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A lightweight, fast, and highly secure VRRP daemon.


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rVRRPd is an open and standard-compliant VRRPv2 implementation written in Rust, a modern programming language known for its portability, memory-safety and speed.


  • Aimed to be Fast, Portable and Secure
  • Supports multiple operating systems and processors architectures
  • Multi-threaded operation
  • Easily configurable using TOML or JSON
  • Interoperable with RFC3768 (VRRPv2) compliant devices
    • Tested interoperable with Cisco IOS and Cisco IOS-XR
  • Authentication Support
    • Password Authentication (Type-1) based on RFC2338
    • Proprietary P0 HMAC (SHA256 truncated to 8 bytes)
    • Proprietary P1 (SHAKE256 XOF)
  • Supports multiple operation modes:
    • Sniffer mode (-m0)
    • Virtual Router in foreground mode (-m1)
    • Virtual Router in daemon mode (-m2)
  • Supports MAC-based Virtual LAN interface (macvlan) (Linux)
  • Supports Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) (FreeBSD only)


This project is still in development stage, and at this time, only supports Linux and the FreeBSD operating systems. There is no stable API, configuration or even documentation yet. Please keep in mind that rVRRPd may not always be fully interoperable with standard-compliant network equipments, especially when using proprietary features.

The development roadmap for the upcoming 0.2.0 release can be found on its project page.


  • A Linux or FreeBSD 64-bits operating system.
  • An Intel IA-64 (x86_64), or an ARMv8 processor (aarch64).
  • Rust's Cargo (v1.33.0 or higher), to build the project and all its dependencies.
  • At least one Ethernet interface, see conf/rvrrpd.conf for a basic TOML configuration example.
  • Root privileges, required to access raw sockets, configure interfaces and to add kernel routes.
  • The libnl-3 and libnl-route-3 libraries for accessing the netlink interface (Linux only).

Build and run

To quickly build a development version of rVRRPd, first make sure you have the latest version of Cargo installed. The recommended steps are to first install Cargo, then the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) toolchain and lastly the libnl-3 development packages (including headers files), namely libnl-3-dev and libnl-route-3-dev on Linux Debian and derivatives.

To quickly build the daemon executable, use the make or cargo build --release command:

$ cargo build --release
   Compiling tokio v0.1.21
   Compiling foreign-types-macros v0.1.0
   Compiling serde_derive v1.0.92
   Compiling foreign-types v0.4.0
   Compiling rVRRPd v0.1.2 (/home/e3prom/rVRRPd)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 9.62s

Then install the rvrrpd executable on your system by entering the make install command.

Before running the VRRP daemon, copy the example configuration file at conf/rvrrpd.conf to the default configuration file path /etc/rvrrpd/rvrrpd.conf. Then use your favorite text editor to configure the virtual router(s) to your needs.

See below for an example of a virtual router running on an Ethernet interface with password authentication and preemption enabled:

debug = 5
pid = "/var/tmp/"
working_dir = "/var/tmp"
main_log = "/var/tmp/rvrrpd.log"
error_log = "/var/tmp/rvrrpd-error.log"

group = 1
interface = "ens192.900"
vip = ""
priority = 254
preemption = true
rfc3768 = true
netdrv = "libnl"
iftype = "macvlan"
vifname = "vrrp0"
auth_type = "rfc2338-simple"
auth_secret = "thissecretnolongeris"

    route = ""
    mask = ""
    nh = ""

The above configuration do the following:

  • Starts the daemon in foreground mode with a debug level of 5 (extensive).
  • Runs one virtual-router with group id 1 on interface ens192.900, with the below parameters:
    • Uses the virtual IP address
    • Is configured with the highest priority of 254.
    • Has preemption enabled.
    • Has compatibility with RFC3768 turned on (may be required to fully interoperate with some vendors).
    • Uses the network driver libnl which leverage the netlink protocol. Alternatively, you can use the ioctl driver, which is simpler but will removes the interface's IP addresse(s) for the VIP when in Master state.
    • Is configured for a macvlan type interface, a MAC-based virtual interface.
    • Name the child virtual interface vrrp0, the latter will be used to hold the virtual router IP address.
    • Set authentication to the [RFC2338]'s ( Simple Password authentication method.
    • Set the secret key (or password) to be shared between the virtual routers.
  • When master, install a static default route with a next-hop of

Finally run the binary executable you just built using the command-line parameter -m1, to start the daemon in foreground mode:

$ sudo rvrrpd -m1 -c conf/rvrrpd.conf
Starting rVRRPd

Your virtual router will now listen for VRRPv2 packets and will take the Master or Backup role. If the router owns the virtual IP address, it will automatically take the Master role with a priority of 255.


If you are experiencing any stability, security or interoperability problems, feel free to open a new issue.