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An implementation of Tempotrons and other learning rules for spiking neurons.


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A Julia implementation of the Binary Tempotron [1] and the Multi-Spike Tempotron [2].

See TestBinary.jl/TestMultiSpike.jl or the Jupyter Jupyter notebooks BinaryTempotron.ipynb/MultiSpikeTempotron.ipynb for simple use-cases.

For a reproduction of the toy model from [2] see TestAggLabels.jl or the Jupyter notebook AggregateLabels.ipynb.

An interactive Pluto notebook demonstrating the STS [2] is available at STS.jl.


First, install Julia (version 1.5.0 or above).

In the Julia REPL, press ] to enter package mode then run:

pkg> add

Examples dependencies

To run the demos, also install Plots and, optionally, ProgressMeter for progress bars:

pkg> add Plots ProgressMeter

Notebooks dependencies

Jupyter notebooks

To run the Jupyter notebooks, please install IJulia kernel (see installation notes to use preinstalled jupyter etc.). It is also recommended to install the PlotlyJS backend for plots and its ORCA dependency:

pkg> add IJulia PlotlyJS ORCA

Pluto notebooks

To run the Pluto notebooks, please install Pluto and PlutoUI:

pkg> add Pluto PlutoUI

Getting started

The Tempotron type

The main type provided by this package is the Tempotron. To create one, you must provide the number of input neurons (for a complete list of optional parameters, see the docs), e.g.:

using Tempotrons
tmp  = Tempotron(10)
tmp2 = Tempotron(500)
tmp3 = Tempotron(10, V<<<sub>0</sub> = -70, θ = -55)
tmp4 = Tempotron(10, τₘ = 20)

The SpikesInput type

The Tempotron's input is of type SpikesInput. To create a new SpikesInput, you must provide a list of spike trains where each spike train is represents the list of spike times of the corresponding input neuron. An optional parameter is the duration of the whole input. For example:

inp = SpikesInput([[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16],
                   [8.943975412613074, 15.807304569617331, 26.527688555672533],
                   [0.48772650867156875, 8.996332849775623],
                   [8.928252059259274, 17.53078106972171],
                   [2.578155671963216, 7.825172521022958, 11.82651548544644],
                   [24, 25],

Alternatively, some variations of random inputs can be generated via the InputGen submodule:

inp2 = InputGen.poisson_spikes_input(10, ν = 3, T = 500)

To have a look at the input, just import the Plots package and plot the input:

using Plots

Getting a tempotron's output

Spike times

To get the tempotron's output for a given output, use:

spk  = tmp(inp).spikes
spk2 = tmp(inp2).spikes
spk3 = tmp3(inp2).spikes
spk4 = tmp4(inp2).spikes

This will return a named tuple with a single field, spikes, containing a list of the output spike times.

Voltage trace

To also get the output voltage trace, just provide a time grid t:

t1 = 0:0.1:40
spk, V = tmp(inp, t = t1)
t2 = collect(0:500)
V2 = tmp(inp2, t = t2).V

This will add the output an additional field V, containing the voltage at the times provided by t. To have a look at the input, just import the Plots package and plot the voltage trace:

using Plots
plot(tmp, t2, V2)

Alternatively, you can let the plot function calculate the output for you:

plot(tmp, inp2)


You can also have a look at the input's STS [2] function using GetSTS to det a list of critical thresholds and plotsts for visualization:

θ⃰ = GetSTS(tmp, inp2)

using Plots
plotsts(tmp, θ⃰)

Again, you can let the plotsts function do the calculations for you:

plotsts(tmp, inp2)

For further reading, see the interactive Pluto notebook demonstration STS.jl.


Binary Tempotron

Finally, we would like to train our tempotron. This is done using the Train! function. For example, to train our tempotron not to spike for a given input using the Binary tempotron's [1] learning rule, we can use:

Train!(tmp, inp2, false)

To use the correlation-based learning rule, use:

Train!(tmp, inp2, false, method = :corr)

and to train the tempotron to fire use:

Train!(tmp, inp2, true)

Multi-Spike Tempotron

To use the Multi-Spike Tempotron's learning rules, simply replace the binary teacher's signal to an integer one:

Train!(tmp, inp2, 2)
Train!(tmp, inp2, 3, method = :corr)
Train!(tmp, inp2, 2)


The Optimizers submodule provides a set of popular gradient-based optimizers. To use one, simply provide it to the Train! function:

Train!(tmp, inp2, 2, optimizer = Optimizers.SGD(1e-4, momentum = 0.99))
Train!(tmp, inp2, true, method = :corr, optimizer = Optimizers.SGD(0.01))
Train!(tmp, inp2, 2, optimizer = Optimizers.RMSprop(0.01))

Putting it all together

Simple use-cases are provided at TestBinary.jl/TestMultiSpike.jl or the Jupyter Jupyter notebooks BinaryTempotron.ipynb/MultiSpikeTempotron.ipynb.


[1] Gütig, R., & Sompolinsky, H. (2006). The tempotron: a neuron that learns spike timing–based decisions. Nature neuroscience, 9(3), 420.

[2] Gütig, R. (2016). Spiking neurons can discover predictive features by aggregate-label learning. Science, 351(6277), aab4113.


An implementation of Tempotrons and other learning rules for spiking neurons.







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