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Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.


Use the Interpreter pattern when there is a language to interpret, and you can represent statements in the language as abstract syntax trees. The Interpreter pattern works best when:

  • Grammar is simple. For complex grammars, class hierarchies becomes large and unmanageable. Tools such as parser generators are a better alternative in such cases. They can interpret expressions without building abstract syntax trees, which can save space and possibly time.

  • Efficiency is not a critical concern. The most efficient interpreters are usually not implemented by interpreting parse trees directly but by first translating them into another form. For example, regular expressions are often transformed into state machines. But even then, the translator can be implemented by the Interpreter pattern, so the pattern is still applicable.


interpreter structure

  • The client builds (or is given) the sentence as an abstract syntax tree of NonterminalExpression and TerminalExpression instances. Then the client initializes the context and invokes the Interpret operation.

  • Each NonterminalExpression node defines Interpret in terms of Interpret on each subexpression. The Interpret operation of each TerminalExpression edefines the base case in the recursion.

  • The Interpret operations at each node use the context to store and access the sate of the interpreter.


  1. It's easy to change and extend the grammar. Because the pattern uses classes to represent grammar rules, you can use inheritance to change or extend the grammar.

  2. Implemting the grammar is easy. Classes defining nodes in the abstract syntax tree have similar implementations. These classes are easy to write, and often their generation can be automated with a compiler or parsed generator.

  3. Complex grammars are hard to maintain. The Interpreter pattern defines at least one class for every rule in the grammar. Hence grammars containing many rules can be hard to manage and maintain.

  4. Adding new ways to interpret expressons is easy. The Interpreter patter makes it easier to evaluate an expression in a new way. For example, you can support pretty printing or type-checking an expression by defining a new operation on the expression classes. If you keep creating new ways of interpreting an expression, then consider using the Visitor pattern to avoid changing the grammar classes.

Related Patterns

  • Composite: The abstract syntax tree is an instance of the Composite pattern.

  • Flyweight: Shows how to share terminal symbols within the abstract syntax tree.

  • Iterator: The interpreter can use an Iterator to traverse the structure.

  • Visitor: can be used to maintain the behavior in each node in the abstract syntax tree.


  1. Creating the abstract syntax tree. The pattern doesn't explain how to create an abstract syntax tree. In other words, it doesn't address parsing. It can be created by a table-driven parser, by a hand-crafted (usually recursive descent) parser, or directly by the client.

  2. Defining the Interpret operation. You don't have to define the Interpret operation in the expression classes. If it's common to create a new interpreter then it's better to use the Visitor pattern to put Interpret in a separate "visitor" object.

  3. Sharing terminal symbols. Grammars whose sentences contain many occurrences of a terminal symbol might benefit from sharing a single copy of that symboo. Grammars for computer programs are good examples (each program variable will appear in many places throughout the code). Terminal nodes generally don't store information about their position in the abstract syntax tree. Parent nodes pass them whatever context they need during interpretation. Hence there is a distinction between shared (intrinsic) state and passed-in (extrinsic) state, and the Flyweight pattern can be used.


If a particular kind of problem occurs often enough, then it might be worthwhile to express instances of the problem as sentences in a simple language. Then you can build an interpreter that solves the problem by interpreting these sentences.

For example, searching for strings that match a pattern is a common problem. Regular expressions are a standard language for specifying patterns of strings. Rather than building custom algorithms to match each pattern against strings, search algorithms could interpret a regular epxression that specifies a set of strings to match.

The Interpreter pattern describes how to define a grammar for simple languages, represent sentences in the language, and interpret these sentences.

In the following example, the pattern describes how to define a grammar for regular expressions:

interpreter example

The example abstract syntax represents the regular expression raining & (dogs | cats) *.

We can create an interpreter for these regular expressions by defining the INterpret operation on each subclass of RegularExpression. Interpret takes as an argument the context in which to interpret the expression. The context contains the input string and information on how much of it has been matched so far. Each subclass of RegularExpression implements Interpret to match the nexty part of the input string based on the current context. For example,

  • LiteralExpression will check if the input matches the literal it defines.

  • AlternationExpression will check if the input matches any of its alternatives.

  • RepetitionExpression will check if the input has multiple copies of expression it repeats.