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Signing and sending transactions

You can also request transaction signature, and then send the transaction through the user's wallet. Here is an example (deployed at 0x8A95F73C1dF49899954162FC9156ADa4646cbB72 on Sepolia):

Here is the code:

function getUI(address forAddress) public view override returns (string memory) {
    return string.concat(

function depositAction(address forAddress) public view returns (string memory) {
	bytes memory depositCall = abi.encodeCall(thisContract.deposit, ());
	return string.concat(
		"<form ",
		  "type=\"tx\" ",
		  "ui-tx=\"/", addressToString(address(thisContract)), "/", bytesToString(depositCall), "\", ",
		  "ui-tx-value=\"$depositAmount\" ",
		  "ui-post=\"/this/", bytesToString(abi.encodePacked(this.onDeposit.selector)), "$ui-txHash\" ",
		  "ui-target=\"#tx-message\" ",
		  "ui-swap=\"innerHTML\" ",
		  "style=\"display: flex; gap: 10px; margin-top: 30px;\">",
			"<input name=\"depositAmount\" class=\"input\" placeholder=\"wei\" type=\"uint256\"/>",
    		"<button ",
			  "type=\"submit\" ",
			  "class=\"button center-children\">",
				"Deposit", loadingSpinner(),
		"<div ",
		  "id=\"tx-message\" ",
		  "style=\"color: #4d7c0f; margin-top: 20px;\">",

function onDeposit(bytes32 txHash) public payable returns (string memory) {
	string memory txHashString = bytesToString(abi.encodePacked(txHash));
	return string.concat(
		"Success! tx hash: ",
		"<a href=\"", getChainSlug(), "/tx/", txHashString, "\">",

As you can see, in order to sign and send transactions, your <form> or <button> type needs to be set to type="tx". You then specify what transaction to send via the ui-tx attribute. In this case it's ui-tx="/0x7b79995e5f793a07bc00c21412e50ecae098e7f9/0xd0e30db0" where 0x7b79995e5f793a07bc00c21412e50ecae098e7f9 is the address of the WETH contract and 0xd0e30db0is the calldata for the deposit function.

You can also optionally specify the value you want to send along with the transaction using the ui-tx-value attribute. And of course you have access to the user input via $[inputName] keyword. So in the example above, we specify the value to send via ui-tx-value="$depositAmount" where depositAmount is the name of the <input> field.

After the transactions is signed and sent, ui-post will execute as normal. At this point you have access to the special variables $ui-txHash (of type bytes32) and $ui-txOutput (of type bytes). These will have the transaction hash and output. In the example above, we display the transaction hash (wrapped in a link) to the user using ui-post="/this/0x7b896725$ui-txHash where 0x7b896725 is the function selector of the onDeposit function.