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title module
Transform data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines
Module 6

Lab 6 - Transform data with Azure Data Factory or Azure Synapse Pipelines

This lab teaches you how to build data integration pipelines to ingest from multiple data sources, transform data using mapping data flows and notebooks, and perform data movement into one or more data sinks.

After completing this lab, you will be able to:

  • Execute code-free transformations at scale with Azure Synapse Pipelines
  • Create data pipeline to import poorly formatted CSV files
  • Create Mapping Data Flows

Lab setup and pre-requisites

Before starting this lab, you must complete Lab 5: Ingest and load data into the Data Warehouse.

This lab uses the dedicated SQL pool you created in the previous lab. You should have paused the SQL pool at the end of the previous lab, so resume it by following these instructions:

  1. Open Synapse Studio (

  2. Select the Manage hub.

  3. Select SQL pools in the left-hand menu. If the SQLPool01 dedicated SQL pool is paused, hover over its name and select .

    The resume button is highlighted on the dedicated SQL pool.

  4. When prompted, select Resume. It will take a minute or two to resume the pool.

  5. Continue to the next exercise while the dedicated SQL pool resumes.

Important: Once started, a dedicated SQL pool consumes credits in your Azure subscription until it is paused. If you take a break from this lab, or decide not to complete it; follow the instructions at the end of the lab to pause your SQL pool!

Exercise 1 - Code-free transformation at scale with Azure Synapse Pipelines

Tailwind Traders would like code-free options for data engineering tasks. Their motivation is driven by the desire to allow junior-level data engineers who understand the data but do not have a lot of development experience build and maintain data transformation operations. The other driver for this requirement is to reduce fragility caused by complex code with reliance on libraries pinned to specific versions, remove code testing requirements, and improve ease of long-term maintenance.

Their other requirement is to maintain transformed data in a data lake in addition to the dedicated SQL pool. This gives them the flexibility to retain more fields in their data sets than they otherwise store in fact and dimension tables, and doing this allows them to access the data when they have paused the dedicated SQL pool, as a cost optimization.

Given these requirements, you recommend building Mapping Data Flows.

Mapping Data flows are pipeline activities that provide a visual way of specifying how to transform data, through a code-free experience. This feature offers data cleansing, transformation, aggregation, conversion, joins, data copy operations, etc.

Additional benefits

  • Cloud scale via Spark execution
  • Guided experience to easily build resilient data flows
  • Flexibility to transform data per user’s comfort
  • Monitor and manage data flows from a single pane of glass

Task 1: Create SQL table

The Mapping Data Flow we will build will write user purchase data to a dedicated SQL pool. Tailwind Traders does not yet have a table to store this data. We will execute a SQL script to create this table as a pre-requisite.

  1. In Synapse Analytics Studio, navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select SQL script.

    The SQL script context menu item is highlighted.

  3. In the toolbar menu, connect to the SQLPool01 database.

    The connect to option is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  4. In the query window, replace the script with the following code to create a new table that joins users' preferred products stored in Azure Cosmos DB with top product purchases per user from the e-commerce site, stored in JSON files within the data lake:

    CREATE TABLE [wwi].[UserTopProductPurchases]
        [UserId] [int]  NOT NULL,
        [ProductId] [int]  NOT NULL,
        [ItemsPurchasedLast12Months] [int]  NULL,
        [IsTopProduct] [bit]  NOT NULL,
        [IsPreferredProduct] [bit]  NOT NULL
        DISTRIBUTION = HASH ( [UserId] ),
  5. Select Run on the toolbar menu to run the script (you may need to wait for the SQL pool to resume).

    The run button is highlighted in the query toolbar.

  6. In the query window, replace the script with the following to create a new table for the Campaign Analytics CSV file:

    CREATE TABLE [wwi].[CampaignAnalytics]
        [Region] [nvarchar](50)  NOT NULL,
        [Country] [nvarchar](30)  NOT NULL,
        [ProductCategory] [nvarchar](50)  NOT NULL,
        [CampaignName] [nvarchar](500)  NOT NULL,
        [Revenue] [decimal](10,2)  NULL,
        [RevenueTarget] [decimal](10,2)  NULL,
        [City] [nvarchar](50)  NULL,
        [State] [nvarchar](25)  NULL
        DISTRIBUTION = HASH ( [Region] ),
  7. Run the script to create the table.

Task 2: Create linked service

Azure Cosmos DB is one of the data sources that will be used in the Mapping Data Flow. Tailwind Traders has not yet created the linked service. Follow the steps in this section to create one.

Note: Skip this section if you have already created a Cosmos DB linked service.

  1. Navigate to the Manage hub.

    The Manage menu item is highlighted.

  2. Open Linked services and select + New to create a new linked service. Select Azure Cosmos DB (SQL API) in the list of options, then select Continue.

    Manage, New, and the Azure Cosmos DB linked service option are highlighted.

  3. Name the linked service asacosmosdb01, and then select the asacosmosdbxxxxxxx Cosmos DB account name and the CustomerProfile database. Then select Test connection to ensure success, before clicking Create.

    New Azure Cosmos DB linked service.

Task 3: Create data sets

User profile data comes from two different data sources, which we will create now. The customer profile data from an e-commerce system that provides top product purchases for each visitor of the site (customer) over the past 12 months is stored within JSON files in the data lake. User profile data containing, among other things, product preferences and product reviews is stored as JSON documents in Cosmos DB.

In this section, you'll create datasets for the SQL tables that will serve as data sinks for data pipelines you'll create later in this lab.

  1. Navigate to the Data hub.

    The Data menu item is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select Integration dataset to create a new dataset.

    Create new Dataset.

  3. Select Azure Cosmos DB (SQL API), then click Continue.

    The Azure Cosmos DB SQL API option is highlighted.

  4. Configure the dataset as follows, then select OK:

    • Name: Enter asal400_customerprofile_cosmosdb.

    • Linked service: Select asacosmosdb01.

    • Collection: Select OnlineUserProfile01.

      New Azure Cosmos DB dataset.

  5. After creating the dataset, select Preview data under its Connection tab.

    The preview data button on the dataset is highlighted.

  6. Preview data queries the selected Azure Cosmos DB collection and returns a sample of the documents within. The documents are stored in JSON format and include fields for userId, cartId, preferredProducts (an array of product IDs that may be empty), and productReviews (an array of written product reviews that may be empty).

    A preview of the Azure Cosmos DB data is displayed.

  7. Close the preview. Then on the Data hub, in the + menu, select Integration dataset to create the second source data dataset we need.

    Create new Dataset.

  8. Select Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, then click Continue.

    The ADLS Gen2 option is highlighted.

  9. Select the JSON format, then select Continue.

    The JSON format is selected.

  10. Configure the dataset as follows, then select OK:

    • Name: Enter asal400_ecommerce_userprofiles_source.
    • Linked service: Select the asadatalakexxxxxxx linked service.
    • File path: Browse to the wwi-02/online-user-profiles-02 path.
    • Import schema: Select From connection/store.

    The form is configured as described.

  11. On the Data hub, in the + menu, select Integration dataset to create a third dataset that references the destination table for campaign analytics.

    Create new Dataset.

  12. Select Azure Synapse Analytics, then select Continue.

    The Azure Synapse Analytics option is highlighted.

  13. Configure the dataset as follows, then select OK:

    • Name: Enter asal400_wwi_campaign_analytics_asa.
    • Linked service: Select the SqlPool01 .
    • Table name: Select wwi.CampaignAnalytics.
    • Import schema: Select From connection/store.

    New dataset form is displayed with the described configuration.

  14. On the Data hub, in the + menu, select Integration dataset to create a fourth dataset that references the destination table for top product purchases.

    Create new Dataset.

  15. Select Azure Synapse Analytics, then select Continue.

    The Azure Synapse Analytics option is highlighted.

  16. Configure the dataset as follows, then select OK:

    • Name: Enter asal400_wwi_usertopproductpurchases_asa.
    • Linked service: Select the SqlPool01.
    • Table name: Select wwi.UserTopProductPurchases.
    • Import schema: Select From connection/store.

    The data set form is displayed with the described configuration.

Task 4: Create campaign analytics dataset

Your organization was provided a poorly formatted CSV file containing marketing campaign data. The file was uploaded to the data lake and now it must be imported into the data warehouse.

Screenshot of the CSV file.

Issues include invalid characters in the revenue currency data, and misaligned columns.

  1. On the Data hub, in the + menu, select Integration dataset to create a new dataset.

    Create new Dataset.

  2. Select Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, then select Continue.

    The ADLS Gen2 option is highlighted.

  3. Select the DelimitedText format, then select Continue.

    The DelimitedText format is selected.

  4. Configure the dataset as follows, then select OK:

    • Name: Enter asal400_campaign_analytics_source.
    • Linked service: Select the asadatalakexxxxxxx linked service.
    • File path: Browse to wwi-02/campaign-analytics/campaignanalytics.csv.
    • First row as header: Leave unchecked (we are skipping the header because there is a mismatch between the number of columns in the header and the number of columns in the data rows).
    • Import schema: Select From connection/store.

    The form is configured as described.

  5. After creating the dataset, on its Connection tab, review the default settings. They should match the following configuration:

    • Compression type: None.
    • Column delimiter: Comma (,)
    • Row delimiter: Default (\r,\n, or \r\n)
    • Encoding: Default(UTF-8)
    • Escape character: Backslash (\)
    • Quote character: Double quote (")
    • First row as header: Unchecked
    • Null value: Empty

    The configuration settings under Connection are set as defined.

  6. Select Preview data (close the Properties pane if it is in the way).

    The preview displays a sample of the CSV file. You can see some of the issues shown at the beginning of this task. Notice that since we are not setting the first row as the header, the header columns appear as the first row. Also, notice that the city and state values do not appear. This is because of the mismatch in the number of columns in the header row compared to the rest of the file. We will exclude the first row when we create the data flow in the next exercise.

    A preview of the CSV file is displayed.

  7. Close the preview, and then select Publish all and click Publish to save your new resources.

    Publish all is highlighted.

Task 5: Create campaign analytics data flow

  1. Navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select Data flow to create a new data flow (if a tip is displayed, close it.)

    The new data flow link is highlighted.

  3. In the General settings of the Properties blade of the new data flow, change the Name to asal400_lab2_writecampaignanalyticstoasa.

    The name field is populated with the defined value.

  4. Select Add Source on the data flow canvas (again, if a tip is displayed, close it.)

    Select Add Source on the data flow canvas.

  5. Under Source settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter CampaignAnalytics.
    • Source type: Select Integration dataset.
    • Dataset: Select asal400_campaign_analytics_source.
    • Options: Select Allow schema drift and leave the other options unchecked.
    • Skip line count: Enter 1. This allows us to skip the header row which has two fewer columns than the rest of the rows in the CSV file, truncating the last two data columns.
    • Sampling: Select Disable.

    The form is configured with the defined settings.

    When you create data flows, certain features are enabled by turning on debug, such as previewing data and importing a schema (projection). Due to the amount of time it takes to enable this option, and to minimize resource consumption in the lab environment, we will bypass these features.

  6. The data source has a schema we need to set. To do this, select Script above the design canvas.

    The script link is highlighted above the canvas.

  7. Replace the script with the following to provide the column mappings, then select OK:

            {_col0_} as string,
            {_col1_} as string,
            {_col2_} as string,
            {_col3_} as string,
            {_col4_} as string,
            {_col5_} as double,
            {_col6_} as string,
            {_col7_} as double,
            {_col8_} as string,
            {_col9_} as string
        allowSchemaDrift: true,
        validateSchema: false,
        ignoreNoFilesFound: false,
        skipLines: 1) ~> CampaignAnalytics
  8. Select the CampaignAnalytics data source, then select Projection. The projection should display the following schema:

    The imported projection is displayed.

  9. Select the + to the right of the CampaignAnalytics step, then select the Select schema modifier.

    The new Select schema modifier is highlighted.

  10. Under Select settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter MapCampaignAnalytics.
    • Incoming stream: Select CampaignAnalytics.
    • Options: Check both options.
    • Input columns: make sure Auto mapping is unselected, then provide the following values in the Name as fields:
      • Region
      • Country
      • ProductCategory
      • CampaignName
      • RevenuePart1
      • Revenue
      • RevenueTargetPart1
      • RevenueTarget
      • City
      • State

    The select settings are displayed as described.

  11. Select the + to the right of the MapCampaignAnalytics step, then select the Derived Column schema modifier.

    The new Derived Column schema modifier is highlighted.

  12. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter ConvertColumnTypesAndValues.

    • Incoming stream: Select MapCampaignAnalytics.

    • Columns: Provide the following information:

      Column Expression
      Revenue toDecimal(replace(concat(toString(RevenuePart1), toString(Revenue)), '\\', ''), 10, 2, '$###,###.##')
      RevenueTarget toDecimal(replace(concat(toString(RevenueTargetPart1), toString(RevenueTarget)), '\\', ''), 10, 2, '$###,###.##')

    Note: To insert the second column, select + Add above the Columns list, then select Add column.

    The derived column's settings are displayed as described.

    The expressions you defined will concatenate and clean-up the RevenuePart1 and Revenue values and the RevenueTargetPart1 and RevenueTarget values.

  13. Select the + to the right of the ConvertColumnTypesAndValues step, then select the Select schema modifier from the context menu.

    The new Select schema modifier is highlighted.

  14. Under Select settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter SelectCampaignAnalyticsColumns.
    • Incoming stream: Select ConvertColumnTypesAndValues.
    • Options: Check both options.
    • Input columns: make sure Auto mapping is unchecked, then Delete RevenuePart1 and RevenueTargetPart1. We no longer need these fields.

    The select settings are displayed as described.

  15. Select the + to the right of the SelectCampaignAnalyticsColumns step, then select the Sink destination.

    The new Sink destination is highlighted.

  16. Under Sink, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter CampaignAnalyticsASA.
    • Incoming stream: Select SelectCampaignAnalyticsColumns.
    • Sink type: Select Integration dataset.
    • Dataset: Select asal400_wwi_campaign_analytics_asa.
    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and uncheck Validate schema.

    The sink settings are shown.

  17. On the Settings tab, configure the following options:

    • Update method: Check Allow insert and leave the rest unchecked.
    • Table action: Select Truncate table.
    • Enable staging: Uncheck this option. The sample CSV file is small, making the staging option unnecessary.

    The settings are shown.

  18. Your completed data flow should look similar to the following:

    The completed data flow is displayed.

  19. Select Publish all then Publish to save your new data flow.

    Publish all is highlighted.

Task 6: Create campaign analytics data pipeline

In order to run the new data flow, you need to create a new pipeline and add a data flow activity to it.

  1. Navigate to the Integrate hub.

    The Integrate hub is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select Pipeline to create a new pipeline.

    The new pipeline context menu item is selected.

  3. In the General section of the Properties blade for the new pipeline, enter the following Name: Write Campaign Analytics to ASA.

  4. Expand Move & transform within the Activities list, then drag the Data flow activity onto the pipeline canvas.

    Drag the data flow activity onto the pipeline canvas.

  5. On the General tab for the data flow (beneath the pipeline canvas), set the Name to asal400_lab2_writecampaignanalyticstoasa.

    The adding data flow form is displayed with the described configuration.

  6. Select the Settings tab; and then, in the Data flow list, select asal400_lab2_writecampaignanalyticstoasa .

    The data flow is selected.

  7. Select Publish all to save your new pipeline, and then select Publish.

    Publish all is highlighted.

Task 7: Run the campaign analytics data pipeline

  1. Select Add trigger, and then select Trigger now in the toolbar at the top of the pipeline canvas.

    The add trigger button is highlighted.

  2. In the Pipeline run pane, select OK to start the pipeline run.

    The pipeline run blade is displayed.

  3. Navigate to the Monitor hub.

    The Monitor hub menu item is selected.

  4. Wait for the pipeline run to successfully complete, which will take some time. You may need to refresh the view.

    The pipeline run succeeded.

Task 8: View campaign analytics table contents

Now that the pipeline run is complete, let's take a look at the SQL table to verify the data successfully copied.

  1. Navigate to the Data hub.

    The Data menu item is highlighted.

  2. Expand the SqlPool01 database underneath the Workspace section, then expand Tables (you may need to refresh to see the new tables).

  3. Right-click the wwi.CampaignAnalytics table, then select New SQL script and Select TOP 100 rows.

    The Select TOP 1000 rows menu item is highlighted.

  4. The properly transformed data should appear in the query results.

    The CampaignAnalytics query results are displayed.

  5. Modify the query as follows and run the script:

    SELECT ProductCategory
    ,SUM(Revenue) AS TotalRevenue
    ,SUM(RevenueTarget) AS TotalRevenueTarget
    ,(SUM(RevenueTarget) - SUM(Revenue)) AS Delta
    FROM [wwi].[CampaignAnalytics]
    GROUP BY ProductCategory
  6. In the query results, select the Chart view. Configure the columns as defined:

    • Chart type: Column.
    • Category column: ProductCategory.
    • Legend (series) columns: TotalRevenue, TotalRevenueTarget, and Delta.

    The new query and chart view are displayed.

Exercise 2 - Create Mapping Data Flow for top product purchases

Tailwind Traders needs to combine top product purchases imported as JSON files from their eCommerce system with user preferred products from profile data stored as JSON documents in Azure Cosmos DB. They want to store the combined data in a dedicated SQL pool as well as their data lake for further analysis and reporting.

To do this, you will build a mapping data flow that performs the following tasks:

  • Adds two ADLS Gen2 data sources for the JSON data
  • Flattens the hierarchical structure of both sets of files
  • Performs data transformations and type conversions
  • Joins both data sources
  • Creates new fields on the joined data set based on conditional logic
  • Filters null records for required fields
  • Writes to the dedicated SQL pool
  • Simultaneously writes to the data lake

Task 1: Create Mapping Data Flow

  1. In Synapse Analytics Studio, navigate to the Develop hub.

    The Develop menu item is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select Data flow to create a new data flow.

    The new data flow link is highlighted.

  3. In the General section of the Properties pane of the new data flow, update the Name to the following: write_user_profile_to_asa.

    The name is displayed.

  4. Select the Properties button to hide the pane.

    The button is highlighted.

  5. Select Add Source on the data flow canvas.

    Select Add Source on the data flow canvas.

  6. Under Source settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter EcommerceUserProfiles.

    • Source type: Select Integration dataset.

    • Dataset: Select asal400_ecommerce_userprofiles_source.

      The source settings are configured as described.

  7. Select the Source options tab, then configure the following:

    • JSON Settings: select Array of documents

    • Wildcard paths: Enter online-user-profiles-02/*.json

    • JSON Settings: Select Array of documents for Document form.

      The source settings are configured as described.

  8. Select the + to the right of the EcommerceUserProfiles source, then select the Derived Column schema modifier.

    The plus sign and Derived Column schema modifier are highlighted.

  9. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter userId.

    • Incoming stream: Select EcommerceUserProfiles.

    • Columns: Provide the following information:

      Column Expression
      visitorId toInteger(visitorId)

      The derived column's settings are configured as described.

      This expression converts the visitorId column value to an integer data type.

  10. Select the + to the right of the userId step, then select the Flatten formatter.

    The plus sign and the Flatten schema modifier are highlighted.

  11. Under Flatten settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter UserTopProducts.

    • Incoming stream: Select userId.

    • Unroll by: Select [] topProductPurchases.

    • Input columns: Provide the following information:

      userId's column Name as
      visitorId visitorId
      topProductPurchases.productId productId
      topProductPurchases.itemsPurchasedLast12Months itemsPurchasedLast12Months

      Select + Add mapping, then select Fixed mapping to add each new column mapping.

      The flatten settings are configured as described.

    These settings provide a flattened representation of the data.

  12. The user interface defines the mappings by generating a script. To view the script, select the Script button on the toolbar.

    Data flow script button.

    Verify that the script looks like this and then Cancel to return the graphical UI (if not, modify the script):

            visitorId as string,
            topProductPurchases as (productId as string, itemsPurchasedLast12Months as string)[]
        allowSchemaDrift: true,
        validateSchema: false,
        ignoreNoFilesFound: false,
        documentForm: 'arrayOfDocuments',
        wildcardPaths:['online-user-profiles-02/*.json']) ~> EcommerceUserProfiles
    EcommerceUserProfiles derive(visitorId = toInteger(visitorId)) ~> userId
    userId foldDown(unroll(topProductPurchases),
            productId = topProductPurchases.productId,
            itemsPurchasedLast12Months = topProductPurchases.itemsPurchasedLast12Months
        skipDuplicateMapInputs: false,
        skipDuplicateMapOutputs: false) ~> UserTopProducts
  13. Select the + to the right of the UserTopProducts step, then select the Derived Column schema modifier from the context menu.

    The plus sign and Derived Column schema modifier are highlighted.

  14. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter DeriveProductColumns.

    • Incoming stream: Select UserTopProducts.

    • Columns: Provide the following information:

      Column Expression
      productId toInteger(productId)
      itemsPurchasedLast12Months toInteger(itemsPurchasedLast12Months)

      The derived column's settings are configured as described.

      Note: To add a column to the derived column settings, select + to the right of the first column, then select Add column.

      The add column menu item is highlighted.

      These expressions convert the productid and itemsPurchasedLast12Months columns values to integers.

  15. Select Add Source on the data flow canvas beneath the EcommerceUserProfiles source.

    Select Add Source on the data flow canvas.

  16. Under Source settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter UserProfiles.

    • Source type: Select Integration dataset.

    • Dataset: Select asal400_customerprofile_cosmosdb.

      The source settings are configured as described.

  17. Since we are not using the data flow debugger, we need to enter the data flow's Script view to update the source projection. Select Script in the toolbar above the canvas.

    The Script link is highlighted above the canvas.

  18. Locate the UserProfiles source in the script, which looks like this:

        userId as string,
        cartId as string,
        preferredProducts as string[],
        productReviews as (productId as string, reviewText as string, reviewDate as string)[]
    allowSchemaDrift: true,
    validateSchema: false,
    format: 'document') ~> UserProfiles
  19. Modify script block as follows to set preferredProducts as an integer[] array and ensure the data types within the productReviews array are correctly defined. Then select OK to apply the script changes.

            cartId as string,
            preferredProducts as integer[],
            productReviews as (productId as integer, reviewDate as string, reviewText as string)[],
            userId as integer
        allowSchemaDrift: true,
        validateSchema: false,
        ignoreNoFilesFound: false,
        format: 'document') ~> UserProfiles
  20. Select the + to the right of the UserProfiles source, then select the Flatten formatter.

    The plus sign and the Flatten schema modifier are highlighted.

  21. Under Flatten settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter UserPreferredProducts.

    • Incoming stream: Select UserProfiles.

    • Unroll by: Select [] preferredProducts.

    • Input columns: Provide the following information. Be sure to delete cartId and [] productReviews:

      UserProfiles's column Name as
      [] preferredProducts preferredProductId
      userId userId

      The flatten settings are configured as described.

  22. Now it is time to join the two data sources. Select the + to the right of the DeriveProductColumns step, then select the Join option.

    The plus sign and new Join menu item are highlighted.

  23. Under Join settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter JoinTopProductsWithPreferredProducts.

    • Left stream: Select DeriveProductColumns.

    • Right stream: Select UserPreferredProducts.

    • Join type: Select Full outer.

    • Join conditions: Provide the following information:

      Left: DeriveProductColumns's column Right: UserPreferredProducts's column
      visitorId userId

      The join settings are configured as described.

  24. Select Optimize and configure the following:

    • Broadcast: Select Fixed.

    • Broadcast options: Check Left: 'DeriveProductColumns'.

    • Partition option: Select Set partitioning.

    • Partition type: Select Hash.

    • Number of partitions: Enter 30.

    • Column: Select productId.

      The join optimization settings are configured as described.

  25. Select the Inspect tab to see the join mapping, including the column feed source and whether the column is used in a join.

    The inspect blade is displayed.

  26. Select the + to the right of the JoinTopProductsWithPreferredProducts step, then select the Derived Column schema modifier.

    The plus sign and Derived Column schema modifier are highlighted.

  27. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter DerivedColumnsForMerge.

    • Incoming stream: Select JoinTopProductsWithPreferredProducts.

    • Columns: Provide the following information (type in the first two column names):

      Column Expression
      isTopProduct toBoolean(iif(isNull(productId), 'false', 'true'))
      isPreferredProduct toBoolean(iif(isNull(preferredProductId), 'false', 'true'))
      productId iif(isNull(productId), preferredProductId, productId)
      userId iif(isNull(userId), visitorId, userId)

      The derived column's settings are configured as described.

      The derived column settings will provide the following result when the pipeline is run:

      The data preview is displayed.

  28. Select the + to the right of the DerivedColumnsForMerge step, then select the Filter row modifier.

    The new Filter destination is highlighted.

    We are adding the filter step to remove any records where the ProductId is null. The data sets have a small percentage of invalid records, and null ProductId values will cause errors when loading into the UserTopProductPurchases dedicated SQL pool table.

  29. Set the Filter on expression to !isNull(productId).

    The filter settings are shown.

  30. Select the + to the right of the Filter1 step, then select the Sink destination from the context menu.

    The new Sink destination is highlighted.

  31. Under Sink, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter UserTopProductPurchasesASA.
    • Incoming stream: Select Filter1.
    • Sink type: select Integration Dataset.
    • Dataset: Select asal400_wwi_usertopproductpurchases_asa.
    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and uncheck Validate schema.

    The sink settings are shown.

  32. Select Settings, then configure the following:

    • Update method: Check Allow insert and leave the rest unchecked.

    • Table action: Select Truncate table.

    • Enable staging: Check this option. Since we are importing a lot of data, we want to enable staging to improve performance.

      The settings are shown.

  33. Select Mapping, then configure the following:

    • Auto mapping: De-select this option.

    • Columns: Provide the following information:

      Input columns Output columns
      userId UserId
      productId ProductId
      itemsPurchasedLast12Months ItemsPurchasedLast12Months
      isTopProduct IsTopProduct
      isPreferredProduct IsPreferredProduct

      The mapping settings are configured as described.

  34. Select the + to the right of the Filter1 step, then select the Sink destination from the context menu to add a second sink.

    The new Sink destination is highlighted.

  35. Under Sink, configure the following:

    • Output stream name: Enter DataLake.

    • Incoming stream: Select Filter1.

    • Sink type: select Inline.

    • Inline dataset type: select Delta.

    • Linked service: Select asaworkspacexxxxxxx-WorkspaceDefaultStorage.

    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and uncheck Validate schema.

      The sink settings are shown.

  36. Select Settings, then configure the following:

    • Folder path: Enter wwi-02 / top-products (type these two values into the fields since the top-products folder does not yet exist).

    • Compression type: Select snappy.

    • Compression level: Select Fastest.

    • Vacuum: Enter 0.

    • Table action: Select Truncate.

    • Update method: Check Allow insert and leave the rest unchecked.

    • Merge schema (under Delta options): Unchecked.

      The settings are shown.

  37. Select Mapping, then configure the following:

    • Auto mapping: Uncheck this option.

    • Columns: Define the following column mappings:

      Input columns Output columns
      visitorId visitorId
      productId productId
      itemsPurchasedLast12Months itemsPurchasedLast12Months
      preferredProductId preferredProductId
      userId userId
      isTopProduct isTopProduct
      isPreferredProduct isPreferredProduct

      The mapping settings are configured as described.

      Notice that we have chosen to keep two additional fields for the data lake sink vs. the SQL pool sink (visitorId and preferredProductId). This is because we aren't adhering to a fixed destination schema (like a SQL table), and because we want to retain the original data as much as possible in the data lake.

  38. Verify that your completed data flow looks similar to the following:

    The completed data flow is displayed.

  39. Select Publish all, then Publish to save your new data flow.

    Publish all is highlighted.

Exercise 3 - Orchestrate data movement and transformation in Azure Synapse Pipelines

Tailwind Traders is familiar with Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipelines and wants to know if Azure Synapse Analytics can either integrate with ADF or has a similar capability. They want to orchestrate data ingest, transformation, and load activities across their entire data catalog, both internal and external to their data warehouse.

You recommend using Synapse Pipelines, which includes over 90 built-in connectors, can load data by manual execution of the pipeline or by orchestration, supports common loading patterns, enables fully parallel loading into the data lake or SQL tables, and shares a code base with ADF.

By using Synapse Pipelines, Tailwind Traders can experience the same familiar interface as ADF without having to use an orchestration service outside of Azure Synapse Analytics.

Task 1: Create pipeline

Let's start by executing our new Mapping Data Flow. In order to run the new data flow, we need to create a new pipeline and add a data flow activity to it.

  1. Navigate to the Integrate hub.

    The Integrate hub is highlighted.

  2. In the + menu, select Pipeline.

    The new pipeline menu item is highlighted.

  3. In the General section of the Properties pane of the new data flow, update the Name to Write User Profile Data to ASA.

    The name is displayed.

  4. Select the Properties button to hide the pane.

    The button is highlighted.

  5. Expand Move & transform within the Activities list, then drag the Data flow activity onto the pipeline canvas.

    Drag the data flow activity onto the pipeline canvas.

  6. Under the General tab beneath the pipeline canvas set the Name to write_user_profile_to_asa.

    The name is set on the general tab as described.

  7. On the Settings tab, select the write_user_profile_to_asa data flow, ensure AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime is selected. Choose the Basic (General purpose) compute type and set the core count to 4 (+ 4 Driver cores).

  8. Expand Staging and configure the following:

    • Staging linked service: Select the asadatalakexxxxxxx linked service.

    • Staging storage folder: Enter staging / userprofiles (the userprofiles folder will be automatically created for you during the first pipeline run).

      The mapping data flow activity settings are configured as described.

      The staging options under PolyBase are recommended when you have a large amount of data to move into or out of Azure Synapse Analytics. You will want to experiment with enabling and disabling staging on the data flow in a production environment to evaluate the difference in performance.

  9. Select Publish all then Publish to save your pipeline.

    Publish all is highlighted.

Task 2: Trigger, monitor, and analyze the user profile data pipeline

Tailwind Traders wants to monitor all pipeline runs and view statistics for performance tuning and troubleshooting purposes.

You have decided to show Tailwind Traders how to manually trigger, monitor, then analyze a pipeline run.

  1. At the top of the pipeline, select Add trigger, then Trigger now.

    The pipeline trigger option is highlighted.

  2. There are no parameters for this pipeline, so select OK to run the trigger.

    The OK button is highlighted.

  3. Navigate to the Monitor hub.

    The Monitor hub menu item is selected.

  4. Select Pipeline runs and wait for the pipeline run to successfully complete, which may take some time. You may need to refresh the view.

    The pipeline run succeeded.

  5. Select the name of the pipeline to view the pipeline's activity runs.

    The pipeline name is selected.

  6. Hover over the data flow activity name in the Activity runs list, then select the Data flow details icon.

    The data flow details icon is highlighted.

  7. The data flow details displays the data flow steps and processing details. In the example below (which may be different from your results), processing time took around 44 seconds to process the SQL pool sink, and around 12 seconds to process the Data Lake sink. The Filter1 output was around 1 million rows for both. You can see which activities took the longest to complete. The cluster startup time contributed over 2.5 minutes to the total pipeline run.

    The data flow details are displayed.

  8. Select the UserTopProductPurchasesASA sink to view its details. In the example below (which may be different from your results), you can see that 1,622,203 rows were calculated with a total of 30 partitions. It took around eight seconds to stage the data in ADLS Gen2 prior to writing the data to the SQL table. The total sink processing time in our case was around 44 seconds (4). It is also apparent that we have a hot partition that is significantly larger than the others. If we need to squeeze extra performance out of this pipeline, we can re-evaluate data partitioning to more evenly spread the partitions to better facilitate parallel data loading and filtering. We could also experiment with disabling staging to see if there's a processing time difference. Finally, the size of the dedicated SQL pool plays a factor in how long it takes to ingest data into the sink.

    The sink details are displayed.

Important: Pause your SQL pool

Complete these steps to free up resources you no longer need.

  1. In Synapse Studio, select the Manage hub.

  2. Select SQL pools in the left-hand menu. Hover over the SQLPool01 dedicated SQL pool and select ||.

    The pause button is highlighted on the dedicated SQL pool.

  3. When prompted, select Pause.