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29-Countdown Timer

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This is a JavaScript practice with JavaScript30 by Wes Bos without any frameworks, no compilers, no boilerplate, and no libraries.

29 - Countdown Timer

view demo here

The timer() function

let countdown;
const timerDisplay = document.querySelector('.display__time-left');
const endTime = document.querySelector('.display__end-time');
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-time]');
function timer(seconds) {

  const now =;
  const then = now + seconds * 1000;


  countdown = setInterval(() => {
    const secondsLeft = Math.round((then - / 1000);

    // check if we should stop it
    if (secondsLeft < 0) {

    // display it
    // console.log(secondsLeft);
  }, 1000);
  • clearInterval(countdown);: when start a timer, clear existing timers, and it always needs a variable name of a setInterval() to stop it.
  • remember to clearInterval() the timer at the beginning of the timer function.
  • const now =;: will get us current timestamp in milliseconds
  • const then = now + seconds * 1000;: now plus the number of seconds that you wish to run the timer for. now is in milliseconds, but seconds is not, so we need to multiple by 1000 to be in milliseconds as well
countdown = setInterval(() => {
  const secondsLeft = Math.round((then - / 1000);
  // check if we should stop it
  if (secondsLeft < 0) {

  // display it
}, 1000);
  • setInterval() does not run immediately, it needs 1 second to start

  • [NOTICE] we can't use like:

setInterval(seconds, {

because sometimes when the browser is not active, it might pause the setInterval(), and also pauses while scrolling in iOS.

The displayTimeLeft() function

function displayTimeLeft(seconds) {
  const minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
  const remainderSeconds = seconds % 60;
  const display = `${minutes}:${remainderSeconds < 10 ? '0' : ''}${remainderSeconds}`;

  document.title = display;
  timerDisplay.textContent = display;
  • use textContent over innerText. innerText is IE specific and does not cover all elements
  • document.title = display;: document.title can be dynamically set in JS, it updates the title of the webpage(the <title> tag on HTML) like:

The displayEndTime() function

function displayEndTime(timestamp) {
  const end = new Date(timestamp);
  const hour = end.getHours();
  const adjustedHour = hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour;
  const minutes = end.getMinutes();
  endTime.textContent = `Be Back At ${adjustedHour}:${minutes < 10 ? '0' : ''}${minutes}`;
  • const adjustedHour = hour > 12 ? hour - 12 : hour;: adjust the time format as in 12-hours instead of 24-hours

The startTimer() function

function startTimer() {
  const seconds = parseInt(this.dataset.time);
  • const seconds = parseInt(this.dataset.time);: change the value of data-time attribute (dataset) of an element into a real number (say from "20" into 20) by parseInt()

Hook up events

buttons.forEach(button => button.addEventListener('click', startTimer));

document.customForm.addEventListener('submit', function(e) {
  const mins = this.minutes.value;
  timer(mins * 60);
  this.reset();  // clear form input value
  • [NOTICE] we can directly select as document.elementName if an element has a name attribute in the DOM of HTML (in this case is document.customForm, the customForm is a name attribute of <form> element)
  • this.reset();: clear form input value (this is the form)