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Awesome Zeebe

Awesome Contribute

A curated list of awesome Zeebe projects, mostly driven by the community. Inspired by awesome-go.


Contributions are welcome, if you build something awesome with Zeebe please let us know. Take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first.

If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!


Awesome Projects

Clients And Programing Framework Integrations

Client libraries to interact with Zeebe

Want an exporter for another language?

Thanks to gRPC you can generate client stubs easily as described in Generating a Zeebe-Python Client Stub in Less Than An Hour: A gRPC + Zeebe Tutorial.

Connectors and Bridges

Connector: A piece of software that connects Zeebe with some other system or infrastructure. Might be uni or bidirectional and possibly includes a job worker.

Job Workers

Job Worker: A special type of client that polls for and executes available jobs. In contrast to connectors and bridges, such workers do not connect to other active pieces of software primarily (for example, a 'DMN Connector' might connect Zeebe to a managed DMN Engine, a 'DMN worker' will use a DMN library to execute decisions).


Exporters to load data into external systems

Want an exporter for another system?

You can build one in as little as 15 minutes. Take a look at the Zeebe Exporter Demo, and the tutorial blog posts Part One and Part Two.


Applications to interact with Zeebe


Test utilities to help you develop Zeebe-dependent applications


Other Zeebe related applications

  • Portainer Templates - Portainer templates to deploy Zeebe to Docker.
  • zdb - Zeebe debug and inspection tool, allows to inspect the log and internal state of Zeebe.



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