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A React Native wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQZone Sharing etc


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A React Native wrapper around the Tencent QQ SDK for Android and iOS. Provides access to QQ ssoLogin, QQ Sharing, QQ Zone Sharing etc.

Table of Contents


  1. QQ SSO Login
  2. QQ Logout
  3. QQ Share
  4. QZone Share
  5. QQ Favorites
  6. checkClientInstalled


npm install --save react-native-qqsdk@latest


 react-native link react-native-qqsdk


  1. Install package from npm
npm install --save react-native-qqsdk@latest
  1. Create a Podfile
  2. Add pod in Podfile something similar to this:
pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native', :subspecs => [
  'RCTWebSocket', # needed for debugging
   # Add any other subspecs you want to use in your project
pod "Yoga", :path => "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga"
pod "react-native-qqsdk", :path => "../node_modules/react-native-qqsdk"
  1. Pod install
  2. Follow step 7,8,9 in iOS Setup


npm install --save react-native-qqsdk@latest

iOS Setup

  1. Open your app's Xcode project

  2. Find the RCTQQSDK.xcodeproj file within the node_modules/react-native-qqsdk/ios directory and drag it into the Libraries node in Xcode

  3. Select the project node in Xcode and select the "Build Phases" tab of your project configuration.

  4. Drag libRCTQQSDK.a from Libraries/RCTQQSDK.xcodeproj/Products into the "Link Binary With Libraries" section of your project's "Build Phases" configuration.

  5. Click the plus sign underneath the "Link Binary With Libraries" list and add the libz.tbd,libiconv.tdb,libstdc++.tbd,libsqlite3.tbd,Security.framework,SystemConfiguration.framework,CoreTelephony.framework,CoreGraphics.framework library .

  6. Click the plus sign underneath the "Link Binary With Libraries" list and add the TencentOpenAPI.framework which locate in ../node_modules/react-native-qqsdk/ios/RCTQQSDK. Then Under the "Build Settings" tab of your project configuration, find the "Framework Search Paths" section and edit the value. Add a new value, $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-qqsdk/ios/RCTQQSDK.

  7. Under the "Info" tab of your project configuration, find the "URL Types" section and add your app Id.

  8. Under the "Info" tab of your project configuration, add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes For QQ SDK. Add LSApplicationQueriesSchemes

  9. add following code to your AppDelegate.m

#import <React/RCTLinkingManager.h>

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url
  sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
  return [RCTLinkingManager application:application openURL:url
                      sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation];

Android Setup

  1. In your android/settings.gradle file, make the following additions:

    include ':app', ':react-native-qqsdk'
    project(':react-native-qqsdk').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-qqsdk/android')
  2. In your android/app/build.gradle file, add the :react-native-qqsdk project as a compile-time dependency:

    dependencies {
        compile project(':react-native-qqsdk')
  3. add App ID to $RNProjectRoot/package.json

  "qq_app_id": "YOUR_QQ_APP_ID"

4.Update the file to use react-native-qqsdk via the following changes:

// 1. Import the plugin class.
import me.vanpan.rctqqsdk.QQSDKPackage;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

    private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {

        protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
            return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                new MainReactPackage(),
                new QQSDKPackage()


Support API

  1. ssoLogin
  2. Logout
  3. checkClientInstalled
  4. Share(see form below)
Platform iOS iOS   iOS   Android Android Android
ShareScene   QQ     QQZone QQ Favorite  QQ     QQZone QQ Favorite
Text        √       √     √          ✕         √     √      
Image        √     √   √        √     √   √    
News        √     √   √        √     √   √    
Audio    √     √   √        √     √   √    

Error Code

code explanation
404        QQ client not found
405        Android Activity not found
500        QQ share (QQSDKPackage,QQZone QQ Favorite) error
503        QQ share (QQSDKPackage,QQZone QQ Favorite) cancelled
600        QQ ssoLogin error
603        ssoLogin cancelled


This plugin support three Image types:

  1. Network URL
  2. Base64
  3. Absolute file path also support resolveAssetSource,for example, resolveAssetSource(require('./news.jpg')).uri


import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
  .catch(()=>{console.log('not installed')});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
  .then((result)=>{'result is', result})
  .catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
  .then((result)=>{'result is', result})
  .catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
  .then((result)=>{console.log('result is', result)})
  .catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
const imgUrl = '';
  .then((result)=>{console.log('result is', result)})
  .catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
import resolveAssetSource from 'resolveAssetSource';
.then((result)=>{console.log('result is', result)})
.catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
import * as QQ from 'react-native-qqsdk';
const audioPreviewUrl = '';
const audioUrl = '';
const imgUrl = '';
.then((result)=>{console.log('result is', result)})
.catch((error)=>{console.log('error is', error)});
var url = '' + accessToken + '&oauth_consumer_key= APPID &openid=' + userId;

About SDK

This plugin use 3.2.0 version sdk for Android,3.2.1 version sdk for iOS. You can download lastest version sdk here


Feel free to contribute


react-native-qqsdk is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for more information.