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1985 lines (1510 loc) · 67.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1985 lines (1510 loc) · 67.4 KB



⚡️ Added

🐞 Fixed


⚡️ Added

  • Add security policy
  • Add Vimacs to Personal
  • Add enable/disable AstroNvim Community plugins to
  • Add community modules enable/disable to AstroNvimV4 plugins menu
  • Add treesitter-context to AstroNvimV4 plugins menu
  • Update AstroNvimV4 info documents, remove astrolsp.lua from lazyman initialization
  • Add note about upgrading git and bash
  • Add auto format to AstroNvimV4 formatters configuration menu
  • Add arg processing for AstroNvimV4 submenus from command line
  • Add cheatsheet and smooth scrolling plugins config to AstroNvimV4 config script

🐞 Fixed

  • Several configurations switched from Packer to Lazy.nvim
  • Fixed checks for Neovim 0.10
  • Enable neovim-session-manager only if Neovim 0.10 is in use
  • Remove bufferline.nvim from onno namespace
  • Disable read:scope warning from octo.nvim
  • Plugin configuration changes for 0.10.0 support
  • Do not initialize Vimacs during installation
  • Use new starter URL for NvChad based configs
  • Backup original configuration.lua for managed configurations during initialization
  • Preserve customized configuration.lua over updates to AstroNvimV4, Webdev, and LazyIde
  • Remove Daniel LunarVim configuration from Personals
  • Fix shellcheck errors in
  • Remove install script invocation from
  • Check for java in
  • Remove duplicate calls to setup in neoscroll config


⚡️ Added

  • Customize LSP and Formatters menus in AstroNvimV4 configure script
  • Customize Plugins menu in AstroNvimV4 configure script
  • Add LSP, Formatters, and Plugins menus to AstroNvimV4 configuration menu script
  • Extend scripts/get_conf.lua so it works with any NVIM_APPNAME not just Lazyman
  • Add configuration menu script for AstroNvimV4 and add it to Lazyman menus

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix setup and loading of monokai-pro colorscheme
  • Update AstroNvimV4 info documents
  • Don't automatically enable gopls


⚡️ Added

  • Install stylua in
  • Add concat_tables function, check both lsp tables in lspconfig
  • Install taplo with mason-lspconfig
  • Use pip to install pynvim
  • Use GNU sed on macOS
  • Use Homebrew to install Bob if available

🐞 Fixed

  • Use temporary astrolsp.lua for AstroNvimV4 initialization
  • Move jsonls out of installed lsp servers, move vimls in
  • Fix update categories, was installing all instead of updating installed


⚡️ Added

  • Add AstroNvimV4 to starters in configrc
  • Use pipx on macOS

🐞 Fixed

  • Initialize AstroNvimV4 twice
  • Remove tmp uninstall script after executing
  • Reflect renamed schemastore repo b0o/SchemaStore.nvim in lspconfig
  • Remove Neorg from free namespace
  • Update obsidian plugin configuration


⚡️ Added

  • Add -4 argument to lazyman to indicate use AstroNvim v4 during initialization
  • Add AstroNvimV4 to Starter configurations as example AstroNvim v4 configuration

🐞 Fixed


⚡️ Added

🐞 Fixed

  • Pin all AstroNvim configuration initializations to v3.45.3 for now


⚡️ Added

  • Install kitten in Kitty install script

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove Allaman patch
  • Remove Allaman custom config on removal of Allaman
  • Create custom Allaman config if none exists
  • Install gpatch with brew if Homebrew is being used
  • No need to install pip with pipx
  • Update ufo configuration replacing deprecated close_fold_kinds
  • Do not enable gopls on macOS


⚡️ Added

  • Add a couple of configs to check out in TODO
  • Add reportUnusedExpression = "none" to pyright setup

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove JustinLvim, no longer maintained
  • Fix Neovide asset download


⚡️ Added

  • Support for Ubuntu 23.04 and greater using pipx for Python module installation

🐞 Fixed


⚡️ Added

  • Convenience script lman to invoke Neovim with the Lazyman configuration
  • Install pyright, remove misspell tmp files
  • Add argument to to disable ulimit call for use in container builds
  • Source after running

🐞 Fixed

  • Ignore empty lines in .nvimdirs, toggle pylsp and pyright
  • Remove nvim-ts-context-commentstring, use mini.comment exclusively


  • Bug fix release

⚡️ Added

🐞 Fixed

  • Install g++ as a Neovim dependency
  • Add $HOME/.local/bin to PATH when first installing Neovim in


⚡️ Added

  • Use fzf and lsd to provide a preview in nvims shell function
  • Install latest lsd release, check architecture for deb release downloads
  • Add note about Kasm registry and Neovim Kasm workspace
  • Add wing to treesitter installed parsers
  • Add note about rate limiting, add GITHUB_TOKEN as env var for Github API requests
  • Use Github API token for Github API requests if one exists
  • Add notice to be patient when installing Neovim dependencies
  • Add noinstall argument to lazyman and -s to to specify no native installation package installs
  • Add support for nvim-treesitter-context
  • Add support for SeniorMars personal config
  • Disable LSP timeout by default, not yet ready for primetime
  • Add support for LSP timeout plugin

🐞 Fixed

  • Add patch for SeniorMars config
  • Check for nil rhs in lsp keymaps
  • Add newline if brief usage exits
  • Fix install neovide script with new download filenames
  • Disable LSP timeout by default
  • Pin indent-blankline to version 2.20.8


⚡️ Added

  • Split installed LSP servers out into separate config
  • Update servers and formatters configured in LSP menu
  • Merge ecovim nvim-tree config into config/nvim-tree.lua
  • Update nivm-tree opts
  • Remove duplicate diagnostics keymaps, add diagnostic keymap descriptions

🐞 Fixed

  • Set mason-lspconfig auto install to false
  • Fix get_conf_table in with split LSP servers tables


⚡️ Added

  • Add KickstartPython to Starters
  • Add Jdhao config to Personals
  • Install vim language server, python LSP server, and jedi python library
  • Use custom attach for some LSP servers
  • Configure pylsp
  • Set preference in null-ls for pylsp
  • Add python settings
  • Add support for database plugins configurable via menu
  • Add dadbod keymaps

🐞 Fixed

  • Enable database plugins by default
  • Change galaxyline stats icon to ribbon
  • Improve dadbod configuration


⚡️ Added

  • Add info documents for Vimacs
  • Add -o argument to indicate input required during initialization
  • Add unsupported Vimacs personal configuration
  • Add Telescope theme switcher plugin and menu configuration support to enable/disable
  • Add support for MusicPlayerPlus commands in terminal

🐞 Fixed

  • Use mpplus -c for MusicPlayerPlus command to force use of current terminal
  • Resolve keymap conflict between Cheatsheet and toggle color column
  • Increase which-key column max height


⚡️ Added

  • Add conditional config for tabnine to nvim-cmp
  • Add which-key mappings for todo comments
  • Add patch for Allaman config
  • Add ranger and renamer plugins to ecovim namespace, manage in menu
  • Add telescope keymaps from free namespace to ecovim namespace

🐞 Fixed

  • Improve nvim-cmp configuration
  • Fix telescope find files keymap
  • Update cheatsheet with lazygit keymaps
  • Merge nvim-cmp config from ecovim into config/nvim-cmp.lua
  • Move all cmp-npm config up to config/cmp-npm.lua
  • lua/ecovim/internal/cursorword.lua no longer used, include for reference only


⚡️ Added

  • Install nvm, latest node, latest npm during initialization
  • Migrate any previously installed global node packages
  • Check for n node version manager and issue warning

🐞 Fixed

  • Merge lspconfig into lua/config/lspconfig.lua
  • Always use on_attach from lua/util.lua
  • Only test for terminal type on Linux, fails on macOS


⚡️ Added

  • Add support for conform.nvim as replacement for null-ls
  • Enable gopls if go is in path
  • Add note about gcc, node, and npm requirements
  • Set install prefix to /usr if no homebrew found
  • Create HOME/.local/bin if necessary
  • Disable conform.nvim by default
  • Start conditionally configuring config/conform.lua
  • Move linter functions into utils/linter.lua

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix unneeded break in case statement
  • Remove test checkout
  • Only check for terminal type on Linux, hangs on macOS
  • Remove selene


⚡️ Added

  • Add configuration.lua entry typescript_server: tsserver tools or none
  • Add LSP menu support in ecovim namespace for typescript server selection

🐞 Fixed

  • Reorder language server setup
  • Disable eslint by default


⚡️ Added

  • Promote ecovim namespace to default after improving install and configuration
  • Add menu configuration of mini.animate, duck.nvim, and flirt
  • Re-enable formatters menu for ecovim

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove shade plugin from ecovim namespace
  • Remove null-ls and formatters from ecovim namespace
  • Revert to previous config for tailwindcss
  • Move .luarc.json up from ecovim subdir
  • Fix description table heading
  • Rework ecovim namespace lspconfig setup
  • Configure Mason in ecovim when coding is disabled


⚡️ Added

  • Add RNvim to Personal configs
  • Add RNvim info docs
  • Remove CandyVim from Personal configs

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove multicursor support from all Lazyman configuration namespaces
  • Update Lazyman info doc


⚡️ Added

  • Add Noice name to which-key in ecovim namespace
  • Add flash.nvim keymap to Enable Flash
  • Add flash.nvim to Motion plugin selections for all namespaces
  • Add flash.nvim keymaps
  • Add diagnostic keymaps to which-key, define toggle_diagnostics function

🐞 Fixed

  • Move ecovim color schemes keymap to UI group
  • Flash motion/search only in ecovim and free, removed from onno
  • Check if namespace already set before changing it


⚡️ Added

  • Install all lsp servers, formatters and linters enabled in configuration.lua in ecovim namespace
  • Install all lsp servers, formatters and linters enabled in configuration.lua in onno namespace
  • Set default namespace to ecovim
  • Add flake8 to external formatters
  • Use config/null-ls.lua to configure ecovim namespace null-ls
  • Enable -O namespace in initialization
  • Use mason-null-ls in ecovim namespace
  • Add Mason specs in ecovim
  • Set default namespace to ecovim
  • Enable all formatters and linters by default
  • Set lsp globals in lua/config/lsp/functions.lua
  • Set handlers for all lsp servers once rather than in each server setting
  • Merge ecovim and free lsp configurations
  • Config menu support for noice and toggleterm in ecovim
  • Add ecovim telescope extensions
  • Move ecovim/lsp up to config/lsp
  • Rework ecovim namespace lsp configuration
  • Expose formatters and lsp servers menus to ecovim namespace
  • Automate enabling terminal for zen mode if supported terminal is detected during initialization
  • Sync multicursor configuration across namespaces
  • Add hydra.nvim configuration

🐞 Fixed

  • Update Lazyman info docs using new ecovim namespace
  • Track down hang in lsp config initialization
  • Check if keys nil before referencing in util.lua
  • Disable not yet configured formatters
  • Fix null-ls flake8 configuration
  • Fix ecovim namespace lsp configuration, still need to add use of configuration.lua
  • Fix telescope extensions in ecovim namespace


⚡️ Added

  • Add indentline plugins to ecovim namespace, manage in
  • Add WakaTime to ecovim and for ecovim
  • Better navigation between config menus
  • Add Smooth Scrolling to all namespace config menus
  • Add hop and leap to onno and ecovim
  • Enable all namespaces configuration of motion and scrolling via menu

🐞 Fixed

  • Pull autocmds, keymappings, options in ecovim namespace up a level
  • Rename ecovim namespace keymappings to keymaps
  • Resolve indentline duplicates and config in ecovim namespace
  • Merge ecovim icons with toplevel icons
  • Move free/utils up to utils
  • Resize nvim tree with + and -
  • Update Lazyman info docs
  • Resolve some keymap conflicts in ecovim namespace
  • Add version = false and missing = true to lazy.nvim config
  • Update Lazyman info docs using new ecovim namespace
  • Improve info doc and keymaps generation, regenerate info docs
  • Remove unused info docs
  • Use <code> blocks rather than ticks, replace pipe symbol with &#124;
  • Regenerate all info docs using markdown code for lhs and rhs of keymaps
  • Enclose left and right hand sides of keymaps as code in info docs


⚡️ Added

  • Add Lazyplug terminal command and ,lp keymap to open Lazyman plugins menu
  • Add OpenRepo keymap to cheatsheet
  • Add which-key menu names
  • Add keymaps from free namespace for toggles, help, lazyman to ecovim namespace
  • Add Lazyplug terminal command and ,lp keymap to open Lazyman plugins menu
  • Use standard galaxyline in ecovim namespace
  • Add barbecue to ecovim namespace, require terminal in ecovim alpha
  • Set default winbar style to barbecue
  • Switch default namespace from free to ecovim
  • Add smooth scrolling to ecovim namespace
  • Add dressing and noice to managed plugins in ecovim namespace
  • When switching namespace also set winbar and lualine style

🐞 Fixed

  • Rename candy namespace to ecovim
  • Change references in ecovim namespace from CandyVim to Ecovim
  • Disable ecovim namespace winbar config if barbecue is enabled
  • No need for 'set nomore' in initialization
  • Set timeoutlen to 300 in ecovim namespace
  • Modify dirname highlight in barbecue
  • Add printfs when removing all configurations and Lazyman
  • Remove some sections from README and refer to website
  • Set clipboard to unnamed in all namespaces
  • Disable ecovim namespace winbar config if enable_winbar is 'none'
  • Do not lazy load Alpha dashboard if enabled
  • Override background of panels in kanagawa depending on transparency


⚡️ Added

  • Add new namespace, candy, based on Ecovim
  • Enable alpha dashboard header by default
  • Add autocmds to alpha configuration
  • Add support for new namespace to
  • Use HackAuto on dashboard
  • Copy free namespace Alpha configuration, adopt for candy namespace
  • Set highlight groups in each theme if it is enabled
  • Only show formatters and lsp servers configuration menus for free namespace
  • Add support for multiple colorschemes
  • Add zen mode terminal support to config menu
  • Add cheatsheet to candy namespace
  • Disable plugins config menu options not supported in candy
  • Enable/disable Games in candy namespace with configuration.lua
  • Dashboard menu entry for both namespaces is 'Alpha Header'
  • Enable/disable Alpha header in candy namespace via config menu
  • Add autocmds for termopen to enter insert mode and resize
  • Add nvim_terminal and Lazyman commands to candy namespace
  • Enable/disable AI plugins in candy namespace with configuration.lua
  • Add support for tabnine in Lazyman configuration menu
  • Add candy to Namespace menu option
  • Use some options settings from configuration.lua in candy namespace
  • Add new websites to What's New
  • Update README, man page, and info docs with new namespace

🐞 Fixed

  • Move some alpha headers to unused
  • Move alpha headers up to lua/config, use headers in candy namespace
  • Format websites table
  • Align dashboard search recents
  • Move recents up to top section of dashboard
  • Do not compile kanagawa theme


⚡️ Added

  • Add Ahsan and Chokerman personal configurations
  • Add custom configs to total count
  • Add list_names argument to get_conf.lua
  • Add CandyVim to Personals
  • Add lemonade to extra tools installed
  • Add bash to treesitter ensure_installed
  • Add capability to generate health checks for all installed configs
  • Move health checks to info/health/
  • Add c to treesitter parsers
  • Add Dillon to Neotree dashboard
  • Add links to website in man pages and README
  • Bob management scripts improvements
  • Add Craftzdog Lexplore to .lazymanrc

🐞 Fixed

  • Check if updated before updating parsers in treesitter config
  • Disable unavailable Go formatters
  • gopls disabled by default, enable gopls on Linux
  • Update CandyVim info docs
  • Fix horizontal rules in
  • Remove Lamia config from Starters
  • Realign Base Configs table
  • Remove PenguinVim, no longer maintained
  • Cleanup commented out TSInstall, unused


⚡️ Added

  • Install lua-language-server in
  • Add treesitter dependency to cellular automota plugin
  • Add dashboard dependency on terminal

🐞 Fixed

  • Minimal set of parsers for ensure_installed, auto install treesitter parsers
  • Redo nvim-treesitter configuration
  • Update Maddison patch
  • Remove problematic parsers from ensure_installed
  • Redirect config removal output during Lazyman removal
  • Remove autotag treesitter plugin


⚡️ Added

  • Add c to treesitter parsers
  • Add script to uninstall bob neovim version manager
  • Add script to update bob neovim version manager
  • Add all Mason commands to spec
  • List treesitter commands in lazy.nvim spec

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove all configs and lazyman command when removing Lazyman
  • Update with rustup before installing Bob
  • Disable treesitter highlights for c and rust
  • Fix new treesitter issues with highlights for some parsers, will it ever end?
  • Reverting all v4 subdir changes, cannot use in Neovim nightly
  • Remove bash, cpp, java, python from treesitter ensure installed
  • Disable markdownlint by default


⚡️ Added

  • Add section on menu system usage, add note about disk space
  • Add single key menu navigation shortcuts for configuration menus
  • Add I, r, and u main menu shortcuts for info, remove, and update
  • Use info document if it exists, add 's' main menu shortcut
  • Add q menu shortcut, i and o main menu shortcuts
  • Add LamarVim to Personals table, use links

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix nvim-tree view.mappings config
  • Fix table headings for Github Pages conversion


⚡️ Added

  • Add note about Bash version on macOS
  • Initial support for arm architecture in
  • Add scripts/ to check patches
  • Add -9 argument to lazyman to clone but not patch
  • Add LamarVim config
  • Link to new websites

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove no longer needed patches, redo LaTeX patch
  • Regenerate info docs, update JustinNvim patch
  • Regenerate info docs for Dillon
  • Add Dillon to Packer configs, fix Dillon info entry
  • Revise screenshot dimensions
  • Remove website files, they are now in a separate repository


⚡️ Added

  • Format git status and config listings
  • Initial Jekyll _config.yml for Github Pages
  • Add Barebones config to Starters
  • Add table of Neoman managed projects

🐞 Fixed

  • Update Jekyll theme config
  • Move debug/neovim version/ui toggle to bottom of lazyman menu
  • Check if uninstalled array is empty before selection to install
  • Change Lazyman Status menu entry to Status Report
  • Fix LunarVim config total


⚡️ Added

  • Currently 99 configs supported
  • Show count of custom installed configs in main menu heading
  • Add figlet fonts to scripts folder
  • Select from category menu entries, replace Select/... menu entries
  • Combine update menu options into Update Category option
  • Display number of installed configs in each category, simplify remove menu entries

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix plugins menu setting of lualine_style
  • Remove 3D fonts, remove Lean font
  • Adjust alpha dashboard highlights
  • Fix plugins menu setting of lualine_style
  • Simplify and clarify vimdoc help commands
  • Adjust highlights in alpha dashboard


⚡️ Added

  • Only install, do not update, configs that are not already installed

🐞 Fixed

  • Comment out flash in JustinNvim, it is now the default
  • Simplify categories install/update case statements


⚡️ Added

  • Add Dotfyle badges to Lazyman README
  • Add categories and All to install fuzzy selection menus
  • Add install bob argument to lazyman
  • Add JustinOhMy to Starters
  • Add Beethoven to Personals
  • Add Lukas to Personals
  • Add Primeagen to Personals
  • Add What's New section to README
  • Add collapsed sections for plugins and language server support to README

🐞 Fixed

  • Add patch for Beethoven config
  • Move JustinLvim and JustinNvim to Personals
  • Fold list of configuration descriptions in README
  • Use blankline after summary tag throughout README to provide emphasis with markdown
  • Remove nvim-3rd patch
  • Combine setting list of uninstalled configs into a single function


⚡️ Added

  • Create namespaces for free and onno with namespace entry to switch between them
  • Add Elijah config to Personals
  • Move lualine configuration up to common
  • Remove tabline.nvim and replace enable_tabline with enable_status_in_tab
  • Set lualine theme in init.lua rather than highlights.lua in onno lualine style
  • Enable use of either lualine style in both namespaces
  • Add keymaps for toggling lualine/statusline/tabline/winbar
  • Use vim.api to retrieve options values in keymaps
  • Add keymap to toggle mouse
  • Add nvim-cmp to common configs
  • Create lua/config with plugin configurations common to both namespaces
  • Add wilder, tabline, neoscroll, and indent-blankline configs to onno
  • Add nvim-tree to onno and configure file tree for onno
  • Session manager configuration control in onno namespace
  • Add cases to toggle switch in
  • Restructure onno namespace
  • Make onno namespace obey theme setting
  • Move themes up to lua for use in both namespaces
  • Move map function up to util.lua
  • Add wildcard to quit menu options
  • Add lualine_style to configuration.lua
  • Add support for two lualine styles
  • Add toggle of configuration values from command line
  • Add -O and -Y arguments to lazyman to get/set configuration values from the command line
  • Add section on namespace configuration to readme and doc
  • Add namespace configuration to lazyman config menu
  • Further integration of onno namespace with configuration.lua
  • Move functions and ginit config up to common
  • Merge icons and some utils to lua/icons.lua and lua/util.lua for both namespaces
  • Add configuration.lua enabling of AI and nvim-cmp from free namespace to onno namespace
  • Add namespace to loading of options, globals, autocmds

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove check_python_version from lazyman, lzyide, and webdev config scripts, not used
  • Only show wilder menu option for free namespace
  • Rewrite get_conf.lua and add retrieval of options/variables
  • Always use wilder plugin in onno namespace
  • Only show dashboard settings in plugins menu for free namespace
  • Use common config for possession.nvim
  • Redo possession config
  • Only show dashboard settings in plugins menu for free namespace
  • Use common config for possession.nvim
  • Fix alpha dashboard persistence session restore
  • Don't prompt for sudo privilege notice during install
  • Fix lualine session component
  • Fix lualine toggle keymaps
  • Fix onno options
  • Update configuration.lua listing in readme
  • Cleanup autocmds and keymaps
  • Fix references to old namespace


⚡️ Added

  • Add treesitter support for tsx filetype
  • Add neotest-jest to neotest configuration
  • Add support for neotest
  • Add OnMyWay patch
  • Add script
  • Add Kristijan config to Personals
  • Add Wuelner config to Personals
  • Add Orange config to Languages
  • Add Insis config to Languages

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove rainbow treesitter plugin
  • Revise mini.comment configuration
  • No lazy sync needed for ONNO, just TSUpdate
  • Update usage message in README
  • Fixes to


⚡️ Added

  • Use new keymaps generation for keymaps man page
  • Reference other man pages in See Also sections
  • Expand nvims/neovides usage message

🐞 Fixed

  • Set config lists if configrc not present so can be used as standalone bootstrap
  • Update man pages and vimdoc for lazyman, lazyman-keymaps, and nvims


⚡️ Added

  • Add notes on nvims to readme intro
  • Add -I option to nvims and neovides to display config info document
  • Add Cpp config to Languages
  • Add overrides.lua to enable overriding configuration options when using nvims or neovides
  • Alias vi when using nvims to enable persistent use of selected config with vi
  • Add YouTube urls to info docs

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove 3rd config
  • Don't alias nvim
  • Change 'lazyman info' to fuzzy select a config to view
  • Fix lazymanrc file explore option
  • Fix keymaps generation script with sed of error messages
  • Regenerate info docs for all configs


⚡️ Added

  • Add Orhun config to Personals
  • Install nvims and lazyman-keymaps man pages in ~/.local/share/man/

🐞 Fixed

  • Read nvimdirs in nvims and neovides functions to pickup any newly installed
  • Fix AstroNvim user installs when using a repository subdirectory
  • Fix Penguin website url
  • Change arguments to nvims and neovides shell functions to uppercase
  • Fix refs to nvims and neovides in lazyman
  • Update doc and man pages
  • Use getopts in .lazymanrc


⚡️ Added

  • Add ,hn keymap shortcut for Nvims vimdoc help
  • Add -c filter args to nvims and neovides functions to filter configs
  • Add nvims man page describing usage of Lazyman functions and aliases
  • Add workflow to generate nvims vimdoc from markdown
  • Add setting of vi and nvim alias when nvims is used

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix removal with nvims and neovides aliases
  • Fix nvims and neovides function argument processing


⚡️ Added

  • Add Artur config to Personals
  • Add -i argument to to generate info docs in config's installed location
  • Add Kodo config to Personals
  • Add script to retrieve keymaps from a configuration
  • Update obsidian plugin config, add enable/disable obsidian plugin to config menu
  • Update neogit plugin spec and config, add diffview.nvim
  • Add section on open URL command
  • Add note about BROWSER environment variable
  • Override url open command in lazymanrc
  • Use Python webbrowser module to open info documents

🐞 Fixed

  • Improve url open function to workaround Firefox Snap issues
  • Arrange shortcuts in main menu prompt heading
  • Improve plugin search match listing
  • Regenerate info docs including Cosmic after patch applied
  • Update info docs with auto-generated keymaps section
  • Update neo-tree plugin spec and config to v3


⚡️ Added

  • Add plugin search to main menu and command line
  • Add shortcuts list to main menu prompt
  • Add link to table of info docs in every info doc
  • Add description and install command to info documents
  • Add Dotfyle entry for Maddison config
  • Add Maddison config to Personals
  • Add info to keywords in main menu help

🐞 Fixed

  • Go2one uses Packer
  • Fix MagicVim plugin manager setting, add MagicVim description
  • Fix plugins retrieval for AstroNvim configs
  • Add description to CodeArt entry in README
  • Fix links in tables


⚡️ Added

  • Add xero to Personals
  • Add NV-IDE to Languages
  • Generate configuration info documents
  • Add Config Info to main menu and info argument to lazyman
  • Add list of language servers installed, style dashboard screenshot
  • Add CatNvim config to Languages
  • Add to list of features

🐞 Fixed

  • Move nvim-2k to Starters
  • Fix hide and show list menu logic
  • Add patches for Nyoom and NV-IDE
  • Change all config links in README and Release Notes to info pages
  • Info page generation improvements


⚡️ Added

  • Add Hide/Show List to main menu
  • Add Justin config to Starters
  • Add SingleFile config to Starters
  • Add install of luacheck to install_neovim
  • Add JustinLvim and Shuvro LunarVim configs
  • Add autocmd and keymap to open Github Repo url
  • Add LvimAdib to LunarVim configs and Personals
  • Add unsupported config install with -K conf command line option
  • Add unsupported Nyoom config
  • Add support for Go2one config
  • Add section on external tools to Known limitations
  • Add Rohit config to Starters
  • Add Neovide install script, use Neovide release asset first then cargo build if necessary

🐞 Fixed

  • Improve Github repo open autocmd
  • Rename Justin to JustinNvim
  • Move Fennel to Starters
  • Apply patches in updates
  • Limit display of installed configs in menu heading to 16
  • Don't show Install Tools if already run
  • Move Nv config to Languages
  • Add Luarocks bin to PATH if it exists
  • Update .lazymanrc source listing
  • Improve nvim kill script to catch headless and bob invocations


⚡️ Added

  • Add LvimIde config to languages
  • Add LunarVim config group to menu system and command line options
  • Add LunarVim Daniel config to personals
  • Add Enrique config to personals
  • Add LunarIde, a LunarVim based config IDE
  • Install flake8 in install_neovim script
  • Add menu configuration of toggleterm to LazyIde

🐞 Fixed

  • Move LazyIde from personal to language
  • Fix test in .lazymanrc when invoked directly without a second argument
  • Add printfs around java debug install
  • Add patches for Daniel, Enrique, LunarVim, and LvimIde


⚡️ Added

  • Add LazyIde to configs initialized with MasonInstallAll
  • Add copilot-cmp to plugins
  • Add misspell to installed tools
  • Add support for Codeium in nvim-Lazyman
  • Install tectonic and trash-cli
  • Add support for Metis personal config
  • Add support for configuring scrolling, wakatime, & alpha header in webdev config

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix navic icons setting
  • Remove duplicate neodev setup, use default neodev options
  • Add support for configuring additional settings in LazyIde config
  • Move several personal configs to language


⚡️ Added

  • Integrate LazyIde configuration into lazyman
  • Add LazyIde configuration menu
  • Integrate Webdev configuration into lazyman
  • Add Webdev configuration menu
  • Add category install counts to status report
  • Add Webdev and LazyIde configs based on LazyVim
  • Add Craftzdog to personals

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove unused configuration entries from LazyIde and Webdev menus
  • Move Ember from personal to starter
  • Turn off notes plugins by default


⚡️ Added

  • Add OnMyWay personal config
  • Add Normal to AstroNvim configs
  • Add support for securitree.nvim security check plugin, disabled by default
  • Add example Plug install with pathogen
  • Add notes on semantic tokens and LaTeX
  • Add patch for nvim-LaTeX but still need to find issue
  • Add new configs to lazymanrc open switch to get file browser support
  • Add Scratch to starters
  • Add Lsp/Mason/Cmp VonHeikemen starters
  • Add Dillon personal config

🐞 Fixed

  • Break VonHeikemen starters out
  • Move Black Belt AstroNvim configs from personal to starter
  • Use the runconfig() function for neovide as well as nvim
  • Do not lazy load securitree.nvim


⚡️ Added

  • Add usage argument to lazyman, add examples to man page
  • Add Rafi, Slydragonn, and Optixal to lazymanrc file tree open function
  • Add kill_all_neovim script, fixup lazymanrc
  • Add script executed from lazymanrc and lazyman to run neovim with a designated config
  • Expand lazymanrc file tree opening for several configs
  • Add switch to lazymanrc for some configs to bring up file tree
  • Add Normal configuration to Starters
  • Add nvim2k configuration to Personals

🐞 Fixed

  • Split file tree plugins out into separate module
  • Move into .lazymanrc as a function
  • Fix lspconfig use of gitsigns
  • Update LaTeX video playlist link
  • Move tables of configs down to Supported configurations section
  • Fix Abstract, CodeArt, add custom filetree plugin to Kickstart
  • Rename PDE to pde to conform with internal scripts


⚡️ Added

  • Move all Custom category configs to Personal
  • Add Traap to Personals
  • Add several advanced AstroNvim user configurations
  • Add AstroNvim configurations menu support
  • Add patch for Magidc codelldb mason registry error
  • Add Spider and Xiao configurations
  • Add install/open/remove keywords to main menu
  • Add main menu help screen
  • Add J4de to Personals
  • Add LazyVim and NvChad config groups with menu support
  • Update usage message and man page

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove Custom category
  • Fix nvim-tree config, reduce width of both file tree plugins
  • Rename AstroNvim user configs
  • Simplify removal menu entries
  • Reinstate Magidc in Personals, take Plug out of Personals


⚡️ Added

  • Add Rafi configuration to Custom
  • Add smartcolumn and virt-column line length delimiter plugins
  • Add highlights for line number and virtual cursor column
  • Add zen-mode support
  • Smart column and zen mode configurable from menus
  • Add autocmd for TermOpen columns
  • Add keymaps for toggling additional settings

🐞 Fixed

  • Move 3rd config from Custom to Personal
  • Fix statuscol plugin entry


⚡️ Added

  • Add shellcheck to null-ls configuration

🐞 Fixed

  • Use POSIX compliant sed actions in config menu table modifications, macOS fix


⚡️ Added

  • Add better folding with nvim-ufo and active window highlight with nvim-shade
  • Add lua/extras folder with reference plugin configurations for possible future use
  • Add support for mini.indentscope as an indent line option, make it the default
  • Add support for NeoAI coding assistant
  • Add options setting to vim-markdown plugin
  • Instruct prettier to ignore tables in markdown
  • Update number of supported configs, update config tables in release notes
  • Move SaleVim from Custom to Language category
  • Add Josean config to Custom
  • Create and populate new Language category of configurations
  • Adjust copilot suggestion keymaps
  • Improve nvim-ufo configuration
  • Reconfigure nvim-ufo, add fillchar and folding options
  • Add nvim-cmp sorting priority weight
  • Set priority levels for nvim-cmp sources
  • Add better folding with nvim-ufo and active window highlight with nvim-shade

🐞 Fixed

  • Do not lazy load copilot to avoid EPIPE error
  • Fix copilot cmp loading error
  • Change -Y to accept Custom config name or All
  • Fix Install All with install Language category
  • Set priority levels for nvim-cmp sources
  • Fix input error initially loading copilot in nvim-cmp
  • Check OPENAI_API_KEY before enabling NeoAI plugin
  • Use snipmate rather than vscode for custom snippets
  • Remove support for codeium coding assistant
  • Update codeexplain model size


⚡️ Added

  • Add support for copilot
  • Break nvim-Lazyman configuration menus out into separate script
  • New configuration script ~/.config/nvim-Lazyman/scripts/
  • Adjust cmp highlights
  • Only modify occurrences of /nvim/ in Lua and Vimscript files
  • Only load cmp-npm if copilot is disabled as copilot handles npm completion
  • Set nvim-cmp highlight groups, do not lazy load cmp-npm
  • Add cmp-calc and cmp-npm to nvim-cmp
  • Add codicons to utils/icons.lua
  • Update man page with copilot entry
  • Merge icon tables in nvim-cmp to display completion type icons correctly
  • Add menu config support for copilot
  • Add support for copilot nvim-cmp completions
  • Update mini.comment
  • Add enable_copilot to configuration.lua
  • Use standard winbar by default

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix exit status check
  • Disable lazy loading of copilot
  • Update cmp-npm config with filetype loading trigger and dependency
  • Fix find command to modify Lua and Vimscript /nvim/ pathnames
  • Remove snippy support, always use luasnip
  • Get copilot completion and snippets right in nvim-cmp
  • Check exit status from sub-menus to either exit or redisplay main menu
  • Remove trim newlines and white space from null-ls sources
  • Only re-initialize Lazyman config when exiting


⚡️ Added

  • Add Allaman config
  • Add note taking plugins with menu configuration support
  • Add support for multiple easy motion plugins (hop and leap)
  • Add and enhance snippets
  • Add patch for the Allaman config

🐞 Fixed

  • Move AlanVim, Charles, and Magidc Custom configs to Personal
  • Improve lazyman health check report
  • Fix health check file name in lazyman show_health
  • Remove trim newlines and whitespace from null-ls sources


⚡️ Added

  • Added health argument to lazyman to generate a Neovim configuration health check
  • Added scripts/ to generate a health check from the command line

🐞 Fixed

  • Format and order of messages
  • Do not fixup /nvim/ references for nvim-Lazyman
  • Fix install all from command line, include Base
  • If only -U given then set neovimdir to nvim-Lazyman
  • Check for applied patch before applying
  • Remove troublesome update_config section
  • Fix references to /nvim/ during installs and updates
  • When installing multiple configs enable quiet mode
  • Fix winbar menu selection


⚡️ Added

  • Configure barbecue based on enable_tabline
  • Add support for barbecue winbar
  • Add 3rd to Custom
  • Add Makefile for generating profiles and benchmarks
  • Add configuration patch script for patches applied during initialization
  • Add snippets for additional languages
  • Add support for multiple snippet plugins, right now luasnip and snippy
  • Add bob nvim to path after install bob
  • Add NvChad based Python developer config to Custom

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove rainbow 2 plugin, it was hanging on large files
  • Only enable lsp servers listed in configuration.lua
  • Don't use quiet flag when installing or updating Base configs
  • Only show alias if not quiet mode
  • Do not use -A to install or update all as it appears broken
  • Hide lualine only if enabled
  • Only show lsp servers in tabline if winbar is enabled
  • Change enable_winbar from boolean to string, remove enable_barbecue
  • Issue warning if patch utility not found
  • Remove custom installed configs as well when -A -R are provided
  • Change snippy cut text mapping from x to X to avoid conflict with diagnostics mapping
  • Move CodeArt and CosmicNvim up into Starter configs
  • Expand description of Bob Neovim version manager


⚡️ Added

  • Add help to all menus
  • Add help for the Neovim version selection menu
  • Split Neovim version selection menu out into a function, call it from all other menus
  • Add Neovim version management menu using the bob Neovim version manager
  • Add submenu to select Neovim version if bob is installed and multiple versions have been installed
  • Add list neovim versions to menu if bob installed
  • Add Modern neovim configuration to Personals
  • Add menu option to install Bob neovim version manager

🐞 Fixed

  • Redirect bob output
  • Format neovim version menu
  • Display config menu if just -F is provided


⚡️ Added

  • Add SaleVim to Custom configs
  • Begin defining the data structure for a YAML representation of Lazyman configurations
  • Add scripts/ to parse YAML in pure Bash if yq not available
  • Add scripts/lazyman.yaml initial version of a configuration configuration
  • Add scripts/ script to test lazyman config lazyman.yaml

🐞 Fixed

  • Move BasicIde from Custom to Base
  • If no subir is specified then no branch need be specified
  • Fix Penguin install as part of all


⚡️ Added

  • Add Extralight starter config
  • Change indent-blankline configuration from boolean to string indicating style
  • Don't re-initialize in menus unless a change in plugins has been made
  • Move statusline to tabline if tabline disabled and statusline enabled
  • Use configuration.lua entries to reset showtabline and laststatus
  • Install lsd with cargo if native platform install fails
  • Python 3.9 or greater required for codeexplain plugin
  • Add download and install of ascii-image-converter

🐞 Fixed

  • Move Nv to Custom configs
  • Disable stylua by default when using lua_ls
  • Move Ohmynvim from Custom to Starter and rename it HardHacker
  • Check for existence of some commands before installing


⚡️ Added

  • Add golines to null-ls formatters
  • Add script to install delve
  • Add rust to treesitter parsers
  • Add PDE config to Starters
  • Use bang in PlugInstall
  • Configure gopls in go.lua off setting in configuration.lua
  • Log debug initialization to logs folder
  • Install specific versions of pip modules for codeexplain in
  • Add menu option to remove GPT model file
  • Add llama-cpp-python to dependencies
  • Run UpdateRemotePlugins in codeexplain build
  • Add langchain and Pygments to installed dependencies
  • Add GPT4ALL codeexplain.nvim plugin and menu support

🐞 Fixed

  • Force reinstall and upgrade of pip modules in
  • Change GPT model download to vicuna
  • Disable codeexplain plugin when GPT model is removed
  • Use set_conf_value rather than sed
  • Only need to install specific versions of langchain and llama-cpp-python for codeexplain.nvim
  • Fix select_opts setting in nvim-cmp
  • Fix navic attached lspconfig, enable rust analyzer
  • Improve sed of configuration.lua table entries to permit multiple spaces or tabs preceding comment markers
  • Git ignore everything in logs folder except


⚡️ Added

  • Add -t and -T flags to list installed and uninstalled configs
  • Add plugins menu screenshot to README
  • Add custom config folders to status report
  • Add git report to Lazyman status
  • List uninstalled in Lazyman status

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix debug mode and add it to menu
  • Reorder main menu entries
  • Fix GUI toggle menu entry
  • Move navic location to tabline if winbar not enabled
  • Disable screensaver by default


⚡️ Added

  • Use a timeout function to terminate hung headless nvim initialization
  • Add Slydragonn to Custom
  • Add zone.nvim screensaver and configuration support for both zone and drop
  • Configuration timeout parameter for screensavers
  • Menu support for screensavers and timeout
  • Add terminal.nvim keymaps to cheatsheet

🐞 Fixed

  • Use my fork of the cheatsheet plugin
    • Enhanced plugin and markdown cheatsheets
    • Which-Key integration
  • Move Penguin to Base
  • Add configuration-prev.lua to gitignore
  • Update keymaps doc with terminal and gitsigns mappings
  • Shorten some lazyman menu entries


⚡️ Added

  • Add configurable support for drop screensaver
  • Add support for Custom configurations updates

🐞 Fixed

  • Check if config folder exists before initializing
  • Order menu options
  • Remove lean figlet font
  • Replace config_version test with check for number of config entries


⚡️ Added

  • Over 40 Neovim configurations now supported
  • Add select and 'Install' 'Open' 'Remove' config entries to menu
  • Add support for installing, removing, and opening Custom configs from the command line and lazyman menu

🐞 Fixed

  • Use Moon phases for installation status
  • Remove individual 'Open' configs from menu


⚡️ Added

  • Add menu support for configuring telescope media backend
  • Add menu support for multi cursor and lualine lsp progress
  • Add configuration option to display LSP progress in winbar rather than with Noice
  • Add penguinVim to custom configs
  • Use SHELLCHECK_PATH environment variable to override bashls shellcheck setting
  • Check OPENAI_API_KEY before enabling ChatGPT plugin
  • Add update section to known limitations
  • Add .initialized and lua/configuration-orig.lua to .gitignore

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix lualine winbar without lsp progress
  • Remove custom SpaceVim folder when removing SpaceVim
  • Remove .nvimdirs from git repo, auto-generate it during initialization
  • Disable shellcheck by default as it is behaving poorly
  • Enable/disable shellcheck in bashls
  • Do not use shellcheck as a source in null-ls
  • Fix telescope make extension dependency on toggleterm
  • Add timeout to null-ls formatters
  • Provide some output when performing installs via lazyman install


⚡️ Added

  • Use null-ls when enable_coding is false
  • Enable/Disable all LSP servers when enable_coding is true/false
  • Split null-ls config out into separate file
  • Mods to nvim-cmp configuration for coding/non-coding settings
  • Add enable_coding setting to configuration.lua
  • Add enable_coding to configuration.lua and base plugins off that
  • Add support for configuring a non-programming editing environment
  • Add autocmd to avoid shellcheck duplication between bashls and null-ls
  • Use version info in configuration.lua to restore or replace it during updates
  • Add version info to configuration.lua, check in update_config
  • Add install, open, and remove arguments to fuzzy search and select a configuration to 'install', 'open', or 'remove' from the lazyman command line

🐞 Fixed

  • Disable vim-illuminate, indent-blankline, and treesitter highlights for large files
  • Menu formatting, handle out of range menu selections
  • Reduce file size for which shellcheck is disabled, disable beautysh by default
  • Fix ranger float auto-configuration, disable shellcheck on large files, prompt before disabling coding features


⚡️ Added

  • Most plugins can now be enabled or disabled in configuration.lua
  • All entries in configuration.lua can be set via lazyman menus
  • Split plugins config out into separate menu
  • Add enable/disable for toggleterm plugin
  • Add enable/disable for dressing UI improvement plugin
  • Disable ranger float plugin if ranger not found
  • Add enable/disable for dressing ui improvement plugin
  • Add enable/disable for bbye and startuptime plugins
  • Add enable/disable renamer plugin to Lazyman config menu
  • Add enable/disable compile plugin to compile and run current file
  • Add enable/disable file tree plugin and session manager with 'none' as an option
  • Add enable/disable ranger float plugin to lazyman config menu
  • Add enable/disable asciiart, cheatsheet, and hop
  • Add configuration menus for LSP servers, formatters, and linters
  • Configure LSP servers, formatters, and linters based on settings in configuation.lua
  • Add '-f path' argument to fix treesitter help parser config
  • Add LaTeX personal config, move ONNO config from custom to personal
  • Add nvim-surround to configurable plugins in configuration.lua and lazyman menu
  • Improve dashboard autocmds to preserve tabline and statusline
  • Add showtabline to config menu, auto-configure wakatime
  • Add LSP Servers menu to enable and disable individual lsp servers
  • Use rich-cli for menu headings if figlet not available
  • Add WakaTime plugin enable/disable to Lazyman Configuration Menu
  • Check for WakaTime in custom configs
  • Add optional support for WakaTime in Lazyman config
  • Check for julia and composer for Install Tools menu entry
  • Simplify leader keymaps a little
  • Add hop and treehopper plugins with extensive keymaps
  • Add -a argument to to install all servers and tools
  • Link to NvChad customization repo
  • Add Elianiva to known working custom configs
  • Add Install and Uninstall scripts

🐞 Fixed

  • Make enable_tabline and enable_statusline work as expected
  • Enable beautysh, disable shellcheck - it is choking on large files
  • Fix prompt for enabling WakaTime if no .wakatime.cfg detected
  • Do not remap '?' to '/' in hop config
  • Fix bug in menu selection by name rather than number
  • Remove lvim-shell and lvim-fm
  • Only configure LSP servers if enabled in configuration.lua
  • Fix prompt for enabling WakaTime if no .wakatime.cfg detected
  • Check .initialized and if not present initialize Lazyman
  • Run MasonInstallAll for NvChad initialization
  • lazyman -I now invokes Neovim install script with -a, -i does what -I used to do
  • Remove terraform
  • Change keymap for LuaSnip with Hop to lS, conflicted with bnext


⚡️ Added

  • Add Basic config to starters
  • Add table of custom configs to release notes

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix nvim-cmp experimental ghost_text setting #1565
  • Improved custom NvChad add-on
  • Specify branch and panvimdoc version in workflows


⚡️ Added

  • Add table of custom configs and expand section on custom configurations

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix argument passing to


⚡️ Added

  • Add known custom configs, expand custom section
  • Added another example of a config using vim-plug
  • Install typescript npm package
  • Add custom SpaceVim config
  • Add support for mason-nvim-dap auto install of adapters
  • Add Ember to Personal

🐞 Fixed

  • Cancel removal if the requested config is the standard Neovim config dir
  • Fix nvim-dap configuration
  • Move Nv to Base
  • Rename MiniVim to Mini
  • Clarify description of Personal category, mini.nvim is a library


⚡️ Added

  • Add tldrf alias for fuzzy search and select tldr cheatsheet
  • Add -Q option to exit lazyman after install
  • Install tealdeer in
  • Add cellular automota to games and game keymaps
  • Move Abstract config to Base category and MiniVim to Personal
  • Renamed 'Extra' category to 'Personal' to better reflect its nature
  • Check for older format configuration.lua during updates
  • Add Disable All and Enable All entries to configuration menu
  • Add to mini.starter footer
  • Simplify multiple dashboard configuration
  • Add cheatsheet to mini.starter dashboard

🐞 Fixed

  • Improved telescope with keymaps and fzf extension
  • Fix tldrf alias preview window and color output
  • Removed duplicate telescope entries


⚡️ Added

  • Add support for MiniVim base neovim configuration
  • Support for multiple dashboards
  • Configure mini.starter start screen
  • Add mini.starter dashboard, remove startup dashboard
  • Add support for mini.starter dashboard
  • Improve dashboard-nvim
  • Lazy sync newly configured dashboard
  • Fuzzy selection dialogs for dashboards
  • Enable Alpha dashboard by default
  • Add cheatsheet to dashboards
  • Add cheatsheet keymaps to keymaps doc
  • Add lazyman, plugins, gitsigns, and markdown sections to custom cheatsheet
  • Add cheatsheet plugin and custom cheatsheet.txt
  • Add treesj Treesitter split/join plugin and custom keymaps
  • Replace mini.surround with nvim-surround
  • Add Adib Neovim configuration to extras

🐞 Fixed

  • The MiniVim configuration needs no initialization
  • Fix mini.starter autocmd for dynamic footer
  • Enable and disable bundled cheatsheets selectively
  • Replace bundled gitsigns and markdown cheatsheets with custom ones
  • Show Remove All menu entry based on number of nvimdirs
  • Lazy load cheatsheet plugin
  • Lazy load lspconfig
  • Install tree-sitter cli with cargo if available then npm if not
  • Widen telescope popup window
  • Do not prompt for install type if native packaging and Homebrew not detected
  • Update Lazyman keymaps doc
  • Move NvPak Neovim configuration to starters


⚡️ Added

  • Bug fix release

🐞 Fixed

  • Remove Lazyman config from Base, it is installed by default
  • Fix install All in menu, -A is now install all
  • Fix install Base in menu, -A changed to -B


⚡️ Added

  • Add support for native package manager on Alpine Linux
  • Install nightly neovim build in HOME/.local rather than /usr/local
  • The -A flag now installs all configs
  • Add -B flag to install Base configs
  • Add status argument
  • Add Select and Install menu option
  • Remove individual install menu options
  • Remove Lazyman from lazymanrc items for removal

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix test for neovim version
  • Fix build/install of nightly neovim
  • Install python3-venv on Debian based platforms
  • Fix use of missing figlet fonts


⚡️ Added

  • Install gh from binary download rather than package manager
  • Use npm to install fd-find rather than package managers
  • Add Abstract Neovim configuration to extras
  • Rename Knmac config to Knvim with new config url

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix install starter menu entries
  • Only show remove menu entries when partial or fully installed


⚡️ Added

  • Default to native package managers for Arch, Debian, SUSE, Void, and RPM systems
  • Add support for SUSE and Void Linux native package managers
  • Move black, beautysh, and ruff to pip install
  • Add known limitations section
  • Install ruby-dev/ruby-devel if needed
  • Add -h option to indicate use Homebrew rather than native package manager
  • Inform user of sudo privilege when doing native installs
  • Notify if Homebrew is detected during install prompt
  • Use binary distribution tar archive for native Neovim install
  • Install lazygit with release asset download if doing native install
  • Install zoxide with install script rather than package manager
  • If no native package manager found then use Homebrew
  • Use dnf/yum on all RPM based platforms
  • Use apt on all Debian based platforms
  • Default to pacman on Arch and Arch-Like platforms
  • Default to Homebrew on macOS
  • Prompt to use native package manager on Debian and RPM systems unless -y is given
  • Add CosmicNvim example custom config
  • Rename Knmac to Knvim with new repository url

🐞 Fixed

  • Quote arguments to bindkey
  • Update NvChad and AstroNvim custom folders when updating the respective repos
  • Move appending sourcing of .lazymanrc after Homebrew shell setup


⚡️ Added

  • Source environment files and set brew path on lazyman startup
  • Add open lazyman menu entry to configuration menu
  • Update lazyman keymaps markdown, man page, and doc
  • Add descriptions to terminal keymaps

🐞 Fixed

  • Resolve conflicting keymaps in gitsigns, terminal, lspconfig
  • Fixed Docker image build and push in github action
  • Do not build docker image for arm architecture, build for x86_64 and amd64
  • Fix check for brew executable in set_brew


⚡️ Added

  • Use .initialized file to indicate initialization has been performed

🐞 Fixed

  • Move python check after neovim install


⚡️ Added

  • Move section on manual installation to Wiki
  • Install dependencies and tools even if nvim is already installed
  • Add latexindent to Mason tools install
  • Locate python3 and ruby neovim gem in globals.lua

🐞 Fixed

  • Don't run nvim if interactive mode enabled
  • Change toggle ui menu entry
  • Add zoxide to checks for tools menu entry
  • Update local/bin/lazyman when nvim-Lazyman is updated
  • Do not run install script if nvim-Lazyman config dir exists
  • Remove duplicate test for previously installed packages
  • Strip unprintable characters from ruby path returned by vim.fn.system


⚡️ Added

  • Install ruby neovim gem in user dir, expand search for ruby neovim
  • Rework how gem is found and ruby_host_prog set
  • Use Homebrew python3 and ruby neovim gem

🐞 Fixed

  • Move gopls julials and denols from Homebrew to Mason
  • Replace Allaman config (broken for now) with Roiz config


⚡️ Added

  • Add bat and lsd to tools, add aliases for bat and lsd
  • Add custom LunarVim user config from
  • Update which-key opts passed to config
  • Add Help section to doc
  • Add Lazyman-Keymaps vimdoc, rename nvim-Lazyman vimdoc to Lazyman
  • Adjust Alpha and Asciiville keymaps
  • Add renamer config
  • Add LAZYMAN section to doc so :Lazyman goes to right place
  • Add which-key mapping for ChatGPTEditWithInstructions command
  • Add keymap to toggle transparency in several colorschemes
  • Add Homebrew Upgrade to main menu
  • Install bash with Homebrew if bash version less than 4
  • One more attempt at getting updates right, probably not the last
  • Set conceallevel to 0 to unhide markdown
  • Restore configuration.lua on Lazyman update
  • Fix treesitter highlighting for text filetype
  • Adjust spell checking options and autocmds
  • Enable transparency by default, remove breadcrumb from lspconfig
  • Add Simple config to extras, Replace Abstract with Knmac in extras
  • Add ftplugin/help.lua to enable treesitter highlights in vimdoc
  • Add spell files, Add autocmd to auto enter insert mode in Terminal
  • rust-analyzer, taplo, and pylsp now installed by Mason
  • Add -r flag to nvims and neovides aliases for removal of selected config
  • Add selected removal menu option
  • Use LunarVim install and uninstall scripts but place LunarVim config location in ~/.config/nvim-LunarVim
  • Add configuration menu to Alpha dashboard

🐞 Fixed

  • Do not install julia or composer, leave that up to the user
  • Move gopls install from Mason to Homebrew
  • Move some language server installs back to Mason, adjust mason and lspconfig setup
  • Split mason out from lspconfig in plugins
  • Split panvimdoc workflows out into 2 separate workflows


⚡️ Added

  • Add -F option to lazyman for quick access to configuration menau
  • Add :Lazyconf command and ,lc key binding for even quicker access to configuration menu
  • Add Lazyman Configuration submenu
  • Setup extensive Dap configuration
  • Move navic lsp location to tabline and file path to winbar
  • Set navic depth_limit to 0 and depth_limit_indicator to ..
  • Enable winbar by default with navic location from lsp
  • Add navic location in winbar
  • Add back in lspconfig on_attach with diagnostic goto
  • Add markdownlint and terraform
  • Install luarocks and cspell
  • Add vimdoc to treesitter ensure installed

🐞 Fixed

  • Refactor lspconfig with navic
  • Refactor mason, null-ls, lspconfig
  • Adjust Alpha dashboard highlight used for category titles
  • Rename VonHeikemen config to Heiker
  • Fix link to issues image


⚡️ Added

  • Add separate installation commands in README for easy copy/paste

🐞 Fixed

  • Disable interactive mode and run nvim if nvim-Lazyman not yet initialized


⚡️ Added

  • Add autocmd to disable or convert semantic highlights
  • Add configuration.lua settings for semantic highlighting
  • Use noice for signature help markdown if noice is enabled
  • Add shellcheck comment in Lazyman shell initialization to satisfy SC1090
  • Install gh in

🐞 Fixed

  • Check if executable exists in config and keymaps for Terminal apps
  • Fix asciiville Neovim terminal command so it does not use splash screen


⚡️ Added

  • Add lazyman command to alpha menu
  • Add info on interactive use of terminal
  • Add section on Lazyman Neovim Terminal to README and man page
  • Add terminal config for lazyman and asciiville to Features section
  • Adjust menu system to look nice in a Neovim terminal
  • Add Lazyman and Asciiville commands to Terminal
  • Add diagnostics screenshot to coding section of Features
  • Add -Z option to circumvent installation of Homebrew, Neovim, language servers, and tools
  • Ignore default ~/.config/nvim directory, do not manage default nvim config

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix signature help, add signature help keymaps
  • Move Kickstart from Base to Starter
  • Fix mason-null-ls configuration
  • Reconfigure starter configs in menu
  • Move some tools back to Mason from script
  • Format lazyman menu for Neovim terminal
  • Move telescope ignore patterns from configuration.lua to config/telescope.lua


⚡️ Added

  • No longer need to compile neovim HEAD, version 0.9 is released
  • Improved menu interface, better description of lazyman categories
  • Try different approach to updates
  • Add Lazyman Status to menu for lazyman and nvim info
  • Install and initialize extra and starter configs with new -w, -x, -W, -X options
  • Add support for nvim-starter Neovim configurations
  • Add toggle gui to lazyman menu, add paths in lazymanrc
  • Add Troubleshooting section to README
  • Add experimental VonHeikemen distro
  • Add support for Ecovim Neovim distribution
  • Add convenience keymaps for plugin management and options
  • Install jdtls with Mason, dynamically locate jvm runtimes for jdtls

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix neovide select menu entries, fix env.sample copy
  • Fix jdtls ftplugin/java.lua for both linux and macos


⚡️ Added

  • Install jdtls with Mason, dynamically locate jvm runtimes for jdtls
  • Reorganize lazyman menu
  • Install cargo if not found
  • Install markdownlint with Homebrew, remove from Mason installed tools
  • Always install language servers and tools in
  • Install neovim-remote HEAD after installing neovim HEAD
  • Add convenience key binding for neovides menu, document neovides support in doc
  • Add support for neovide in .lazymanrc aliases and function
  • Add GUI initialization and autocmd for UIEnter
  • Add install Neovide option to lazyman menu
  • Add support for color indentlines
  • Add custom flavor to catppuccin theme
  • Add lsp-zero, add rounded border for LspInfo
  • Add support for nvim terminal from rebelot
  • Add xclip to tools check, rich menu formatting
  • Remove silver searcher from dependencies

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix ftplugin/java.lua for both linux and macos
  • Adjust nvim-cmp config for performance
  • Fix dracula and tokyonight panel transparency


⚡️ Added

  • Add interactive menu system to manage Neovim configurations
  • Use rich in the lazyman menu system if it is available
  • Add figlet, lolcat, and rich-cli to brew installed tools
  • Add hacker and octo plugins
  • Add support for Neovim configs in repo subdirectories
  • Add warning if lazymanrc not found
  • Add styles for dracula theme

🐞 Fixed

  • Go back to monokai-pro, issue resolved
  • Move packer and plug plugin installs to initialization function
  • Move Allaman distribution to unsupported for now as it has initialization errors
  • Run nvim when initializing nvim-Lazyman, don't run nvim when initializing from menu system
  • Recheck for tools after Install Tools in menu


⚡️ Added

  • Dynamic nvims fuzzy selector menu generation to avoid logout/source
  • Add support for dracula theme
  • Remove shellharden, it strips too many things I like
  • Make nvims an alias to dynamically generate the menu with the nvimselect function
  • Install beautysh in rather than with Mason
  • Add MagicVim to supported configs
  • Split nvims keybind out into separate source
  • Add support for removing all unsupported configs
  • Dynamically generate nvims menu items from .nvimdirs maintained by lazyman
  • Add neoscroll plugin for smooth scrolling
  • Add support for SpaceVim
  • Add lazymanrc shell initialization with aliases and nvims function
  • Show which plugin manager is used for initialization
  • Add support for vim-plug based initialization

🐞 Fixed

  • Increase timeouts for lsp formatting
  • Remove monokai-pro, waiting for author to fix doc/tags issue


⚡️ Added

  • Use mason-null-ls as primary source rather than null-ls
  • Language server and tools via Mason and lspconfig
  • Use markdown man page as input to auto-generate vim doc

🐞 Fixed

  • Treesitter playground uses deprecated calls, disable for now


⚡️ Added

  • Add lazy updates to lualine
  • Update README with latest configuration.lua
  • Get show_diagnostics config working with all values

🐞 Fixed

  • Better instructions on neovim install failure
  • Check if ulimit hard limit is 'unlimited'
  • Brew link libuv before compiling neovim


⚡️ Added

  • Add to release artifacts
  • Add show diagnostics option to configuration.lua
  • Add release creation script, version file, and release notes
  • Add ChatGPT plugin
  • Add Features section to README
  • Add configuration.lua section to README
  • Add '-e config' option to lazyman to execute nvim with a specified config
  • Add helptag of any local help in the Neovim config 'doc' directory during initialization
  • Add auto-generation of nvim-Lazyman doc
  • Add support for LunarVim
  • Disable Alpha header by default
  • Add VimBeGood to games
  • Add navigator, project, window-picker, and games - make them all configurable in configuration.lua
  • Add rounded border to lazy popup
  • Add support for everforest colorscheme/theme
  • Add support for possession or persistance session manager, integrate with dashboards and lualine
  • Add github workflows and badges

🐞 Fixed

  • Fix bug in update function, add section on Updates to README
  • If '-N nvimdir' is specified on the command line, use it even with supported configs, add note about Packer support
  • Update add-on repositories when doing an update
  • Fix Packer initialization


⚡️ Added

  • Add 'media_backend' configuration setting for telescope display of media
  • Add support for the Allaman Neovim configuration
  • Add Neogit button to Alpha dashboard
  • Add bookmarks and nvim-ide plugins (optional)
  • Add fugitive and gv back in plugins along with neogit, check for NotifyBackground highlight group
  • Neo-tree show hidden files, use updated repo name
  • Rely on Mason for most language servers, remove them from
  • Use a Lazyman custom NvChad configuration rather than example custom config
  • Add support for NvChad install and initialization
  • Remove bufferline plugin, using tabline
  • Add dap and go plugins and configuration, modify tabline to display pathname of file
  • Clarify manual installation and initialization
  • Separate language servers and tools out into post-install action with lazyman -I
  • Install dependencies, tools, and language servers with lazyman -I
  • Show install times in debug mode
  • Install neovim 0.9 if it is not present, install language servers with Homebrew unless Mason installs them
  • Add -L cmd option to run a Lazy command
  • Use latest treesitter, add rainbow treesitter and configs
  • Add lazyman man page and lazyman update capability
  • Add lualine themes for all supported colorschemes and styles
  • Add support for onedarkpro and theme style setting
  • Add section on unsupported configurations
  • Add supported configurations section
  • Use doctorfree/astronvim repository for AstroNvim user customization
  • Add AstroNvim community plugins configuration
  • Add support for Kickstart
  • Experimental support for Packer initialization with -P option
  • Add args to specify custom url and nvim config dir name
  • Install neovim if it is not already installed
  • Add -a and -R flags to install, don't backup lazyman but do a git pull
  • Add -y flag to script
  • Configure indent plugins with filetypes, enable Alpha
  • Correct calls to vim.api in autocmds
  • Add Alpha autocmds, load on VimEnter
  • Add options, keymaps, and autocmds
  • Add dry run, removal, and support for LazyVim to install script
  • Add globals.lua to loads in plugins/settings.lua
  • Note about shell initialization and export of NVIM_APPNAME
  • Note about Neovim 0.9 and NVIM_APPNAME

🐞 Fixed

  • Cleanup some more dupliate installs between Homebrew and Mason
  • Only need to run 'Lazy sync' during initialization
  • Disable semantic tokens in onedarkpro for now
  • Fix AstroNvim user config clone, customize suggested alias per config
  • Fix Mason plugin spec