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1269 lines (949 loc) · 85.3 KB

Based on BaptisteBlouin, I review papers about Deep Learning based Event Extraction, and annotate keywords and Abbreviation of Models. Besides, I categorized the papers as Chinese Event Extraction, Open-domain Event Extraction, Event Data Generation, Cross-lingual Event Extraction, Few-Shot Event Extraction and Zero-Shot Event Extraction, Document-level EE.

Omissions and mistakes may exist in the review. Welcome to exchange and opinions!








  • AAAI2021: What the Role Is vs. What Plays the Role: Semi-Supervised Event Argument Extraction via Dual Question Answering

  • AAAI2021: Span-Based Event Coreference Resolution

  • AAAI2021: GATE: Graph Attention Transformer Encoder for Cross-Lingual Relationand Event Extraction

  • WWW2021: Taxonomy-aware Learning for Few-shot Event Detection

  • WWW2021: Knowledge-Preserving Incremental Social Event Detection via Heterogeneous GNN

  • WWW2021: Multi-level Connection Enhanced Representation Learning for Script Event Prediction

  • IJCAI2021: Discourse-Level Event Temporal Ordering with Uncertainty-Guided Graph Completion

    • Authors: Jian Liu, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Yujie Zhang
  • ACL2021: Unleash GPT-2 Power for Event Detection

    • Authors: Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Viet Lai, Franck Dernoncourt and Thien Huu Nguyen
  • ACL2021: OntoED: Low-resource Event Detection with Ontology Embedding

  • ACL2021-Findings: Few-Shot Event Detection with Prototypical Amortized Conditional Random Field

  • ACL2021: Zero-shot Event Extraction via Transfer Learning: Challenges and Insights

    • Authors: Qing Lyu, Hongming Zhang, Elior Sulem and Dan Roth
  • ACL2021: Text2Event: Controllable Sequence-to-Structure Generation for End-to-end Event Extraction

    • Authors: Yaojie Lu, Hongyu Lin, Jin Xu, Xianpei Han, Jialong Tang, Annan Li, Le Sun, Meng Liao and Shaoyi Chen
  • ACL2021: CLEVE: Contrastive Pre-training for Event Extraction

    • Authors: Ziqi Wang, Xiaozhi Wang, Xu Han, Yankai Lin, Lei Hou, Zhiyuan Liu, Peng Li, Juanzi Li and Jie Zhou
  • ACL2021-Findings: CasEE: A Joint Learning Framework with Cascade Decoding for Overlapping Event Extraction

    • Authors: Jiawei Sheng, Shu Guo, Bowen Yu, Qian Li, Yiming Hei, Lihong Wang, Tingwen Liu and Hongbo Xu
  • ACL2021: Capturing Event Argument Interaction via A Bi-Directional Entity-Level Recurrent Decoder

    • Authors: Xi Xiangyu, Wei Ye, Shikun Zhang, Quanxiu Wang, Huixing Jiang and Wei Wu
  • ACL2021: Trigger is Not Sufficient: Exploiting Frame-aware Knowledge for Implicit Event Argument Extractio

    • Authors: Kaiwen Wei, Xian Sun, Zequn Zhang, Jingyuan Zhang, Guo Zhi and Li Jin
  • ACL2021: Document-level Event Extraction via Heterogeneous Graph-based Interaction Model with a Tracker

    • Authors: Runxin Xu, Tianyu Liu, Lei Li and Baobao Chang
  • ACL2021: Document-level Event Extraction via Parallel Prediction Networks

    • Authors: Hang Yang, Dianbo Sui, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao and Taifeng Wang
  • ACL2021: Document-Level Event Argument Extraction via Optimal Transport

    • Authors: Amir Pouran Ben Veyseh, Minh Van Nguyen, Franck Dernoncourt, Bonan Min and Thien Huu Nguyen
  • ACL2021: MLBiNet: A Cross-Sentence Collective Event Detection Network

    • Authors: Dongfang Lou, Zhilin Liao, Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang and Huajun Chen
  • ACL2021: Knowledge-Enriched Event Causality Identification via Latent Structure Induction Networks

    • Authors: Pengfei Cao, Xinyu Zuo, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao, Yuguang Chen and Weihua Peng
  • ACL2021: LearnDA: Learnable Knowledge-Guided Data Augmentation for Event Causality Identification

    • Authors: Xinyu Zuo, Pengfei Cao, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao, Weihua Peng and Yuguang Chen
  • ACL2021: From Discourse to Narrative: Knowledge Projection for Event Relation Extraction

    • Authors: Jialong Tang, Hongyu Lin, Meng Liao, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun, Weijian Xie and Jin Xu
  • ACL2021: Exploiting Document Structures and Cluster Consistencies for Event Coreference Resolution

    • Authors: Hieu Minh Tran, Duy Phung and Thien Huu Nguyen
  • ACL2021: Don’t Let Discourse Confine Your Model: Sequence Perturbations for Improved Event Language Models

    • Authors: Mahnaz Koupaee, Greg Durrett, Nathanael Chambers and Niranjan Balasubramanian
  • ACL2021: Conditional Generation of Temporally-ordered Event Sequences

    • Authors: Shih-Ting Lin, Nathanael Chambers and Greg Durrett
  • ACL2021: ForecastQA: A Question Answering Challenge for Event Forecasting with Temporal Text Data

    • Authors: Woojeong Jin, Rahul Khanna, Suji Kim, Dong-Ho Lee, Fred Morstatter, Aram Galstyan and Xiang Ren
  • ACL2021: Event Graph Knowledge Enhanced Explainable Causal Reasoning

    • Authors: Li Du, Xiao Ding, Kai Xiong, Ting Liu and Bing Qin
  • ACL2021: Learning Event Graph Knowledge for Abductive Reasoning

    • Authors: Li Du, Xiao Ding, Ting Liu and Bing Qin
  • ACL2021: The Possible, the Plausible, and the Desirable: Event-Based Modality Detection for Language Processing

    • Authors: Valentina Pyatkin, Shoval Sadde, Aynat Rubinstein, Paul Portner and Reut Tsarfaty
  • ACL2021-Findings: Revisiting the Evaluation of End-to-end Event Extraction

  • EACL2021: Adapting Event Extractors to Medical Data Bridging the Covariate Shift

  • EACL2021: Fine-Grained Event Trigger Detection

  • EACL2021: EACL2021 Probing into the Root A Dataset for Reason Extraction of Structural Events from Financial Documents

  • Extracting Events and Their Relations from Texts A Survey on RecentResearch Progress and Challenges

  • NAACL2021: A Context-Dependent Gated Module for Incorporating Symbolic Semantics into Event Coreference Resolution

  • NAACL2021: Constrained Multi-Task Learning for Event Coreference Resolution

  • NAACL2021: Document-Level Event Argument Extraction by Conditional Generation

  • NAACL2021: Document-level Event Extraction with Efficient End-to-end Learning of Cross-Event Dependencies

  • NAACL2021: Event Time Extraction and Propagation via Graph Attention Networks

  • NAACL2021: Graph Convolutional Networks for Event Causality Identification with Rich Document-level Structures

  • NAACL2021: Modeling Event Plausibility with Consistent Conceptual Abstraction

  • NAACL2021: Temporal Reasoning on Implicit Events from Distant Supervision

  • NAACL2021: Time-Stamped Language Model Teaching Language Models to Understand the Flow of Events

  • NAACL2021: WEC Deriving a Large-scale Cross-document Event Coreference dataset from Wikipedia

  • NAACL2021: Template Filling with Generative Transformers

  • CCL2021: Towards Causal Explanation Detection with Pyramid Salient-Aware Network

  • Information Sciences2021 Document-level event causality identification via graph inference mechanism

  • CIKM2021: Behind the Scenes: An Exploration of Trigger Biases Problem in Few-Shot Event Classification

  • CIKM2021: Understanding Event Predictions via Contextualized Multilevel Feature Learning

  • CIKM2021: Detection of Illicit Drug Trafficking Events on Instagram: A Deep Multimodal Multilabel Learning Approach

  • CIKM2021: Uncertainty-Aware Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Event Temporal Relation Extraction

  • CIKM2021: EasyFlinkCEP: Big Event Data Analytics for Everyone

  • CIKM2021: Multi-Sentence Argument Linking via An Event-Aware Hierarchical Encoder

  • CIKM2021: Multi-Task Self-Supervised Learning for Script Event Prediction

  • CIKM2021: SeDyT: A General Framework for Multi-Step Event Forecasting via Sequence Modeling on Dynamic Entity Embeddings

  • CIKM2021: VidLife: A Dataset for Life Event Extraction from Videos

  • EMNLP2021: Enhanced Language Representation with Label Knowledge for Span Extraction

  • EMNLP2021: Integrating Deep Event-Level and Script-Level Information for Script Event Prediction

  • EMNLP2021: Salience-Aware Event Chain Modeling for Narrative Understanding

  • EMNLP2021: Incorporating Circumstances into Narrative Event Prediction

  • EMNLP2021: Treasures Outside Contexts: Improving Event Detection via Global Statistics

  • EMNLP2021: Lifelong Event Detection with Knowledge Transfer

  • EMNLP2021: Modeling Document-Level Context for Event Detection via Important Context Selection

  • EMNLP2021: Honey or Poison? Solving the Trigger Curse in Few-shot Event Detection via Causal Intervention

  • EMNLP2021: Learning Prototype Representations Across Few-Shot Tasks for Event Detection

  • EMNLP2021: Self-Attention Graph Residual Convolutional Networks for Event Detection with dependency relations

  • EMNLP2021: Crosslingual Transfer Learning for Relation and Event Extraction via Word Category and Class Alignments

  • EMNLP2021: Machine Reading Comprehension as Data Augmentation: A Case Study on Implicit Event Argument Extraction

  • EMNLP2021: ExcavatorCovid: Extracting Events and Relations from Text Corpora for Temporal and Causal Analysis for COVID-19

  • EMNLP2021: Joint Multimedia Event Extraction from Video and Article

  • EMNLP2021: Exploring Sentence Community for Document-Level Event Extraction

  • EMNLP2021: Extracting Event Temporal Relations via Hyperbolic Geometry

  • EMNLP2021: ESTER: A Machine Reading Comprehension Dataset for Reasoning about Event Semantic Relations

  • EMNLP2021: ECONET: Effective Continual Pretraining of Language Models for Event Temporal Reasoning

  • EMNLP2021: Utilizing Relative Event Time to Enhance Event-Event Temporal Relation Extraction

  • EMNLP2021: Event Coreference Data (Almost) for Free: Mining Hyperlinks from Online News

  • EMNLP2021: Conundrums in Event Coreference Resolution: Making Sense of the State of the Art

  • EMNLP2021: A Comprehensive Comparison of Word Embeddings in Event & Entity Coreference Resolution

  • EMNLP2021: Corpus-based Open-Domain Event Type Induction

  • EMNLP2021: The Future is not One-dimensional: Complex Event Schema Induction by Graph Modeling for Event Prediction

  • EMNLP2021: Uncertain Local-to-Global Networks for Document-Level Event Factuality Identification

  • EMNLP2021: Learning Constraints and Descriptive Segmentation for Subevent Detection