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Read Me FIRST!

Do NOT edit this README. Go to src/apps/ to view and edit user README

Built from

For template design principles, see

Template Maintenance

1 - setup to allow incoming merge from upstream template update

# run once only after you `clone`, or `fork` or `delete .git and run git init`

2 - Setup for your custom code

# setup your env file
cp src/apps/.env.sample src/apps/.env.development

Important notes

  • DO NOT develop custom code using apps/app-sample. Rename it or copy it to another folder name
  • In apps/apploader.js, change app-sample to the folder you are using
  • userland changes ONLY in the src/apps folder, NEVER outside the folder. Contact template maintainer if you need something outside src/apps
  • do note any conflicts to resolve when merging from upstream

3 - Updating the template

# Commit and push to remote before running commands below
git fetch upstream # includes tags
git pull upstream <branch or tag> --no-rebase
# NO MORE IN USE git merge upstream/<branch or tag> --allow-unrelated-histories
# There may be some template related merge conflicts to resolve.

Suggested Conventions

  • branch
    • main = stable
    • work = working branch
    • feat-
    • bugfix-
  • release tags
    • use semver, e.g. 1.2.3
    • should tag main branch

Install & Run & E2E Test

npm i
cd src/apps
npm i
# Note your custom development folder is `<project root>/src/apps/web-sample`

cd ../.. # go back

npm run dev # using the dev server
# OR
npm run dev:mocked # to run with mock service worker (many other API calls will fail because they are not mocked)

Visit to view application

Note For Login

Login using one of the following:

  • Mocked [NOTE: API calls to protected Endpoints WILL FAIL!]:
    • Login: fake a user and login, no backend needed, just click button
    • Login Callback: fake a callback and set fake user and login, no backend needed, just click button
  • Login: normal login with OTP, express server needs to be run
    • details already prefilled with following values, just click on Login button
    • User and password is test
    • OTP (if enabled - e.g. USE_OTP=TEST): use 111111 as otp pin, already prefilled, click on OTP button
  • Enterprise SSO (SAML2, OIDC) refer to for info

E2E Tests:

npx playwright install chromium
npx playwright test --browser=chromium

cd src/apps/web-sample
npm run test:e2e

Project Structure And Features

See src/apps/

Frontend Custom Application Notes

Setting up your custom frontend


  • .env.[MODE] indicates the environment file to use (command to use: npx vite build --mode $1)
  • src/apps/apploader.js will specify the path to setup.js of in your custom code folder
  • see src/apps/web-sample/setup.js on the frontend setup especially the ROUTES property
  • ROUTES property
    • use kebab-case, will be converted to Capital Case in menu display
    • only up to 1 submenu level
      • /first-level
      • /submenu/second-level
    • paths
      • '~/xxx.js' from /src folder
      • '/xxx.js' from folder

Sample Deployment - WIP

  1. configure .env.production
  2. run the following workflow .github\workflows\sample-manual-gh-pages.yml, select env as production

PUT ?website HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 256 Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 12:00:00 GMT Authorization: signatureValue

index.html index.html

Notes & Todos

  • Move the following files to userland folder if possible
    • package.json (may not be necessary)
  • Why Use Vite