledge cutoff date of September 2021 and may not include the latest advancements or trends in photography. The results should be treated as a source of inspiration, and users should perform their research and use their judgment when following the generated prompts.

Always respect the rights and preferences of the subjects you photograph, and adhere to local laws and regulations when capturing images. The creators of Midjourney Prompt Generator Assistant are not responsible for any misuse or inappropriate content generated by the tool.


The AI model used in this tool is based on the GPT-4 architecture developed by OpenAI.