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Armeria DocService client

A webapp that shows the Armeria Docs page.


To develop, start the dev server using

$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps
$ npm run develop

or with Gradle (NodeJS will be downloaded automatically)

$ ./gradlew :docs-client:npm_run_develop --no-daemon

This will usually not be useful since without a server running, the client does not have any spec it can render. You can have server calls proxied to a running Armeria server by specifying the ARMERIA_PORT environment variable, e.g.,

$ ARMERIA_PORT=51234 npm run develop

or with Gradle

$ ARMERIA_PORT=51234 ./gradlew :docs-client:npm_run_develop --no-daemon

Replacing the port of the docs page in the running server with 3000 will use the dev server to render while proxying all server calls to the actual Armeria server.

Checking for dependency updates

Use npm-check-updates

$ npx npm-check-updates --target latest

Updating licenses

Make sure to include the ../licenses/web-licenses.txt file in your commit if it is updated automatically during the build process (npm run build).