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moreCUDA in the github repository CompPhys contains more CUDA C/C++ examples.

Table of Contents

In this

  • nvcc - nVidia CUDA Compiler Driver
  • scan, containing Hillis/Steele (inclusive) and Blelloch (i.e. Prefix, exclusive) scan(s)
  • cudaMemcpy
  • Pitched Pointer, 2d array, 3d array on the device
  • cudaMallocArray and associated examples (in NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 Samples)
  • Texture memory
  • Surface memory
  • Constant Memory, __constant__
  • Finite-Difference, shared memory, tiling
  • C++ Classes on the device, GPU
  • Compiling errors when using __constant__ memory
  • Dirty CUDA C/C++ Troubleshooting
  • thrust, and useful links for thrust
  • CUB
codename Key code, code function, demonstrations Description cudaMalloc3DArray __constant__, cudaMemcpy, cudaMalloc arrays of float3, on host, on device
./scan/ scan, scans, Hillis/Steele (inclusive) scan, Blelloch (exclusive) scan, Prefix scan Hillis/Steele (inclusive) and Blelloch (i.e. Prefix, exclusive) scan(s)
./samples02/ texture<,,>, tex1Dfetch,cudaBindTexture texture memory of 1-dim. linear array, cf. CUDA Advanced Memory Usage and Optimization, Yukai Hung, National Taiwan Univ.
./samples02/ texture<,,>, tex1Dfetch,cudaBindTexture texture memory of 1-dim. linear array, same as, but with print out of results (sanity checks)
./samples02/ texture<,,>, tex2D, cudaArray, cudaChannelFormatDesc, cudaCreateChannelDesc, cudaMallocArray, .filterMode, .addressMode texture float memory over 2-dimensional cuda Array
./samples02/ tex3D texture float memory over 3-dimensional cuda Array
./samples02/ cudaTextureObject_t, cudaCreateChannelDesc code sample, in VERBATIM, (attempting) to apply some simple transformation kernel to a texture cf. Texture Object API of CUDA Toolkit 8 Documentation
./thruststuff/ thrust::reduce, thrust::sequence, thrust::device_vector, thrust::host_vector Uses reduce to sum up all elements of a vector "directly" on the device GPU; uses thrust::sequence to make up some non-trivial initial values; I needed to test out thrust's reduce algorithm C++ class templates, template< > ./thruststuff/ranges, cf. Separate C++ Template Headers (*.h) and Implementation files (*.cpp), other than examples of ranges, this is an example of separating C++ class templates to the header file cuRAND, CUB, std::vector, std::vector::data example use of cuRAND
./CUBLAS/ cuBLAS, CUDA Unified Memory Management, __managed__ Examples of using cuBLAS, for linear algebra, including examples for using cuBLAS with CUDA Unified Memory Management
./CUSOLVER/ Singular Value Decomposition, SVD, cuSOLVER simple example in C of Singular Value Decomposition, but with singular vectors, cf. CUDA Toolkit Doc, E.1 SVD with singular vectors
./ std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr, pointer arithmetic (on GPU), cudaMemcpy, cudaMalloc Smart pointers (shared and unique ptrs) arithmetic, in C++11, along with its use with cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy; importantly; 1 can cudaMemcpy to device array starting from any point on the array through pointer arithmetic; both for shared_ptr, unique_ptr, I show how to wrap, with C++11/14 smart pointers, in both ways, the device arrays (!!!)
./ cudaMallocHost Simple but fundamental sanity check for using cudaMallocHost
./ without unified memory Simple program written without the benefit of unified memory, J.1.1. Simplifying GPU Programming
./ cudaMallocManaged Simple program written with the benefit of unified memory, J.1.1. Simplifying GPU Programming
./ __device__, __managed__ Simple program written without the benefit of unified memory, J.1.1. Simplifying GPU Programming
./ cudaMallocManaged, strncpy Simple example, showing use of cudaMallocManaged, J.2.1.1. Explicit Allocation Using cudaMallocManaged
./ __managed__ __managed__ annotation to file scope and global scope CUDA __device__ variables; J.2.1.2. Global-Scope Managed Variables Using __managed__
./ __device__, __managed__, concurrentManagedAccess Testing architectures (GPU hardware dependent) on whether it supports concurrent access to managed memory or not; J.2.2.1. GPU Exclusive Access To Managed Memory
./constant/ __constant__, __constant__ struct Using __constant__ memory, __constant__ specifier, with structs
./vectorloads/ int4, float4 Vector loads for higher memory access efficiency
Samples (NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 Samples) associated with CUDA Runtime API list
cf. Table 5. CUDA Runtime API
CUDA Runtime API Samples Directory (in Toolkit 8.0) folder (in Toolkit 8.0)
cudaMallocArray Pitch Linear Texture, Simple Surface Write, Simple Texture 0_Simple simplePitchLinearTexture, simpleSurfaceWrite, simpleTexture

Hillis/Steele (inclusive) scan, Blelloch (prefix; exclusive) scan(s)

In the subdirectory scan in Lesson Code Snippets 3 is an implementation in CUDA C++11 and C++11, with global memory, of the Hillis/Steele (inclusive) scan, Blelloch (prefix; exclusive) scan(s), each in both parallel and serial implementation.

As you can see, for large float arrays, running parallel implementations in CUDA C++11, where I used the GeForce GTX 980 Ti smokes being run serially on the CPU (I use for a CPU the Intel® Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v3 @ 3.50GHz × 12.


Note that I was learning about the Hillis/Steele and Blelloch (i.e. Prefix) scan(s) methods in conjunction with Udacity's cs344, Lesson 3 - Fundamental GPU Algorithms (Reduce, Scan, Histogram), i.e. Unit 3.. I have a writeup of the notes I took related to these scans, formulating them mathematically, on my big CompPhys.pdf, Computational Physics notes.

nvcc - (nVidia CUDA Compiler Driver)

cf. 2.4. Supported Phases

| Phase | nvcc Option || Default Output File Name |

Long Name Short Name
C/C++ compilation to object file --compile -c Source file name with suffix replaced by -o on Linux and Mac OS X, or obj on Windows

cf. 3.2.1. Options for Specifying the Compilation Phase

Long Name Short Name Description
--device-c -dc Compile each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It is equivalent to --relocatable-device-code=true --compile.

cf. 3.2.2. File and Path Specifications

| Long Name | Short Name | Description | | --cudart {none|shared|static} | -cudart | Specify the type of CUDA runtime library to be used: no CUDA runtime library, shared/dynamic CUDA runtime library, or static CUDA runtime library.

Allowed values for this option: none, shared, static.

Default value: static |

cf. 3.2.7. Options for Steering GPU Code Generation

Long Name Short Name Description
--relocatable-device-code {`true false`} -rdc

Allowed valued for this option: true, false.

Default value: false |


Note: for some reason, you cannot do this (see

float3* divresult
float3* dev_divresult;

cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_divresult, sizeof(float3));

// do stuff on dev_divresult from a `__global__` function

cudaMemcpy( divresult, dev_divresult, sizeof(float3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ;   

I obtain Segmentation Faults when trying to read out the result.

I can do this:

**float3 divresult**
float3* dev_divresult;

cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_divresult, sizeof(float3));

// do stuff on dev_divresult from a `__global__` function

**cudaMemcpy( &divresult, dev_divresult, sizeof(float3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost) ;**   

cf. CUDA invalid argument when trying to copy struct to device's memory (cudaMemcpy)q

See also the section " Many different cudaMemcpy*'s to try (I honestly don't know which one to use)" down below for the API specifications.

cf. 4.9. Memory Management

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t count, cudaMemcpyKind kind)

Copies data between host and device.

cf. 4.9. Memory Management cudaMemcpy

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMemcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t count, cudaMemcpyKind kind)

Copies data between host and device.


dst - Destination memory address
src - Source memory address
count - Size in bytes to copy
kind - Type of transfer

cudaMemset, cudaMemset2D, cudaMemset2DAsync, cudaMemset3D, cudaMemset3DAsync, cudaMemsetAsync

cf. cudaMemset

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMemset(void* devPtr, int value, size_t count)

Initializes or sets device memory to a value

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMemset2D(void* devPtr, size_t pitch, int value, size_t width, size_t height)

Initializes or sets device memory to a value


cf. cudaMemset

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMemset(void* devPtr, int value, size_t count)

Initializes or sets device memory to a value


devPtr - Pointer to device memory
value - Value to set for each byte of specified memory
count - Size in bytes to set

Pitched Pointer, 2d array, 3d array on the device is an implementation of the code in (2012 Jan 21) Allocating 2D Arrays in Cuda By Steven Mark Ford.

From CUDA Runtime API, CUDA Toolkit Documentation

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMallocPitch( void** devPtr, size_t* pitch, size_t width, size_t height)  

pitch is, as a separate parameter of memory allocation, used to compute addresses within the 2D array. The pitch returned in *pitch by cudaMallocPitch() is the width in bytes of the allocation.

For, I appear to obtain the fastest calculation of a 1000x1000 array on the device, squaring individual elements, with grid, block dimensions, in x-direction, of 32,64 (32 blocks on the grid in the x-direction, 64 threads on a block in the x-direction).

For, I launch on 1 block, 1 thread, because when I do printf, printf executes once; whereas if I launch on 2 blocks, 2 threads, printf executes a total of 4 times. Where does this device (2-dimensional) array live, does it exist on the global memory only once?

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMalloc3D( cudaPitchedPtr* pitchedDevPtr, cudaExtent extent )  

pitchedDevPtr is a pointer to allocated pitched device memory. It appears that from pitchedDevPtr, type cudaPitchedPtr has members (I think it might be a struct, or "class-like") .ptr and .pitch.

extent is a cudaExtent struct (it's a very easy, basic struct) that has the dimensions.

Then this part of the CUDA Toolkit v7.5 documentation, Programming Guide had a code snippet implementing this. I've put this in

However, in the documentation, there's a (char *) pointer to a char, but cudaPitchedPtr instance, called pitchedDevPtr in this case, has, as a data field, .ptr, but it's a void *, i.e. pointer to a void (!!!).

cf. cudaPitchedPtr Struct Reference Data Fields:

size_t pitch
void* ptr
size_t xsize
size_t ysize

What I did was to force the type from (void *) to (char *).

For a 64x64x64 grid, I get the fastest times (68.0802 ms, about) for grid, block dims. (32,4)

__host__ cudaError_t cudaMalloc3DArray( cudaArray_t* array, const cudaChannelFormatDesc* desc, cudaExtent extent, unsigned int flags=0)

cudaChannelFormatDesc appears to be a struct. It seems that we could think of $(x,y,z,w)$ as a 4-vector. However, memory has to be accounted for in bits, not bytes.

cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as (cf. CUDA Runtime API, CUDA_Runtime_API.pdf)

struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
	int x, y, z, w;
	enum cudaChannelFormatKind

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelKindFloat.

I like to think that a $C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^3)$ function on $\mathbb{R}^3$ can be represented as follows (in this context):

cudaChannelFormatDesc somenameChannel { CHAR_BIT*sizeof(float), 0, 0, 0, cudaChannelKindFloat }

with CHAR_BIT being the size of 1 byte in bits and sizeof(float) being the size of a float in bytes.

On cudaArray , straight from the horses mouth: CUDA Arrays, CUDA Toolkit 7.5 Documentation "CUDA arrays are opaque memory layouts optimized for texture fetching. They are one dimensional, two dimensional, or three-dimensional and composed of elements, each of which has 1, 2 or 4 components that may be signed or unsigned 8-, 16-, or 32-bit integers, 16-bit floats, or 32-bit floats. CUDA arrays are only accessible by kernels through texture fetching as described in Texture Memory or surface reading and writing as described in Surface Memory."

Texture memory

One useful explanation: Textures from Moshovos, - Textures.ppt (1.742 Mb)

./samples02/ is an instructive, pedagogical, and simple example of texture memory, over linear memory. Let's take a look at what stuff means for texture reference.

From the Texture Reference API documentation, texture reference is declared at file scope as variable of type texture:

texture<DataType, Type, ReadMode> texRef;


  • DataType specifies type of texel;
  • Type species type of texture reference and is equal to cudaTextureType1D, cudaTextureType2D, or cudaTextureType3D, for a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional texture, respectively, or cudaTextureType1DLayered or cudaTextureType2DLayered for a one-dimensional or two-dimensional layered texture respectively; Type is an optional argument which defaults to cudaTextureType1D;
  • ReadMode specifies the read mode; it is an optional argument which defaults to cudaReadModeElementType.

A texture reference can only be declared as a static global variable and cannot be passed as an argument to a function.

e.g. from ./samples02/, and CUDA Pro Tip:Kepler Texture Objects Improve Performance and Flexibility | Parallel Forall

texture<float,1,cudaReadModeElementType> texreference
template < class T, int dim, enum cudaTextureReadMode readMode >
__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaBindTexture ( size_t* offset,
	 	     		       const texture < T, dim, readMode > & tex,
				       const void* devPtr, size_t size = UINT_MAX ) [inline]

- Offset in bytes
- Texture to bind
- Memory area on device
- Size of the memory area pointed to by devPtr

Description Binds size bytes of the memory area pointed to by devPtr to texture reference tex. The channel descriptor is inherited from the texture reference type. The offset parameter is an optional byte offset as with the low-level cudaBindTexture( size_t*, const struct textureReference*, const void*, const struct cudaChannelFormatDesc*, size_t) function. Any memory previously bound to tex is unbound.


float* diarray;
const int ARRAY_SIZE=3200;

cudaBindTexture(0, texreference, diarray, sizeof(float)*ARRAY_SIZE); // or

  • tex1Dfetch() vs. tex1D(), tex2D(),tex3D()

cf. Additional Texture Capabilities "If textures are fetched using tex1D(), tex2D(), or tex3D() rather than tex1Dfetch(), hardware provides other capabilities that might be useful for some applications", some of those applications listed in Table 4, filtering (fast, low-precision interpolation between texels), normalized texture coordinates (resolution-independent coding), addressing modes (automatic handling of boundary cases).

From B.8.1. Texture Object API, * tex1Dfetch()

template<class T>
T tex1Dfetch(cudaTextureObject_t texObj, int x);

fetches from the region of linear memory specified by the one-dimensional texture object texObj using integer texture coordinate x. tex1Dfetch() only works with non-normalized coordinates, so only the border and clamp addressing modes are supported. It does not perform any texture filtering. For integer types, it may optionally promote the integer to single-precision floating point. * tex1D()

template<class T>
T tex1D(cudaTextureObject_t texObj, float x);

fetches from the CUDA array specified by the one-dimensional texture object texObj using texture coordinate x.

The other attributes of a texture reference are mutable and can be changed at runtime through the host runtime. As explained in the reference manual, the runtime API has a low-level C-style interface and a high-level C++-style interface. The texture type is defined in the high-level API as a structure publicly derived from the textureReference type defined in the low-level API, textureReference:

struct textureReference {
    int                          normalized;
    enum cudaTextureFilterMode   filterMode;
    enum cudaTextureAddressMode  addressMode[3];
    struct cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc;
    int                          sRGB;
    unsigned int                 maxAnisotropy;
    enum cudaTextureFilterMode   mipmapFilterMode;
    float                        mipmapLevelBias;
    float                        minMipmapLevelClamp;
    float                        maxMipmapLevelClamp;
  • normalized specifies whether texture coordinates are normalized or not;
  • filterMode specifies the filtering mode;
  • addressMode specifies the addressing mode;
  • channelDesc describes the format of the texel; it must match the DataType argument of the texture reference declaration; channelDesc is of the following type:
    struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
      int x, y, z, w;
      enum cudaChannelFormatKind f;

where x, y, z, and w are equal to the number of bits of each component of the returned value and f is:

  • cudaChannelFormatKindSigned if these components are of signed integer type,
  • cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned if they are of unsigned integer type,
  • cudaChannelFormatKindFloat if they are of floating point type.

The cudaTextureDesc struct is defined as

‎        struct cudaTextureDesc {
                  enum cudaTextureAddressMode 
                  enum cudaTextureFilterMode  
                  enum cudaTextureReadMode    
                  int                         sRGB;
                  float                       borderColor[4];
                  int                         normalizedCoords;
                  unsigned int                maxAnisotropy;
                  enum cudaTextureFilterMode  
                  float                       mipmapLevelBias;
                  float                       minMipmapLevelClamp;
                  float                       maxMipmapLevelClamp;


  • cudaTextureDesc::filterMode cudaTextureDesc::filterMode specifies the filtering mode to be used when fetching from the texture. cudaTextureFilterMode is defined as:
    ‎        enum cudaTextureFilterMode {
                      cudaFilterModePoint  = 0,
                      cudaFilterModeLinear = 1

e.g. from ./samples02/, and in NVIDIA_CUDA-8.0_Samples/0_Simple, indexed in CUDA Runtime API Samples, Programming Interface, CUDA Toolkit Documentation

texture<float,2,cudaReadModeElementType> texreference;
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefPL;
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefArray;

struct cudaTextureDesc texDesc;
memset(&texDesc,0, sizeof(texDesc));


texRefPL.normalized = 1;
texRefPL.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;
texRefArray.normalized = 1;
texRefArray.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint;

texDesc.addressMode[0]   = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texDesc.addressMode[1]   = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texDesc.filterMode       = cudaFilterModeLinear;
texDesc.readMode         = cudaReadModeElementType;
texDesc.normalizedCoords = 1;
  • cudaTextureDesc::addressMode
    cudaTextureDesc::addressMode specifies the addressing mode for each dimension of the texture data. cudaTextureAddressMode is defined as:
    ‎        enum cudaTextureAddressMode {
                      cudaAddressModeWrap   = 0,
                      cudaAddressModeClamp  = 1,
                      cudaAddressModeMirror = 2,
                      cudaAddressModeBorder = 3

This is ignored if cudaResourceDesc::resType is cudaResourceTypeLinear. Also, if cudaTextureDesc::normalizedCoords is set to zero, cudaAddressModeWrap and cudaAddressModeMirror won't be supported and will be switched to cudaAddressModeClamp.

e.g. from ./samples02/, and in NVIDIA_CUDA-8.0_Samples/0_Simple, indexed in CUDA Runtime API Samples, Programming Interface, CUDA Toolkit Documentation

texture<float,2,cudaReadModeElementType> texreference;
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefPL;
texture<float, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texRefArray;

struct cudaTextureDesc texDesc;
memset(&texDesc,0, sizeof(texDesc));

	// set texture address mode property
	// use cudaAddressModeClamp or cudaAddressModeWrap

texRefPL.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texRefPL.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texRefArray.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texRefArray.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeWrap;

texDesc.addressMode[0]   = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texDesc.addressMode[1]   = cudaAddressModeWrap;
texDesc.filterMode       = cudaFilterModeLinear;
texDesc.readMode         = cudaReadModeElementType;
texDesc.normalizedCoords = 1;
__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArray ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     		       	 size_t wOffset,
					 size_t hOffset,
					 const void* src, size_t count,
					 cudaMemcpyKind kind )

Copies data between host and device.


| | | | :--- : | :---: |
|dst | - Destination memory address | | wOffset | - Destination starting X offset | | hOffset | - Destination starting Y offset |
| src | - Source memory address | | count | - Size in bytes to copy | | kind | - Type of transfer |




Copies count bytes from the memory area pointed to by src to the CUDA array dst starting at the upper left corner (wOffset, hOffset), where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be one of cudaMemcpyHostToHost, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, or cudaMemcpyDefault. Passing cudaMemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault is only allowed on systems that support unified virtual addressing.


  • Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
  • This function exhibits synchronous behavior for most use cases.
    e.g. cf. ./samples02/, in NVIDIA_CUDA-8.0_Samples/0_Simple
float* hmatrix
cudaArray* carray
const int bytes = sizeof(float)*size*size

// Set array size
const int nx = 2048;
const int ny = 2048;

// Host allocation and initialization
float *h_idata = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nx * ny ) ; 

// Array intput data
cudaArray *d_idataArray;

// 0 is the wOffset, destination starting X offset
// 0 is the hOffset, destination starting Y offset

		nx * ny * sizeof(float),

. function <cstring> memset

void * memset ( void * ptr, int value, size_t num );

Fill block of memory Sets the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr to the specified value (interpreted as an unsigned char).


  • ptr
    • Pointer to the block of memory to fill.
  • value
    • Value to be set. The value is passed as an int, but the function fills the block of memory using the unsigned char conversion of this value.
  • num
memset(&resDesc, 0, sizeof(resDesc));
__host__ ​cudaChannelFormatDesc cudaCreateChannelDesc ( int  x, int  y, int  z, int  w,
	 		       			       cudaChannelFormatKind f )

Returns a channel descriptor using the specified format.


x - X component
y - Y component
z - Z component
w - W component
f - Channel format


Channel descriptor with format f

Returns a channel descriptor with format f and number of bits of each component x, y, z, and w. The cudaChannelFormatDesc is defined as:

    ‎  struct cudaChannelFormatDesc {
              int x, y, z, w;
              enum cudaChannelFormatKind 

where cudaChannelFormatKind is one of cudaChannelFormatKindSigned, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned, or cudaChannelFormatKindFloat.

e.g. from Texture Object API of CUDA Toolkit 8 Documentation, and also ./samples02/

cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc =
		      cudaCreateChannelDesc(32, 0, 0, 0,

Implementation (of texture memory)

As a sanity check, I made sure that I can copy from host to device, and then onto texture memory the function

$f(x) = sin( 2\pi x) \cdot sin(2\pi y) \qquad \forall , x, y \in [0,1]$

and then, after saving to .csv files, plot them with Python's matplotlib and displayed them in a jupyter notebook. I did it here, in sinsin2dtex.ipynb

If you cannot write to texture memory, but only be able to write to surface memory, then I will implement in surface memory.

Many different cudaMemcpy*'s to try (I honestly don't know which one to use)

cf. 4.9 Memory Management, CUDA Runtime API Documentation

There are many different cudaMemcpy*'s to try, from the CUDA Toolkit v8.0 Documentation. I can't find any basic examples to illustrate each one, so I'll go one-by-one trying them.


__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2D ( void* dst,
	 	     		    size_t dpitch,
				    const void* src,
				    size_t spitch,
				    size_t width,
				    size_t height,
				    cudaMemcpyKind kind  )

Copies data between host and device.


parameter Meaning
dst Destination memory address
dpitch Pitch of destination memory
src Source memory address
spitch Pitch of source memory
width Width of matrix transfer (columns in bytes)
height Height of matrix transfer (rows)
kind Type of transfer


Copies a matrix (height rows of width bytes each) from memory area pointed to by src to the memory area pointed to by dst, where kind specifies the direction of the copy, and must be 1 of

  • cudaMemcpyHostToHost
  • cudaMemcpyHostToDevice
  • cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost
  • cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice
  • cudaMemcpyDefault

Passing MemcpyDefault is recommended, in which case the type of transfer is inferred from the pointer values. However, cudaMemcpyDefault allowed only on systems supporting unified (virtual) addressing.

dpitch and spitch are widths in memory in bytes of 2-dim. arrays pointed to by dst and src, including any padding to the end of each row.


  • cudaSuccess
__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     			      	size_t wOffsetDst,
						size_t hOffsetDst,
						cudaArray_const_t src,
						size_t wOffsetSrc,
						size_t hOffsetSrc,
						size_t width,
						size_t height,
						cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​ __device__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DAsync ( void* dst,
	  	     		 		     size_t dpitch,
						     const void* src,
						     size_t spitch,
						     size_t width,
						     size_t height,
						     cudaMemcpyKind kind,
						     cudaStream_t stream = 0 )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArray ( void* dst,
	 	     			     size_t dpitch,
					     cudaArray_const_t src,
					     size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset,
					     size_t width, size_t height, cudaMemcpyKind kind )  

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DFromArrayAsync ( void* dst,
	 	     				  size_t dpitch,
						  cudaArray_const_t src,
						  size_t wOffset,
						  size_t hOffset,
						  size_t width,
						  size_t height,
						  cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0 )
Copies data between host and device. 
__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArray ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     			   size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset,
					   const void* src, size_t spitch,
					   size_t width, size_t height,
					   cudaMemcpyKind kind )   

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy2DToArrayAsync ( cudaArray_t dst, size_t wOffset, size_t hOffset, const void* src, size_t spitch, size_t width, size_t height, cudaMemcpyKind kind, cudaStream_t stream = 0 )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3D ( const cudaMemcpy3DParms* p )  

Copies data between 3D objects.

__host__ ​ __device__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DAsync ( const cudaMemcpy3DParms* p,
	  	     		 		     cudaStream_t stream = 0 )

Copies data between 3D objects.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeer ( const cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms* p )

Copies memory between devices.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpy3DPeerAsync ( const cudaMemcpy3DPeerParms* p,
	 	     			     cudaStream_t stream = 0 )

Copies memory between devices asynchronously.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpyArrayToArray ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     			      size_t wOffsetDst,
					      size_t hOffsetDst,
					      cudaArray_const_t src,
					      size_t wOffsetSrc,
					      size_t hOffsetSrc,
					      size_t count,
					      cudaMemcpyKind kind = cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpyFromArray ( void* dst,
	 	     			   cudaArray_const_t src,
					   size_t wOffset,
					   size_t hOffset,
					   size_t count,
					   cudaMemcpyKind kind )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArray ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     		       	 size_t wOffset,
					 size_t hOffset,
					 const void* src,
					 size_t count,
					 cudaMemcpyKind kind )

Copies data between host and device.

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToArrayAsync ( cudaArray_t dst,
	 	     			      size_t wOffset,
					      size_t hOffset,
					      const void* src,
					      size_t count,
					      cudaMemcpyKind kind,
					      cudaStream_t stream = 0 )  

Copies data between host and device.

From ./samples02/ is an example of cudaMemcpyToArray:

cudaMemcpyToArray(cuArray,0,0,(grid2d.rho).data(), sizeof(float)*grid2d.NFLAT(),

Surface Memory

EY : 20161116 I was having trouble reading and writing with Texture Object by modifying the associated array on the device. See ./samples02/texdynamics/, which is what I have so far.

cf. Surface Reference API

surface reference is declared at file scope (at the top?) as a variable of type surface:

surface<void, Type> surfRef;

where Type species type of surface reference and is equal to

  • cudaSurfaceType1D
  • cudaSurfaceType2D
  • cudaSurfaceType3D
  • cudaSurfaceTypeCubemap
  • cudaSurfaceType1DLayered
  • cudaSurfaceType2DLayered
  • cudaSurfaceTypeCubemapLayered

surfRef is an arbitrary name (can be outputSurf, etc.)

cf. CUDA Runtime API Samples

Table 5. CUDA Runtime API and Associated Samples

CUDA Runtime API Samples
cudaBindSurfaceToArray Simple Surface Write
  • Added 2_Graphics/bindlessTexture - demonstrates use of cudaSurfaceObject, cudaTextureObject, and MipMap support in CUDA. Requires Compute Capability 3.0 or higher.

Take a look at Surface Object API

Consider what this means

// Allocate CUDA arrays in device memory
    cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc =
             cudaCreateChannelDesc(8, 8, 8, 8,

    cudaArray* cuInputArray;
    cudaMallocArray(&cuInputArray, &channelDesc, width, height,
    cudaArray* cuOutputArray;
    cudaMallocArray(&cuOutputArray, &channelDesc, width, height,

cf. Surface Reference API

Unlike texture memory, surface memory uses byte addressing. This means that the x-coordinate used to access a texture element via texture functions needs to be multiplied by the byte size of the element to access the same element via a surface function. For example, the element at texture coordinate x of a one-dimensional floating-point CUDA array bound to a texture reference texRef and a surface reference surfRef is read using tex1d(texRef, x) via texRef, but surf1Dread(surfRef, 4*x) via surfRef. Similarly, the element at texture coordinate x and y of a two-dimensional floating-point CUDA array bound to a texture reference texRef and a surface reference surfRef is accessed using tex2d(texRef, x, y) via texRef, but surf2Dread(surfRef, 4*x, y) via surfRef (the byte offset of the y-coordinate is internally calculated from the underlying line pitch of the CUDA array).

The following code sample applies some simple transformation kernel to a texture.

// 2D surfaces
surface<void, 2> inputSurfRef;
surface<void, 2> outputSurfRef;
// Simple copy kernel
__global__ void copyKernel(int width, int height) 
    // Calculate surface coordinates
    unsigned int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    unsigned int y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    if (x < width && y < height) {
        uchar4 data;
        // Read from input surface
        surf2Dread(&data,  inputSurfRef, x * 4, y);
        // Write to output surface
        surf2Dwrite(data, outputSurfRef, x * 4, y);

cf. B.9.1. Surface Object API

B.9.1.1. surf1Dread()

template<class T>
T surf1Dread(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj, int x,
               boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);   

reads the CUDA array specified by the one-dimensional surface object surfObj using coordinate x.

B.9.1.2. surf1Dwrite

template<class T>   
void surf1Dwrite(T data,
                  cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                  int x,
                  boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);   

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the one-dimensional surface object surfObj at coordinate x.
B.9.1.3. surf2Dread()

template<class T>
T surf2Dread(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
              int x, int y,
              boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surf2Dread(T* data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);  

reads the CUDA array specified by the two-dimensional surface object surfObj using coordinates x and y. B.9.1.4. surf2Dwrite()

template<class T>
void surf2Dwrite(T data,
                  cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                  int x, int y,
                  boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);  

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the two-dimensional surface object surfObj at coordinate x and y.
cf. B.9.1.5. surf3Dread()

template<class T>
T surf3Dread(cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
              int x, int y, int z,
              boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surf3Dread(T* data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y, int z,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

reads the CUDA array specified by the three-dimensional surface object surfObj using coordinates x, y, and z.

B.9.1.6. surf3Dwrite()

template<class T>
void surf3Dwrite(T data,
                  cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                  int x, int y, int z,
                  boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);  

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the three-dimensional object surfObj at coordinate x, y, and z.

B.9.1.7. surf1DLayeredread()

template<class T>
T surf1DLayeredread(
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int layer,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surf1DLayeredread(T data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int layer,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

reads the CUDA array specified by the one-dimensional layered surface object surfObj using coordinate x and index layer.

B.9.1.8. surf1DLayeredwrite()

template<class Type>
void surf1DLayeredwrite(T data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int layer,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);   

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the two-dimensional layered surface object surfObj at coordinate x and index layer.

B.9.1.9. surf2DLayeredread()

template<class T>
T surf2DLayeredread(
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y, int layer,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surf2DLayeredread(T data,
                         cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                         int x, int y, int layer,	
                         boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);   

reads the CUDA array specified by the two-dimensional layered surface object surfObj using coordinate x and y, and index layer.

B.9.1.10. surf2DLayeredwrite()

template<class T>
void surf2DLayeredwrite(T data,
                          cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                          int x, int y, int layer,
                          boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the one-dimensional layered surface object surfObj at coordinate x and y, and index layer.

B.9.1.11. surfCubemapread()

template<class T>
T surfCubemapread(
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y, int face,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surfCubemapread(T data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y, int face,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

reads the CUDA array specified by the cubemap surface object surfObj using coordinate x and y, and face index face.

B.9.1.12. surfCubemapwrite()

template<class T>
void surfCubemapwrite(T data,
                 cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
                 int x, int y, int face,
                 boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the cubemap object surfObj at coordinate x and y, and face index face.

B.9.1.13. surfCubemapLayeredread()

template<class T>
T surfCubemapLayeredread(
             cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
             int x, int y, int layerFace,
             boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);
template<class T>
void surfCubemapLayeredread(T data,
             cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
             int x, int y, int layerFace,
             boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

reads the CUDA array specified by the cubemap layered surface object surfObj using coordinate x and y, and index layerFace.

B.9.1.14. surfCubemapLayeredwrite()

template<class T>
void surfCubemapLayeredwrite(T data,
             cudaSurfaceObject_t surfObj,
             int x, int y, int layerFace,
             boundaryMode = cudaBoundaryModeTrap);

writes value data to the CUDA array specified by the cubemap layered object surfObj at coordinate x and y, and index layerFace.

stackoverflow: CUDA textures and clamping

From pQB's answer, "We can also clamp the boundary and trap it (make kernel fail) what is the default when using the surface memory."

4.31. Data types used by CUDA Runtime

enum cudaSurfaceBoundaryMode

CUDA Surface boundary modes


    cudaBoundaryModeZero = 0

Zero boundary mode

cudaBoundaryModeClamp = 1

Clamp boundary mode

cudaBoundaryModeTrap = 2

Trap boundary mode

So the default value for the boundaryMode argument in surf2Dread, surf2Dwrite and other surf* is `cudaBoundaryModeTrap, which fails when access is outside the array.

Shared Memory

Using Shared Memory in CUDA C/C++ by Mark Harris

cudaMallocArray and associated examples (in NVIDIA CUDA 8.0 Samples)

cf. 4.9 Memory Management, CUDA Runtime API Documentation

__host__ ​cudaError_t cudaMallocArray ( cudaArray_t* array,
	 	     		       const cudaChannelFormatDesc* desc,
				       size_t width, size_t height = 0,
				       unsigned int  flags = 0 )
Allocate an array on the device.


    - Pointer to allocated array in device memory 
    - Requested channel format 
    - Requested array allocation width 
    - Requested array allocation height 
    - Requested properties of allocated array

Constant Memory, __constant__

Here's how to use __constant__ memory in the header file and definition: cf. Constant memory symbols , from user hrvthzs

Somebody answered my question here: (

So at first you need to create a header file and declare the symbol:

    // constant.cuh
    extern __constant__ var_type var_name;

then define only once the symbol in a .cu file:

    __constant__  var_type var_name;

If you need this symbol in other .cu files, just include the header.

My experience with __constant__ constant memory : it's read-only, cached memory on the GPU. I think of it as when I'm working on a physics problem, and I need to plug in a few ($&lt;21$) parameters into my physics problem (physical constants, physical parameters, etc.), then I'll need those constants all the type, floating around. I would use constant memory, __constant__ for those values.

__constant__ memory stuff (objects) have to be in global scope. So it's at the top of the "" file. Or, as I've found, they're extern __constant__ somearray[N] in your header file (e.g. 'thisismylibrarywithclasses.h') and then as __constant__ somearray[N] in your definition file ('`). I use them as global constants anywhere in my code, in particular, in the main.

I've found that I cannot get away with passing those globally defined, in constant memory, objects (such as arrays), into a __global__ device function. I've found that I can pass them in as arguments for a __device__ device function.

However, when I think about it, if the program is such that it's running on the device GPU, I'm looking down from __global__ memory, to __shared__ memory and local (thread block) memory, etc., and the constant exists globally, then I don't think it makes sense to pass them in as arguments. The `device functions should just use them, i.e.

$$ __constant__ \in __global__, \text{ in fact } __constant__ \in \text{Obj}{__global__} $$

then it makes no sense to "subset", or do restriction functor on __constant__ objects down to your routine.

  • From your __global__ device function, you CANNOT pass in the __constant__ objects (stuff) as arguments; just use them directly since they're already sitting on a "global", special read-only cached memory
  • From your __device__ function, you could pass them in as arguments (but why?)

Finite-Difference, shared memory, tiling

I asked this on stackoverflow.

Could someone please help explain tiling, the tile method for shared memory on the device GPU, with CUDA C/C++, in general?

There are a number of Powerpoint lecture slides in pdf that I've found after a Google search, namely Lecture 3 Shared Memory Implementation part, pp. 21 and/or Zahran's Lecture 6: CUDA Memories. However, these Powerpoint slides (obviously) don't give a full, written explanation and the books out there are 3-4 years old (and there are huge changes in CUDA C/C++ and Compute Capability now being at 5.2, since then).

Here's how I understand using shared memory for CUDA C so far (I know stackoverflow doesn't support LaTeX for math expressions, which I understand, given the HUGE dependencies (bulkiness?) of LaTeX; I've done a write up in LaTeX here, the section called "Note on finite-difference methods on the shared memory of the device GPU, in particular, the pencil method, that attempts to improve upon the double loading of boundary “halo” cells (of the grid)").

Setup, __global__ memory loading

Suppose your goal is to compute on a 3-dimensional grid, ($\equiv targetgrid3d$) of size $N_x \times N_y \times N_z = N_xN_yN_z$ e.g. $N_x = N_y = N_z = 800$. Flattened, this would be a $N_xN_yN_z = 512000000$ sized 1-dimensional array, say of floats, and both the CPU and GPU should have enough RAM to load this (on my workstation, it has 32 GB CPU RAM, on the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980Ti, there's 8 GB of system memory. As I'd want to calculate on values at each point of this 3-dimensional grid, targetgrid3d, I'd want to launch a kernel function (call) on a total of $N_xN_yN_z$ threads.

However, the computation I'm doing is such that, $\forall , $ pt on that targetgrid3d,$\equiv k$, $k\in \mathbb{Z}^+$, $k=\lbrace 0, \dots N_xN_yN_z \rbrace$, i.e. for each grid point, each computation involving single $k$ involves only a (much smaller than N_xN_yN_z) finite number of other points on targetgrid3d: for example, for 3-dimensional finite difference of the 0th order (I think that's the right number, for 0), it involves the "left", "right", "up", "down", "bottom" and "top" grid pts. adjacent to $k$: 6+1 in total. Let's just denote $6+1=R$.

I appreciate the rationals given of how doing this computation in __global__ memory is costly, including the fact that we're copying $R$ values each computation, $\forall k \in \lbrace 0 \dots N_xN_yN_z-1\rbrace$.

Let $M_i := $ number of threads per block in the $i$th direction, $i = x,y,z$.
Let $N_i^{block} :=$ number of blocks launched on the memory grid (NOT our targetgrid3d) in the $i$th direction, $i=x,y,z$. Then the total number of threads in the $i$ direction is $M_iN_i^{block}$ This can be different (let's say smaller) than our goal, our targetgrid3d, in each dimension, i.e. $N_i > M_iN_i^{block}$. For example, we can have dim3 $(M_x,M_y,M_z) = (4,4,4)$ for our (block) thread dimensions (i.e. blockdim.x, blockdim.y, blockdim.z), and launch blocks $(N_x^{block},N_y^{block},N_z^{block}) = (N_x/M_x, N_y/M_y, N_z/M_z) = (200, 200, 200)$ for example. I'll point out 2 things at this point:

  • you can get the needed blocks from the formula [ \text{ block needed in the ith direction } = (N_i +M_i -1)/M_i ] integer arithmetic works out that you get equal or more blocks needed to run $N_i$ threads in the $i$th direction that you desire.
  • desired $N_i$ can be much larger than $N_i^{block}*M_i$, with $N_i^{block}$ being limited by the maximum number of blocks that can be launched (which can be found from cudaGetDeviceProperties or by running my small CUDA C script, In particular, for my GTX 980Ti, I get this read out:
    --- General Information for device 0 ---
Name: GeForce GTX 980 Ti
Compute capability: 5.2
Clock rate:  1076000
Device copy overlap:  Enabled
Kernel execution timeout :  Enabled
   --- Memory Information for device 0 ---
Total global mem:      6441730048
Total constant Mem:    65536
Max mem pitch:         2147483647
Texture Alignment:     512
   --- MP Information for device 0 ---
Multiprocessor count:  22
Shared mem per mp:     49152
Registers per mp:      65536
Threads in warp:       32
Max threads per block: 1024
Max thread dimensions: (1024, 1024, 64) 
Max grid dimensions:   (2147483647, 65535, 65535) 

So for instance, $M_xM_yM_z$, total number of threads in a block, is limited to a maximum of 1024.

"Naive" shared memory method, halo cells, "radius" $r$ of halo cells on a (single) thread block

Then for (what I call) the "naive" shared memory method, what one wants to do, for each thread block of size $M_xM_yM_z$ is to load only the values involved in computation into shared memory, __shared__. For example, for the 2-dimensional problem (2-dim. targetgrid), considering a thread block of $(M_x,M_y)$, you're going to want the $(M_x+2r)(M_y+2r)$ values to be shared on that thread block, $r = 1$ in a $0$th order finite difference case, with $r$ denoting the so-called "halo" cells ("halo" being the terminology that seems to be used in teaching GPU shared memory). I'm supposing that this generalizes in 3-dim., the 3-dim. thread block $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$ to needing $(M_x+2r)(M_y+2r)*(M_z+2r)$ values to go into shared memory.

The factor of 2 comes from needing values "outside" the thread block on "both" sides. I call this (and my idea of this, correct me if I'm wrong) dealing with boundary conditions for shared memory (on (a single) thread block).

To make this concrete, a code that implements this shared memory idea in 2-dimensions, something that solves the heat equation to $0$th order precision, is heat_2d from Storti and Yurtoglu (it's nice that their respective book, CUDA for Engineers, came out last year, 2015 - I don't have the money to purchase a copy, but their github repository is useful). As you can see in the code with the "meat" of the code being in __global__ void tempKernel, the "boundary condition" or "corner cases" for cells on the "edge" of the thread block, are treated correctly, to "grab" values outside the thread block in question (Lines 53-64, where the //Load "halo" cells comment starts), and, namely, the so-called "radius" of halo cells, $r=1$ (#define RAD 1) is clearly defined.

What's tiling?

So what's tiling? From what I could glean from lecture slides, it appears to be trying to "load more data than threads" on each thread block. Then, presumably, a for loop is needed to run on each thread block. But for our problem of the targetgrid3d of size $(N_x,N_y,N_z)$, does this mean we'd want to launch threads in a block dim3 $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$, grid blocks dim3 $(N_x^{block}, N_y^{block}, N_z^{block})$ such that, for example, $2M_iN_i^{block} = N_i$? So each thread block does 2 computations because we're loading in twice the number of data to go into shared memory? (2 can be 3, 4, etc.)

How then do we deal with "boundary condition" "halo" cells in this case of tiling, because after "flattening" to a 1-dimensional array, it's fairly clear how much "stride" we need to reach each cell on our targetgrid3d (i.e. $k = k_x + k_y N_xM_x + k_z N_xM_xN_yM_y$, with $k_x = i_x + M_x*j_x \equiv $ threadIdx.x + blockDim.x*blockIdx.x, see Threads, Blocks, Grids section). How do we get the appropriate "halo" cells needed for a "stencil" in this case of tiling?

3-dim. Finite Difference, the "pencil" method, scaling the pencil method, can it work?

Harris proposes, in (Finite Difference Methods in CUDA C/C++, Part 1)[] a "pencil" method for utilizing shared memory as an improvement upon the described-above "naive" shared memory.

I point out that there are 2 problems with this, as this method doesn't scale at all - 1. the thread block size easily exceeds the maximum thread block size as you're require the full $N_i \times s_{pencil}$, $s_{pencil} =4$ for example, for the thread size $M_i$ to be launched, and 2. the shared memory required is the halo radius (in this case for 8th order finite difference, about 4 adjacent cells, $r=4$) plus the full dimension size of targetgrid3d, $N_i$ (he denotes it as m*, e.g. mx,my,mz, in the code.

In fact, as a concrete example, I take the code and you can change $N_x=N_y=N_z$ from 64 to 354, mx=my=mz=64 to 354 in Harris' notation. Above that, one obtains Segmentation Faults. Clearly, for derivative_x, the derivative in the $x$ direction, with

(my/spencils, mz,1) for the grid dimensions (number of blocks in each dimension) and
(mx,spencils,1) for the block dimensions (number of threads in each (thread) block)

Then you'd have mxspencils1 threads to launch on each block, which is severely limited by the maximum number of threads per block. (e.g. 35441 = 1416 > 1024).

However, in the "naive" shared memory method, you can keep the thread block size < 1024, $(M_x,M_y,M_z)$, small enough, and the shared memory small enough, $(M_x+2r)(M_y+2r)(M_z+2r)$.

Does this pencil method not scale? Harris mentions to decouple the total domain size from the tile size, in the comments. He further explains that "Threads can execute loops, so you can loop and process multiple tiles of the entire domain using a single thread block; don't try to fit the entire domain in shared memory at once."

  • How would I "partition up" the targetgrid3d, called total domain here?
  • The mapping from targetgrid3d to each threadIdx., to blockIdx. is fairly clear with the "naive" shared memory method, but how does that all have to change with tiling?
  • How are thread block boundary conditions, on the "halo" cells dealt with in tiling?

For a concrete example, I don't know how to modify code to solve derivatives for a grid larger than (354^3).

mapping target grid3d, the "domain" to 2-dimensional device GPU memory

From Harris' article on Finite Difference, it appears that the 3-dimensional domain is mapped to the 2-dimensional device GPU memory, device memory. I can see that advantage of this as the max. number of blocks that can be launched in the $x$-direction, in particular, is much greater than in the $z$-direction (2147483647 > 65535). Also, the max. number of threads in a block in the $x$,$y$-directions are much greater than in the $z$-direction (1024,1024>64). However, it's unclear to me how a cell index on the target 3d grid maps to the 2-dimensional device GPU memory, in the case of tiling pencils or not even tiling pencils. How could I map the 3-dim. domain to the 2-dim. device, including the boundary cases of halo cells for a stencil, and with "tiling" or running for loops?

CUDA Thread Indexing Cheatsheet - includes 3d grid of 3d blocks!

C++ Classes on the device, GPU

Requires Compute Capability >5.0.

I ran

I highly recommend this link for reading to do C++ classes on the device right: Separate Compilation and Linking of CUDA C++ Device Code from Tony Scudiero and Mike Murphy.

It may not be immediately evident, but from reading the article, it becomes clear that you can use

  • both __host__ and __device__ prefixes (or decorations) so class can be used on both the host and the device
  • __host__ only, by itself, so class can be used on only the host
  • (the most useful option, in my opinion and practice, please correct me if I'm wrong) __device__ only, by itself, so class can be used only on the device - and if you want your C++ class to run on the device GPU, from a __global__ function, this is the way to go. This includes instantiating (i.e. creating) objects, arrays, stuff, etc. for your class to contain.

This article also resolves the compilation issue(s) from others who ran into similar problems:

nvcc compiler flags (compiler options) - what they mean

  • -dc - "tells nvcc to generate device code for later linking" (Scudiero and Murphy); I found that I needed -dc for my usual C++ classes, run on the "host" CPU, i.e. .cpp files with class definitions. Otherwise, this error was obtained:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/5.3.1/../../../../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':  
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'  
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status  

-dc is short for --device-c, and from 3.2.1. Options for Specifying Compilation and Phase, CUDA Toolkit v7.5 NVCC documentation, "compiles each .c/.cc/.cpp/.cxx/.cu input file into an object file that contains relocatable device code. It's equivalent to --relocatable-device-code=true --compile

  • -I. is the short cut, short name, for the flag --include-path path, e.g. -I. is --include-path ./ i.e. the current (working) directory: cf. 3.2.2. File and Path Specfications.
  • -x cu - "This option tells nvcc to treat input files as .cu files containing both CPU and GPU code. By default, nvcc treats .cpp files as CPU-only code. This option is required to have nvcc generate device code here, but it's also a hand way to avoid renaming source files in larger projects." (cf. Scudiero and Murphy). In practice, I've found that if I originally kept the .cu suffixes for the files, then it compiles without this flag, but this is good to know.

-side note to keep in mind if using #include <cuda_runtime.h> - "if you #include <cuda_runtime.h> in a .cpp file and compile it with a compiler other than nvcc, __device__ and __host__ will be defined to nothing to enable portability of this code to other compilers!"

  • -g is short for --debug - "generate debug information for host code"
  • -G is short for --device-debug - "generate debug information for device code"

Compiling errors when using __constant__ memory

'cicc' compilation error and debug flag

I obtain a similar error when I try to "link together" or have header file dependencies on another header file and definition, when using __constant__ memory: this appears to be a problem with the nvcc compiler itself and will have to fixed by NVIDIA themselves.

Signal 11 would indicate a memory access out of bounds, which should not happen and would point to a bug inside the compiler.

Adding -G compiler flag helps but slows down the kernel run time.

Dealing with the error of not being able to relocate code (problem is linking up __device__ code)

Useful links:

Unable to decipher nvlink error

Use c++filt to demangle the names. For instance:

    $ c++filt _ZN5JARSS15KeplerianImpactC1ERKdS2_S2_S2_S2_S2_ JARSS::KeplerianImpact::KeplerianImpact(double const&, double const&, double const&, double const&, double const&, double const&)

cf. Roger Dahl

Dirty CUDA C/C++ Troubleshooting

I found that my CUDA C/C++ program was outputting nonsense even after using __syncthreads() correctly (e.g. github repository Propulsion/CUDACFD/convect1dfinitediff/). What I did to troubleshoot this was to change the number of threads on a block to 1, then do make, and run it again, and it works. Then I changed the number of threads for the number of threads on a block, $M_x,M_y,M_z$, to my desired amount.

thrust and useful links for thrust

icuda hands-on introduction to CUDA programming - very good hands-on introduction to CUDA programming, chock full of executable and thorough examples. It's also well-formatted (the typography is even nice to look at). I've put on github the examples I've typed up.


"CUB, on the other hand, is a production-quality library whose sources are complicated by support for every version of CUDA architecture, and is validated by an extensive suite of regression tests." - (7) How is CUB different than Thrust and Modern GPU?

Smart Pointers, std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr, to device GPU arrays, and cudaMalloc, cudaMemcpy, with pointer arithmetic

See ./ But these are the correct way to use smart pointers pointing to device GPU arrays:

Given the "boilerplate":

     constexpr const size_t Lx = {1<<5};  // 2^5 = 32

     // Allocate host arrays
     std::vector<float> f_vec(Lx/2,1.f);
     std::shared_ptr<float> sp(new float[Lx/2],std::default_delete<float[]>());

Then for std::shared_ptr,

     auto deleter=[&](float* ptr){ cudaFree(ptr); };
     std::shared_ptr<float> d_sh_in(new float[Lx], deleter);
     cudaMalloc((void **) &d_sh_in, Lx * sizeof(float));

     cudaMemcpy(d_sh_in.get(),, Lx/2*sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
     cudaMemcpy(d_sh_in.get()+Lx/2, sp.get(), Lx/2*sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

and for std::unique_ptr,

     std::unique_ptr<float[], decltype(deleter)> d_u_in(new float[Lx], deleter);
     cudaMalloc((void **) &d_u_in, Lx * sizeof(float));

     cudaMemcpy(d_u_in.get(), sp.get(), Lx/2*sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
     cudaMemcpy(d_u_in.get()+Lx/2,, Lx/2*sizeof(float),cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);