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Build status Description
CircleCI Cypress CI (this repo)
CircleCI cypress-test-node-versions
CircleCI cypress-test-ci-environments
CircleCI cypress-test-module-api
CircleCI cypress-on
CircleCI docsearch-scraper
Docker Build Status cypress-docker-images


This is the Cypress monorepo, containing all packages that make up the Cypress app. See Issue #256 for details.

This monorepo is made up of various packages, all of which are found under the packages directory. They are discrete modules with different responsibilities, but each is necessary for the Cypress app and is not necessarily useful outside of the Cypress app.

Some, like core-https-proxy and core-launcher, run solely in node and support the Cypress server. Others, like core-desktop-gui and core-runner, create the GUI parts of the Cypress app.

CLI Documentation


Getting Started

Install all dependencies:

npm install

This will install this repo's direct dependencies as well as the dependencies for every individual package.

Then, build all the packages and start the app:

npm run all build
npm start

If there are errors building the packages, run with DEBUG=cypress:run ... option to see more details


Each package is responsible for building itself and testing itself and can do so using whatever tools are appropriate, but each conforms to a standard set of npm scripts so that building, watching, testing, etc. can be orchestrated from the root of this repo. Here are the npm scripts supported and what they mean:

build-dev: Build all assets for development

build-prod: Build all assets for production

watch-dev: Watch source files and build development assets when they are saved. This may also run a server for serving files and run tests related to a saved file.

server: Run a server for serving files

clean: Remove any assets created by build-dev or build-prod

clean-deps: Remove any dependencies installed (usually by npm or bower)

test-all: Run all tests in watch mode

test-all-once: Run all tests

test-all-unit: Run unit tests in watch mode

test-all-unit-once: Run unit tests

test-all-integration: Run integration tests in watch mode

test-all-integration-once: Run integration tests

test-all-e2e: Run end-2-end tests in watch mode

test-all-e2e-once: Run end-2-end tests

Not every package requires or makes use of every script, so it is simply omitted from that package's package.json and not run.

You can run npm run all <script> to run a script in every package that utilizes that script. Many times, you may only be working on one or two packages at a time, so it won't be necessary or desirable to run a script for every package. You can use the --packages option to specify in which package(s) to run the script.

You can even run npm run all install to install all npm dependencies for each package. Note that this is already done automatically for you when you run npm install.

npm run all watch-dev -- --packages core-desktop-gui

Separate the package names with commas to specify multiple packages:

npm run all watch-dev -- --packages core-desktop-gui,core-runner

By default, all tasks run in parallel. This is faster than running serially, but the output ends up mixed together and, if things go wrong, it can be difficult see where the error occurred. To run tasks serially, use the --serial flag:

npm run all build-prod -- --serial

build-prod will be run sequentially for every package, so the output for each package won't be jumbled with the output of the others.

It is not recommended to use --serial with any script that is long-running, like watch-dev or test, since they need to be parallel.

Since it is generally best to do single runs of tests serially instead of in parallel, this repo has some convenience scripts to run all the tests for all the packages sequentially:

npm run test-once ## same as 'npm run all test-once -- --serial'
npm run test-unit-once ## same as 'npm run all test-unit-once -- --serial'
npm run test-integration-once ## same as 'npm run all test-integration-once -- --serial'
npm run test-e2e-once ## same as 'npm run all test-e2e-once -- --serial'


Some packages use debug to log debug messages to the console. The naming scheme should be cypress:<package name>. For example to see launcher messages during unit tests start it using

cd packages/launcher
DEBUG=cypress:launcher npm test

If you want to see log messages from all Cypress projects use wild card

DEBUG=cypress:* ...


Sometimes tests pass locally, but fail on CI. Our CI environment should be dockerized. In order to run the same image locally, there is script scripts/ that assumes that you have pulled the image cypress/internal:chrome58 (see circle.yml for the current image name).

The image will start and will map the root of the monorepo to /cypress-monorepo inside the image. Now you can modify the files using your favorite environment and rerun tests inside the docker environment.

*hint sometimes building inside the image has problems with node-sass library

Error: Missing binding /cypress-monorepo/packages/desktop-gui/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-48/binding.node
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Node.js 6.x

Found bindings for the following environments:
  - OS X 64-bit with Node.js 6.x

This usually happens because your environment has changed since running `npm install`.
Run `npm rebuild node-sass` to build the binding for your current environment.

From the running container, go into that project and rebuild node-sass

$ npm run docker
cd packages/desktop-gui
npm rebuild node-sass


You can only deploy Cypress application and publish NPM module cypress if you are a member of cypress NPM organization.

Building the binary

First, you need to build, zip and upload application binary to Cypress server. You can either specify each command separately

npm run binary-build
npm run binary-zip
npm run binary-upload

or use a single command

npm run binary-deploy

You can pass options to each command to avoid answering questions, for example

npm run binary-deploy -- --platform darwin --version 0.20.0
npm run binary-upload -- --platform darwin --version 0.20.0 --zip

If something goes wrong, see debug messages using DEBUG=cypress:binary ... environment variable.

Because we had many problems reliably zipping built binary, for now we need to build both Mac and Linux binary from Mac (Linux binary is built using a Docker container), then zip it from Mac, then upload it.