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Automat 24.8 is a major change to the public API - effectively a whole new library. For ease of migration, the code and API documentation still contains MethodicalMachine, effectively the previous version of the library. However, for readability, the narrative documentation now only documents TypeMachineBuilder. If you need documentation for that earlier version, you can find it as v22.10.0 on readthedocs.

The Basics: a Garage Door Opener

Describing the State Machine

Let's consider :ref:`the garage door example from the introduction<Garage-Example>`.

Automat takes great care to present a state machine as a collection of regular methods. So we define what those methods are with a :py:class:`typing.Protocol` that describes them.

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: GarageController

This protocol tells us that only 3 things can happen to our controller from the outside world (its inputs): the user can push the button, the "door is all the way up" sensor can emit a signal, or the "door is all the way down" sensor can emit a signal. So those are our inputs.

However, our state machine also needs to be able to affect things in the world (its outputs). As we are writing a program in Python, these come in the form of a Python object that can be shared between all the states that implement our controller, and for this purpose we define a simple shared-data class:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: DoorDevices

Here we have a reference to a Motor that can open and close the door, and an Alarm that can beep to alert people that the door is closing.

Next we need to combine those together, using a :py:class:`automat.TypeMachineBuilder`.

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: start building
   :end-before: build states

Next we have to define our states. Let's start with four simple ones:

  1. closed - the door is closed and idle
  2. opening - the door is actively opening
  3. opened - the door is open and idle
  4. closing - the door is actively closing
.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: build states
   :end-before: end states

To describe the state machine, we define a series of transitions, using the method .upon():

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: build methods
   :end-before: end methods

Building and using the state machine

Now that we have described all the inputs, states, and output behaviors, it's time to actually build the state machine:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: do build
   :end-before: end building

The :py:meth:`` method creates a callable that takes an instance of its state core (DoorDevices) and returns an object that conforms to its inputs protocol (GarageController). We can then take this machineFactory and call it, like so:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: do instantiate
   :end-before: end instantiate

Because we defined closed as our first state above, the machine begins in that state by default. So the first thing we'll do is to open the door:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: do open
   :end-before: end open

If we run this, we will then see some output, indicating that the motor is running:

motor running up

If we press the button again, rather than silently double-starting the motor, we will get an error, since we haven't yet defined a state transition for this state yet. The traceback looks like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../automat/", line 419, in implementation
    [outputs, tracer] = transitioner.transition(methodInput)
  File ".../automat/", line 196, in transition
    outState, outputSymbols = self._automaton.outputForInput(
  File ".../automat/", line 169, in outputForInput
    raise NoTransition(state=inState, symbol=inputSymbol)
automat._core.NoTransition: no transition for pushButton in TypedState(name='opening')

At first, this might seem like it's making more work for you. If you don't want to crash the code that calls your methods, you need to provide many more implementations of the same method for each different state. But, in this case, by causing this exception before running any of your code, Automat is protecting your internal state: although client code will get an exception, the internal state of your garage door controller will remain consistent.

If you did not explicitly take a specific state into consideration while implementing some behavior, that behavior will never be invoked. Therefore, it cannot do something potentially harmful like double-starting the motor.

If we trigger the open sensor so that the door completes its transition to the 'open' state, then push the button again, the buzzer will sound and the door will descend:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: sensor and close
   :end-before: end close

motor stopped
beep beep beep
motor running down

Try these exercises to get to to know Automat a little bit better:

  • When the button is pushed while the door is opening, the motor should stop, and if it's pressed again, the door should go in the reverse direction; for exmaple, if it's opening, it should pause and then close again, and if it's closing, it should pause and then open again. Make it do this rather than raise an exception.
  • Add a 'safety sensor' input, that refuses to close the door while it is tripped.

Taking, Storing, and Returning Data

Any method defined by the input protocol can take arguments and return values, just like any Python method. In order to facilitate this, all transition behavior methods must be able to accept any signature that their input can.

To demonstrate this, let's add a feature to our door. Instead of a single button, let's add the ability to pair multiple remotes to open the door, so we can note which remote was used in a security log. For starters, we will need to modify our pushButton method to accept a remoteID argument, which we can print out.

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: GarageController.pushButton

If you're using mypy, you will immediately see a type error when making this change, as all the calls to <state>.upon(GarageController.pushButton) now complain something like this: error: Argument 1 to "__call__" of "TransitionRegistrar"
     has incompatible type "Callable[[GarageController, DoorDevices], None]";
     expected "Callable[[GarageController, DoorDevices, str], None]"  [arg-type]

The TransitionRegistrar object is the result of calling .to(...), so what this is saying is that your function that is decorated with, say, @closed.upon(GarageController.pushButton).to(opening), takes your input protocol and your shared core object (as all transition behavior functions must), but does not take the str argument that pushButton takes. To fix it, we can add that parameter everywhere, and print it out, like so:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: startOpening

Obviously, mypy will also complain that our test callers are missing the remoteID argument as well, so if we change them to pass along some value like so:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: do open
   :end-before: end open

Then we will see it in our output:

opened by alice

Return values are treated in the same way as parameters. If your input protocol specifies a return type, then all behavior methods must also return that type. Your type checker will help ensure that these all line up for you as well.

You can download the full examples here:

More Advanced Usage: a Membership Card Automat Restaurant

Setting Up the Example

We will have to shift to a slightly more complex example to demonstrate Automat's more sophisticated features. Rather than opening the single door on our garage, let's implement the payment machine for an Automat - a food vending machine.

Our automat operates on a membership system. You buy an AutoBux card, load it up, and then once you are at the machine, you swipe your card, make a selection, your account is debited, and your food is dispensed.

State-specific Data

One of the coolest feature of Automat is not merely enforcing state transitions, but ensuring that the right data is always available in the right state. For our membership-card example, will start in an "idle" state, but when a customer swipes their card and starts to make their food selection, we have now entered the "choosing" state, it is crucial that if we are in the choosing state, then we must know which customer's card we will charge.

We set up the state machine in much the same way as before: a state core:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: AutomatCore

And an inputs protocol:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: Automat

It may jump out at you that the _dispenseFood method is private. That's a bit unusual for a Protocol, which is usually used to describe a publicly-facing API. Indeed, you might even want a second Protocol to hide this away from your public documentation. But for Automat, this is important because it's what lets us implement a conditional state transition, something commonly associated with state-specific data.

We will get to that in a moment, but first, let's define that data. We'll begin with a function that, like transition behavior functions, takes our input protocol and core type. Its job will be to build our state-specific data for the "choosing" state, i.e. payment details. Entering this state requires an accountID as supplied by our swipeCard input, so we will require that as a parameter as well:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: rememberAccount

Next, let's actually build the machine. We will use rememberAccount as the second parameter to TypeMachineBuilder.state(), which defines choosing as a data state:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: define machine
   :end-before: end define


Here, because swipeCard doesn't need any behavior and returns a static, immutable type (None), we define the transition with .returns(None) rather than giving it a behavior function. This is the same as using @idle.upon(Automat.swipeCard).to(choosing) as a decorator on an empty function, but a lot faster to type and to read.

The fact that choosing is a data state adds two new requirements to its transitions:x

  1. First, for every transition defined to the choosing state, the data factory function -- rememberAccount -- must be callable with whatever parameters defined in the input. If you want to make a lenient data factory that supports multiple signatures, you can always add *args: object, **kwargs: object to its signature, but any parameters it requires (in this case, accountID) must be present in any input protocol methods that transition to choosing so that they can be passed along to the factory.
  2. Second, for every transition defined from the choosing state, behavior functions will accept an additional parameter, of the same type returned by their state-specific data factory function. In other words, we will build a PaymentDetails object on every transition to choosing, and then remember and pass that object to every behavior function as long as the machine remains in that state.

Conditional State Transitions

Formally, in a deterministic finite-state automaton, an input in one state must result in the same transition to the same output state. When you define transitions statically, Automat adheres to this rule. However, in many real-world cases, which state you end up in after a particular event depends on things like the input data or internal state. In this example, if the user's AutoBux™ account balance is too low, then the food should not be dispensed; it should prompt the user to make another selection.

Because it must be static, this means that the transition we will define from the choosing state upon selectFood will actually be a .loop() -- in other words, back to choosing -- rather than .to(idle). Within the behavior function of that transition, if we have determined that the user's card has been charged properly, we will call back into the Automat protocol via the _dispenseFood private input, like so:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: selected

And since we want that input to transition us back to idle once the food has been dispensed, once again, we register a static transition, and this one's behavior is much simpler:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: doOpen

You can download the full example here:


Observant readers may have noticed a slightly odd detail in the previous section.

If our selected behavior function can cause a transition to another state before it's completed, but that other state's behaviors may require invariants that are maintained by previous behavior (i.e. selected itself) having completed, doesn't that create a paradox? How can we just invoke inputs._dispenseFood and have it work?

In fact, you can't. This is an unresolvable paradox, and automat does a little trick to allow this convenient illusion, but it only works in some cases.

Problems that lend themselves to state machines often involve setting up state to generate inputs back to the state machine in the future. For example, in the garage door example above, we implicitly registered sensors to call the openSensor and closeSensor methods. A more complete implementation in the behavior might need to set a timeout with an event loop, to automatically close the door after a certain amount of time. Being able to treat the state machines inputs as regular bound methods that can be used in callbacks is extremely convenient for this sort of thing. For those use cases, there are no particular limits on what can be called; once the behavior itself is finished and it's no longer on the stack, the object will behave exactly as its Protocol describes.

One constraint is that any method you invoke in this way cannot return any value except None. This very simple machine, for example, that attempts to invoke a behavior that returns an integer:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: #begin
   :end-before: #end

will result in a traceback like so:

  File "", line 24, in behave
    print("computed:", inputs.compute())
  File ".../automat/", line 406, in implementation
    raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: attempting to reentrantly run Inputs.compute
    but it wants to return <class 'int'> not None

However, if instead of calling the method immediately, we save the method away to invoke later, it works fine once the current behavior function has completed:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: begin computations
   :end-before: end computations

This simply prints 3, as expected.

But why is there a constraint on return type? Surely a None-returning method with side effects depends on its internal state just as much as something that returns a value? Running it re-entrantly before finishing the previous behavior would leave things in an invalid state, so how can it run at all?

The magic that makes this work is that Automat automatically makes the invocation not reentrant, by re-ordering it for you. It can re-order a second behavior that returns None to run at the end of your current behavior, but it cannot steal a return value from the future, so it raises an exception to avoid confusion.

But there is still the potentially confusing edge-case of re-ordering. A machine that contains these two behaviors:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: one
.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: two

will, when .behavior1() is invoked on it, print like so:

starting behavior 1
ending behavior 1
behavior 2

In general, this re-ordering is what you want idiomatically when working with a state machine, but it is important to know that it can happen. If you have code that you do want to invoke side effects in a precise order, put it in a function or into a method on your shared core.

How do I get the current state of a state machine?

Don't do that.

One major reason for having a state machine is that you want the callers of the state machine to just provide the appropriate input to the machine at the appropriate time, and not have to check themselves what state the machine is in.

The whole point of Automat is to never, ever write code that looks like this, and places the burden on the caller:

if connectionMachine.state == "CONNECTED":
    print("not connected")

Instead, just make your calling code do this:


and then change your state machine to look like this:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: begin salient
   :end-before: end salient

so that the responsibility for knowing which state the state machine is in remains within the state machine itself.

If I can't get the state of the state machine, how can I save it to (a database, an API response, a file on disk...)

On the serialization side, you can build inputs that return a type that every state can respond to. For example, here's a machine that maintains an int value in its core, and a str value in a piece of state-specific data. This really just works like implementing any other return value.

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: begin salient
   :end-before: end salient

getting the data out then looks like this:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :start-after: build and serialize
   :end-before: end build

which produces:

(3, None)
(3, DataObj(datum='hi'))

Future versions of automat may include some utility functionaity here to reduce boilerplate, but no additional features are required to address this half of the problem.

However, for *de*serialization, we do need the ability to start in a different initial state. For non-data states, it's simple enough; construct an appropriate shared core, and just pass the state that you want; in our case, nodata:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: deserializeWithoutData

Finally, all we need to deserialize a state with state-specific data is to pass a factory function which takes inputs, core as arguments, just like behavior and data-factory functions. Since we are skipping directly to the data state, we will skip the data factory declared on the state itself, and call this one:

.. literalinclude:: examples/
   :pyobject: deserialize


In this specific deserialization context, since the object isn't even really constructed yet, the inputs argument is in a totally invalid state and cannot be invoked reentrantly at all; any method will raise an exception if called during the duration of this special deserialization data factory. You can only use it to save it away on your state-specific data for future invocations once the state machine instance is built.

You can download the full example here:

And that's pretty much all you need to know in order to build type-safe state machines with Automat!