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Running Acceptance Tests

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This acceptance suite allows you to test bolt using the following methods:

  • gem: Install bolt via gem from a gemsource defined as an environment variable (defaults to
  • git: Install bolt via the git repo from a branch or SHA defined as environment variables (defaults to #main/HEAD).
  • package: Install bolt via the puppet repos

The tests assume the following Beaker roles be assigned to your SUT nodes:

  • bolt: This role defines the node that will act as the bolt controller node. There should be only one bolt node defined in a given Beaker hosts file.
  • ssh: Nodes defined with this role will be used to test bolt's SSH connection protocol. Any number of nodes can be defined with this role.
  • winrm: Nodes defined with this role will be used to test bolt's WinRM connection protocol. Any number of nodes can be defined with this role.

You might also need to specify nodes for beaker-hostgenerator to use to test bolt on. You can see all of the available operatingsystem-architecture nodes by running

beaker-hostgenerator --list


Prior to running the test commands, you must install the dependencies. This is accomplished by running bundle install from within the acceptance directory of your bolt git clone.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are used in conjunction with the rake tasks:


BEAKER_KEYFILE (Default ~/.ssh/id_rsa-acceptance): The path to the file Beaker should use as the ssh key.

SSH_PASSWORD (Default bolt_secret_password): Value to be used by the tests as the password for the SSH_USER for connecting to all hosts over SSH. Setup will update passwords on targets to match this value after connecting via BEAKER_KEYFILE.

WINRM_PASSWORD (Default bolt_secret_password): Value to be used by the tests as the passord for the WINRM_USER for connecting to all hosts over WinRM. Setup will update passwords on targets to match this value after connecting via BEAKER_KEYFILE.

BOLT_CONTOLLER (Default centos7-64bolt): Operating system and architecture to be used for the node running bolt. This value should be one of the OS-architecture strings used by beaker-hostgenerator (i.e.windows10ent-64). See the beaker-hostgenerator usage for more information about formatting, and see the examples below for examples.

BOLT_NODES (Default ubuntu1604-64,osx1012-64,windows10ent-64): Operating system and architecture to be used for the nodes targeted by the bolt tests. This value should be expressed in the notation used by beaker-hostgenerator. Multiples should be hyphen separated. See examples below for examples.

SSH_USER (Default root): Value to be used by the tests as the user for connecting to all hosts using the ssh role. This user must already be present on the system. If this variable is not provided, it will default to root.

WINRM_USER (Default Administrator): Value to be used by the tests as the user for connecting to all hosts using the winrm role. This user must already be present on the system.

For Gem Testing

GEM_VERSION (Default > 0.1.0): When testing via gem install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites for the bolt gem version to install on the bolt node.

GEM_SOURCE (Default When testing via gem install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites for the gem source to be used to install bolt from.

For Git Testing

GIT_SERVER (Default When testing via git install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites in conjunction with GIT_FORK to determine where the git repo should be obtained from.

GIT_FORK (Default puppetlabs/bolt.git): When testing via git install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites in conjunction with GIT_SERVER to determine where the git repo should be obtained from.

GIT_BRANCH (Default main): When testing via git install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites to determine what branch should be checked out for testing.

GIT_SHA (No default): When testing via git install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites to determine what git ref should be checked out for testing. This variable supersedes GIT_BRANCH if provided.

For Package Testing

SHA (No default): When testing via package install, this value will be used by the test pre-suites to determine what package version should be installed for testing.

Running Tests

Rake tasks

On Specified Targets

Example to run the tests on an ubuntu 16.04 controller with a redhat node

BOLT_CONTROLLER='ubuntu1604-64' \
BOLT_NODES='redhat7-64' \
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:gem

With Specified Users

Example to run with a different user:

SSH_USER='foo' \
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:gem
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:gem


Example to test latest available gem from with default targets and users:

SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:gem

Example to test specific gem version from

SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:gem


Example to test latest git commit to main on

SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:git

Example to test specific SHA on

GIT_SHA=309e197  \
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:git

Example to test topic branch on fork of bolt on GitHub

GIT_FORK=octocat/bolt.git          \
GIT_BRANCH=my-topic-branch         \
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3'           \
WINRM_PASSWORD='S3@ret3'          \
bundle exec rake test:git


Example to test a specific package version from Puppet's internal package repos

SHA=261d55b5cc1e8a6d00f4ff4573e17048bea08c10 \
SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3' \
bundle exec rake test:package


The above rake tasks are the simplest method of executing the acceptance tests for bolt. However, they assume that the default output of beaker-hostgenerator will meet your needs. If this is not the case, you can use beaker-hostgenerator to create the template for your beaker hosts file, modify it to suite your infrastructure, and run beaker independently. This can be helpful if you have existing hosts or do not want to use the vmpooler hypervisor.

Hosts file

You should run beaker-hostgenerator to create the hosts.yaml file used by beaker to run the tests. The examples below illustrate common platforms to test against. Centos 7 The following example generates a host file with a Centos 7 bolt controller with other operating systems used as external nodes to be acted upon by bolt.

 bundle exec beaker-hostgenerator centos7-64bolt,ssh.-ubuntu1604-64ssh.-osx1012-64ssh.-windows10ent-64winrm. > hosts.yaml

Ubuntu 16.04 The following example generates a host file with a Ubuntu 16.04 bolt controller with other operating systems used as external nodes to be acted upon by bolt.

 bundle exec beaker-hostgenerator ubuntu1604-64bolt,ssh.-centos7-64ssh.-osx1012-64ssh.-windows10ent-64winrm. > hosts.yaml

Windows 10 Enterprise The following example generates a host file with a Windows 10 bolt controller with other operating systems used as external nodes to be acted upon by bolt.

 bundle exec beaker-hostgenerator windows10ent-64bolt,winrm.-centos7-64ssh.-ubuntu1604-64ssh.-osx1012-64ssh. > hosts.yaml

OS X 10.12 The following example generates a host file with a OS X bolt controller with other operating systems used as external nodes to be acted upon by bolt.

 bundle exec beaker-hostgenerator osx1012-64bolt,ssh.-centos7-64ssh.-ubuntu1604-64ssh.-windows10ent-64winrm. > hosts.yaml

Run test suite with beaker

The BOLT_CONTROLLER and BOLT_NODES values are not needed when running beaker directly. They are used by beaker-hostgenerator to create the hosts file for the rake tasks. Since the rake tasks set the defaults for most of the other environment variables, you will need to explicitly set them when running beaker directly. The beaker options file will also need to be specified for the type of bolt installation that should be performed (gem or git).

Example of running test suite using gem install using an existing hosts file:

  1. Initialize beaker with supplied options file for gem configuration.
    bundle exec beaker init -h hosts.yaml -o config/gem/options.rb
  2. Provision hosts
    bundle exec beaker provision
  3. Run pre-suite and tests with specified environment variables
    SSH_USER=root           \
    SSH_PASSWORD='S3@ret3'       \
    WINRM_USER=Administator      \
    WINRM_PASSWORD='S3@ret3'      \
    bundle exec beaker exec -t ./tests
  4. Re-run tests
    bundle exec beaker exec ./tests