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Stately Sample

The stately sample is a pair of android an iOS apps, as well as shared code. The apps both have one text box that takes a string, a button to add that value to the shared collections, and another button that will print the current state to standard out.

NOTE: This sample is built and run in Intellij EAP. It has not been tests with Android Studio due to gradle version restrictions. This situation should resolve in the coming weeks.


On the command line, run './gradlew build'. This will build the code as well as prep the iOS side.

To open Xcode, in terminal

cd iosApp
open iosApp.xcodeproj 

Select a simulator and run.

For Android, create an Android run config and run.

Points of Interest


The dependency for Stately is added in the shared build.gradle file

sourceSets {
    commonMain {
        dependencies {
            implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common'
            implementation 'co.touchlab.stately:Stately:0.3.1-kn1.0rc-a1'
    //yada yada

The sample itself is created from Intellij's mobile multiplatform app sample. The only major change you should be aware of is adding the gradle metadata switch to settings.gradle.


That is required to resolve dependencies.


The sample code is in sample/State.kt. This is a top level object, which means with regards to Kotlin/Native, it will be immutable once created.

A set of collections is created for this object, as well as some threaded workers.

val cowList = frozenCopyOnWriteList<SampleData>()
val sharedList = frozenLinkedList<SampleData>()
val coiSharedList = frozenLinkedList<SampleData>(stableIterator = true)
val sharedMap = frozenHashMap<String, SampleData>()

val lruRemovedCount = AtomicInt(0)
val lruCache = frozenLruCache<String, SampleData>(5) {

val workers = Array(4){createWorker()}

These are created frozen, and are shared between threads.

When you call 'putSample', the string is inserted into the various collections, from multiple threads. Calling 'printAll' shows you the output.