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Example project for django-fobi

Follow instructions below to install the example project. Commands below are written for Ubuntu/Debian, but may work on other Linux distributions as well.

  1. Create a new- or switch to existing- virtual environment.

    virtualenv fobi
    source fobi/bin/activate
  2. Download the latest stable version of django-fobi.

  3. Unpack it somewhere.

    tar -xvf stable.tar.gz
  4. Go to the unpacked directory.

    cd django-fobi-stable
  5. Install Django, requirements and finally django-fobi.

    pip install Django
    pip install -r examples/requirements.txt
    pip install
  6. Create some directories.

    mkdir -p examples/media/static/ examples/static/ examples/db/ examples/logs
  7. Copy local_settings.example

    cp examples/simple/settings/local_settings.example examples/simple/settings/
  8. Run the commands to sync database, install test data and run the server.

    python examples/example/ migrate --noinput
    python examples/example/ collectstatic --noinput --traceback -v 3
    python examples/example/ fobi_create_test_data --traceback -v 3
    python example/example/ runserver --traceback -v 3
  9. Open your browser and test the app.

    Fobi interface:

    Django admin interface:

Various setups

There are number of setups included (names are self-explanatory):

  • Bootstrap3 theme + Captcha (runserver-bootstrap3-theme-captcha) :8000
  • Bootstrap3 theme + Django 1.7 + Captcha (runserver-bootstrap3-theme-django17-captcha) :8000
  • Bootstrap3 theme + Django 1.7 (runserver-bootstrap3-theme-django17) :8000
  • Bootstrap3 theme + FeinCMS integration (runserver-bootstrap3-theme-feincms-integration) :8000
  • Bootstrap3 theme (runserver-bootstrap3-theme) :8000
  • Foundation 5 theme + FeinCMS integration (runserver-foundation5-theme-feincms-integration) :8001
  • Foundation 5 theme :8001
  • Override of the simple theme (runserver-override-simple-theme) :8003
  • Simple theme (runserver-simple-theme) :8002