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Midspace: AWS

AWS infrastructure-as-code for the Midspace app.

You must set up AWS even when running a local development environment, as Midspace uses some AWS services (e.g. MediaLive) that cannot be simulated locally.


  1. An AWS account.
    • Are you administrating the AWS account? Read AWS Setup first.
    • If you are using an AWS account administered by someone else, they should read the above article and provide you with credentials.
  2. The AWS CLI and an appropriate system for managing your credentials securely, like aws-vault.
    • We strongly recommended to follow the secure setup outlined below.

AWS CLI Setup and Authentication

We strongly recommended to use aws-vault to securely manage AWS credentials on your development machine.

If your AWS account uses the recommended setup, the system will work as follows:

  • You have AWS SSO credentials that allow you to administer the AWS account where you will be deploying Midspace.
  • The SSO configuration (username + login URL) will be stored in ~/.aws/config.
  • When credentials are needed, aws-vault is used to log in via AWS SSO and retrieve a set of temporary credentials.
  • These temporary credentials are stored securely (method depends on your operating system), and aws-vault can supply them to the AWS CLI/CDK when needed.

You may wish to deploy multiple instances of Midspace (e.g. personal sandbox, staging, production). For each instance, you must create a different named profile in the AWS CLI config. Each profile must have a corresponding .env.<profile> env file that contains any instance-specific deployment configuration.

To configure a single profile/instance, follow these steps:

  1. Install aws-vault.

    • On macOS, you can use brew install aws-vault.
    • On Windows, you can use choco install aws-vault or download the executable and place it in a folder that is listed in the PATH environment variable.
  2. Request (or generate, if you are an administrator) the SSO credentials to gain access to the AWS account where you want to deploy Midspace.

    • If you are deploying to a sub-account of a larger organisation, your administrator should do this for you.
    • If you do not have an SSO user yet, you will receive an email from AWS inviting you to set it up.
    • Else, the permissions can simply be added to your existing SSO user.
    • You should receive the following details:
      • sso_start_url: this is the URL where you log into your organisation's AWS SSO. It takes the form https://<myorg>
      • sso_region: e.g. eu-west-1
      • sso_account_id: the numeric ID of the AWS account your SSO user has been granted access to.
  3. Using these credentials, add a named profile to ~/.aws/config. In this case, we're using the name sandbox, but you can choose whatever you like. If the directory ~/.aws does not exist on your machine, you may create it manually and create an extensionless config file inside.

    • For example:

      [profile sandbox]
      credential_process = /opt/homebrew/bin/aws-vault exec sandbox-internal --json
      region = eu-west-1
      [profile sandbox-internal]
      sso_start_url =
      sso_region = eu-west-1
      region = eu-west-1
      sso_account_id = 123456789000
      sso_role_name = AWSAdministratorAccess
    • The path to aws-vault may be different, depending on your installation method.

    • You will need to modify this configuration to match your personal credentials. The sso_start_url will be in the AWS Single Sign-On invitation email you received, and the sso_account_id is in your AWS account settings page after you've logged in.

    • The example sandbox-internal profile contains the actual SSO configuration. The sandbox profile is a wrapper that allows the AWS CLI to automatically call out to aws-vault to retrieve the credentials (see AWS docs).

    • The AWS resources will be deployed to the region specified in the profile you use.

  4. Test that your named profile is configured properly by using aws-vault to log into your AWS account. Run aws-vault login sandbox-internal (replacing sandbox-internal with the name you chose for your profile) - this should open a web browser and allow you to log in to AWS.

  5. You can now run AWS CLI commands like so:

    • aws s3 ls --profile sandbox: Uses the AWS CLI directly. AWS CLI calls out to the credential_process (in our case, aws-vault) to retrieve the needed credentials.
    • aws-vault exec sandbox-internal -- aws s3 ls: Uses aws-vault to retrieve the credentials and pass them into the AWS CLI.
An insecure method

If you just want to get up and running as quickly as possible, and you do not care about security at all, you don't need to use the SSO setup outlined above. Note that the method outlined below will store long-term credentials on your local disk.

  1. Create an IAM user with AdministratorAccess or similar permissions.

    • You will use this IAM user to deploy your infrastructure, so it needs to be able to perform all of the required actions (e.g. creating S3 buckets, modifying IAM users, CloudFormation and so on.)
    • It is strongly recommended to enable MFA for this user.
  2. Create an access key for the IAM user.

  3. Follow the AWS CLI documentation to configure your ~/.aws/credentials file with the access key.

    • If you are using MFA, you can use aws-mfa to easily generate temporary credentials from your access key.
    • Using aws-mfa, you can specify (for example) a sandbox-long-term profile if you want the profile to be called sandbox when you actually use it.
  4. Configure your ~/.aws/config file to specify the region you want to deploy to by default.

Setting up local env files

  1. cd into the aws folder
  2. cp .env.sandbox.example .env.sandbox and fill in environment variable values following the instructions in comments .env.sandbox. It is recommended to generate a secure random VONAGE_API_KEY.
  3. Optional Configure additional env files for each instance of Midspace you want to deploy (e.g. personal sandbox, staging, production).
    • The env file must be named .env.<profile>, where <profile> is the name of an AWS profile that you configured.
    • You can deploy multiple Midspace instances to the same AWS account by setting a different STACK_PREFIX in the corresponding env file. This is, however, not recommended.
  4. Bootstrap your AWS account by running the AWS -- Bootstrap account VSCode task.

Deploying the main AWS CloudFormation stacks

Info: The stack <prefix>-main contains the main infrastructure for the Midspace app (e.g. S3 buckets, permissions for transcode/transcribe etc.). The stack <prefix>-chime contains AWS infrastructure needed in us-east-1 to communicate with the Chime control plane. The stack <prefix>-img contains the infrastructure for serverless resizing of profile images.

  1. Run the AWS -- Deploy stacks VSCode task to deploy the Midspace infrastructure to your account. You will be asked for the name of the AWS profile you want to deploy to.
  2. Make a note of the various output values. These are required as environment variables when setting up the actions service and other services. They can be viewed later by logging in to AWS CloudFormation, clicking the stack in question, and then clicking the Outputs tab. Note that your stacks may have been deployed to different AWS regions depending on your configuration. To access the stacks in CloudFormation you will need to change the region in the AWS console, via the menu bar dropdown, to the respective deployment region.

Useful commands

  • VSCode task: AWS -- Bootstrap account - bootstraps the chosen profile so that it is ready for CDK deployments.
  • VSCode task: AWS -- Deploy stacks - deploy all stacks to the chosen profile.