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Docker Deployment


These instructions are for installing the Runestone servers using Docker to automate much of the work involved in setting up the environment needed to run a server. If you would prefer to install all the components directly on a server yourself, see the Manual Installation instructions.

Using Docker, we can bring up the server without needing to install dependencies directly on the host. Instead, the software required to run the server will be installed in four separate Docker containers (the Runestone application, redis cache, postgres DB, and Jobe code runner).


To build a Docker application with the server and all its dependencies:


You will need to enter the root user password several times during the following steps. Look for the Password: prompt, then enter your password. Note that no characters will be echoed when you type your password -- this is a normal security precaution built into Unix.


If running on Linux, you must use Ubuntu 20.04 (although any version of Ubuntu 18.0+ should work). Installation on older versions of Ubuntu or other Linux distributions may require adjustments. Install curl by opening a terminal then typing:

sudo apt-get install -y curl


If running on OS X, install then run the Docker Desktop.


Expect to wait a few minutes the first time you start the Docker Desktop. Don't proceed until the Docker Desktop's initialization is complete.

Next, install Python 3.


If running on Windows, either:

Install Ubuntu on WSL2. Next, install then run Docker Desktop; see the note above on the initialization process.


Install Ubuntu on VirtualBox or on some other virtualization software. You do not need to install the Docker Desktop.



To run in VirtualBox, configure the network settings: use NAT, select Advanced, Port forwarding, add:

Name Protocol Host IP Host Port Guest IP Guest Port
SSH TCP   22   22
HTTP TCP   80   80
HTTPS TCP   443   443

Next, install curl by opening an Ubuntu terminal then typing:

sudo apt-get install -y curl

To keep your filesystem tidy, create a directory before running the following commands, since these commands download several scripts and subdirectories. To do this:

mkdir rsdocker
cd rsdocker


On OS X, avoid placing your files in the Documents folder, since security features introduced in OS X 12.4 require you to give Docker additional permissions.

Next, download the bootstrap script. To do this, open a terminal in Ubuntu or OS X then type:

curl -fLO

This downloads the bootstrap script.

A Python virtual environment ensures that all the Python dependencies installed by this process don't interfere with your global / system Python installation.

  1. Create a Python virtual environment named rsvenv (RuneStone Virtual ENVironment):

    python3 -m venv rsvenv
  2. Activate the virtual environment you just created.

    On Windows:


    On Linux and OS X:

    . rsvenv/bin/activate

The next step, which installs required dependencies for the remainder of the process, depends on the two mutually exclusive use cases below. Remember which use case you select; many of the following steps vary based on your use case.

Use case: running the server

For the use case of running the server, execute:

python3 init


Use case: in addition to running the server, change the way Runestone works or change/add to the way interactive exercises behave

For the developer use case:

  1. Fork the RunestoneServer, RunestoneComponents, and BookServer repositories. If you've already forked these repositories, fetch the latest updates from these upstream repositories.
  2. In the terminal, run:
python3 init --clone-rs <your Github userid>


On Windows using Ubuntu under WSL2: if you see the error message "Docker Desktop not detected..." but you are running the Docker Desktop, then click the gear (settings) icon in Docker Desktop, select Resources then WSL Integration, and make sure the switch next to Ubuntu is turned on.

In the terminal, type:

cd RunestoneServer


All future commands should be run in the RunestoneServer directory unless instructions specify otherwise.

The next command depends on the use case you chose in the previous step.


For the use case of running the server, execute:

docker-tools build


For the developer use case, execute:

docker-tools build --single-dev --clone-all <your Github userid>


The build will take a long time (5-10 minutes in many cases). When this completes:

  1. Reboot your computer to update your group membership.
  2. Run the Docker Desktop if using WSL on Windows or using OS X.
  3. Open a terminal then cd rsvenv.
  4. Activate your virtual environment -- see the second step of create a virtual environment.
  5. cd RunestoneServer.

Most basic configuration can be done via two files you will need to create. These files are read every time the server is restarted - to see the effects of any changes you will need to stop the containers and restart them.

Environment Variables

For the developer use case, you do not need to modify any of the default environment variables.


For the use case of running the server, you will need to modify these variables. To do so, edit the .env file, which Docker will read automatically as it loads containers. A sample .env file is provided as ./.env (copied from docker/.env.prototype <.env.prototype> on the first build). See comments in the file for details.

Python Settings

For the developer use case, you do not need to modify any of the default Python settings.


For the use case of running the server, you will need to modify these settings to obtain an HTTPS certificate, send the lost password e-mails, etc. These options will be in the file models/ (which is automatically created on the first build).


You will NOT want to check either .env or models/ into source control, since these contain passwords. The .gitignore file is set to ignore both of them.


Once your environment is ready to go, you can use docker compose to bring the containers up. This command will create four containers to run different parts of the application stack (the Runestone server, redis cache, postgres DB, jobe code testing environment).

For the use case of running the server, execute:

docker compose up -d

This run the container in the background (detached mode). Use docker compose logs --follow to view logging data as the container starts up and runs.


For the developer use case, execute:

docker compose up

This displays logging data from the container in the terminal. To Stop the container, press when ctrl-c.


The first time you run the command will take a lot longer as it downloads containers then installs software into the various containers. You may ignore the red message jobe error that appears during this process. After it is complete, you can go to http://localhost/ to see the application (if you configured a hostname, substitute it for localhost). If everything so far is set up correctly, you should see a welcome/login page. Continue in the instructions to add book(s), course(s) and a user account.

Introducing rsmanage

The rsmanage command will run many useful commands inside the container for you. With rsmanage you can:

  • Add a course - rsmanage addcourse
  • Add a user - rsmanage adduser
  • Get information about a course rsmanage courseinfo
  • Build a book - rsmanage build bookname
  • Get a database shell in the current database - rsmanage db

...and many other things. Just type rsmanage for a list of things it can do. For a list of options just type rsmanage and the subcommand you want followed by --help; for example, rsmanage build --help.

No books are installed by default; you must add books using the following process. To add a book, you need to add its source code to the RunestoneServer/books/ directory. Typically, that means cloning its source code. For example, to add thinkcspy:

rsmanage build thinkcspy --clone

After cloning a book, you may need to add it to the database. Most of the standard books are already there, but you can use rsmanage addcourse to add it if needed.


PreTeXt authors, see Publishing to Runestone Academy. The following information applies only authoring books using the Runestone.


It is important that the folder name for the book matches the project_name set in its This is not always automatically the case. For example, the ThinkCPP repository will normally be cloned into ThinkCPP but it has the project_name set to thinkcpp. If there is a mismatch, you will want to rename the folder you cloned the code into so that it matches the project_name.


Most Runestone books set master_url to get_master_url() in their file. However, if the book you are adding does not, it is critical that the master_url variable in that file is set correctly. If you are running docker and doing your development on the same machine then http://localhost will work. If you are running docker on a remote host then make sure to set it to the name of the remote host.

To add a course based on a book, run the rsmanage addcourse script. If you run it just like that it will prompt you for all of the necessary details. Probably the most important thing to point out is that if this is a new book the first time you add it you want to make sure that the basecourse and the course-name are the same. If you are creating your own course but want it based on an existing book then make sure to use the correct base course name.

rsmanage addcourse

It will ask for:

Course Name: The short name to identify this course/section (do NOT include any spaces). e.g. yourname-cs1-fall2021

Base Course: The name of the book to use. This MUST match the project_name defined in of the book. e.g. thinkcspy

Your institution: The human readable name of your institution. e.g. Some State U

Then you will be asked whether to allow users to access the course without logging in (defaults to yes) and whether to allow pair programming (default is no).

You do not have to restart the server to make use of the course.


Some of the default books already have "default" courses with the same name as the book. If you try to create a course with a name like thinkcspy you will be told that the course name is the same as the book.

To add an initial instructor account to the course you have created, you can either create a new user or add an existing user as an instructor to the course.

To add a new user, use the rsmanage adduser subcommand it asks for what class to add the user to and whether or not they should be made an instructor.

rsmanage adduser

Or, if you already have an account that you want to add as an instructor to the new course, you can use the rsmanage command to execute addinstructor which will prompt you for a username and course name:

rsmanage addinstructor

Neither of these will require restarting the server.

Once you have logged in as an instructor, you can bulk add students through the web interface.

It is also possible to use a csv file to add multiple instructors or students as you start up the server. However, this process is brittle (any error loading the information results in the server entering a restart loop as it fails to load). To do so, make a file named either instructors.csv or students.csv in a folder called configs in the RunestoneServer/ folder. The format of the csv files is to have one person per line with the format of each line as follows:


Once you have started the server, you may have to remove that file to prevent subsequent restarts trying to load the same records and entering a restart loop because the records already exist.

The containerized application is configured to automatically start as soon as Docker / the Docker Desktop is started. Therefore, on OS X or Windows (when using WSL2): after a reboot or after manually shutting down the Docker Desktop, remember to start the Docker Desktop application.

Before using docker-tools or rsmanage:

  1. Open a terminal then cd rsdocker.
  2. Activate your virtual environment -- see the second step of create a virtual environment.
  3. cd RunestoneServer.

To re-build an image:

# See the possibilities
docker-tools build --help
# Actually run the build (add options as desired)
docker-tools build

To force a rebuild, make sure the containers are stopped, then rerun the build command. The build process caches results from previous builds and should complete much more rapidly. However, the cache can cause issues if you modify a file that the system is checking for changes. If you need to force a complete rebuild, use:

docker-tools build -- --no-cache

You can shell into the container to look around, or otherwise test. When you enter, you'll be in the web2py folder, where runestone/ is an application under applications/. From the RunestoneServer/ directory do:

docker-tools shell

Remember that the folder under web2py/applications/runestone is bound to your host, so do not edit files from inside the container otherwise they will have a change in permissions on the host.

Data is stored on a Docker containerized application in two distinct places:

  • Volumes, such as the Runestone Server path ($RUNESTONE_PATH), the BookServer path, and the Runestone Components path.
  • Layers in a docker image -- which is everything not stored in the volumes listed above.

Anything written to layers after the Docker build process will be lost. For example, if you shell into the container then apt install a package, these changes will be lost if the container is stopped, its configuration changed, etc. This is the nature of Docker. See the docs for more information.

To install a VNC client on Linux, execute sudo apt install gvncviewer. Next, run gvncviewer localhost:0 &. This allows you to open a terminal in the container, see Chrome as Selenium tests run, etc.

Execute sudo apt install openssh-server to install a SSH server. This allows easy access from VSCode, as well as usual SSH access.

If you make changes to the Runestone Components, you must rebuild the bundle of JavaScript bundle produced by webpack using npm run build, then re-build the book (or page of a book) which uses the component you're editing via a runestone build or pretext build. The unit tests do this automatically; for development, it's easiest to make changes to the test then re-run the test to guarantee the correct builds are done.

If you make changes to the BookServer, you'll need to stop then restart the BookServer. To do this, use docker-tools start-servers / docker-tools stop-servers.

If you make changes to the Runestone server, most changes will be immediately applied. However, changes in the modules folder require a stop / start sequence to apply these changes.

You can run the unit tests in the container using the docker-tools test command.

If you want to test the script, the easiest thing to do is add a command to the docker compose to disable it, and then run commands interactively by shelling into the container.

Bring up the containers and then shell inside. Once inside, you can then issue commands to test the entry point script - since the other containers were started with docker compose everything in them is ready to go.

File permissions can seem a little strange when you start this container on Linux. Primarily because both nginx and Gunicorn run as the www-data user. So you will suddenly find your files under RunestoneServer owned by www-data . The container's entry point script updates permissions to allow both you and the container enough privileges to do your work.


PreTeXt authors, see Publishing to Runestone Academy. The following information applies only authoring books using the Runestone.

If you are writing your own book you will want to get that book set up properly in the Runestone system. You need to do the following:

  1. Run the command rsmanage addcourse. Use the project name you configured in as the name of BOTH the course and the basecourse when it asks.
  2. Now that your course is registered, rebuild it using the command rsmanage build <book_name> command. If this is a PreTeXt book then build with the command rsmanage build --ptx <book_name> where the book_name should match the document-id specified in the docinfo section of the pretext book. Often found in bookinfo.ptx but sometimes as a peer of <book> in the main.ptx file for the book.

If you modify the dependencies of a non-Poetry project (such as the Runestone Components or rsmanage), then poetry update will not see these updates. To force an update, manually delete the *.egg-info directory before running poetry update. Note you must be in shelled in to the running docker container to run poetry update.