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Developer Tools

Dev Installation

# Clean up pycache and pyc libraries
$ find . | grep -E "(__pycache__|\.pyc$)" | xargs rm -rf

# Install the package and clean up all builds
$ python clean --all install

Local Documentation Build

$ pip install sphinx==1.7.4
$ pip install sphinx-argparse==0.2.2
$ cd docs
$ rm -rf source/*
$ make clean
$ sphinx-build -b html . _build/html # emulates readthedocs build
$ pip install sphinx-rtd-theme
$ pip install recommonmark

Converting files to RST

We use a mixture of markdown and rst files throughout the repo depending on which works best. We will eventually just work with one, but for the timebeing the following command can be run to convert any markdown file to rst.

$ pandoc --from=markdown --to=rst --output=MY_FILE.rst


The testing done below emulates what is done in the build on travis

$ pip install pytest pytest-cov
$ pip install coveralls
$ export TEST_DATMO_DIR="/mydir" # Must be an absolute path
$ export LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG # sets logging level to debug for tests
$ python -m pytest --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=datmo

If you run into issues with testing on docker, you might want to clean up your open docker containers with the following command

$ docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

Cleaning Up Code

We use yapf to clean code and have added a check in the build to ensure any changed files adhere to the styles specified in .style.yapf in the root of the project. The build will fail if the files don't match the style.

We have included some basic commands you can use on the repo after your changes, however, we suggest that you create a pre-commit hook in your git project so that you can ensure every commit is clean and prevent any broken builds from formatting issues. You can refer to the documentation on the yapf github repo for instructions on how to set this up.

# Run on all files 
$ yapf -i `git ls-files | grep -F .py`
# Run on changed files prior to commit, see travis-ci/pre-commit
CHANGED_FILES=`git diff --cached --name-only | grep .py`
if [ -z $CHANGED_FILES ]
    echo "No Python Files Changed"
    yapf -i $CHANGED_FILES
    git diff --name-only --cached | xargs -l git add

If you're using Visual Studio Code and want to run yapf -i [filename] on save, install the [Run on Save] extension.(

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
  "commands": [
      "cmd":"yapf -i ${file}"

Upload to PyPi

Versions of datmo are uploaded to PyPI with the following steps. NOTE: only those with credentials for the PyPI website will be able to upload new versions.

  1. Ensure the VERSION file in the datmo/ module is updated to the desired version to upload (must be later than the previous version on PyPI based on semver)

  2. Run the following commands

     $ rm -rf dist/
     $ python bdist_wheel
     $ twine upload dist/*