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How to start project?

[configure database](#database)
npm install
npm run start


mongodb is used in app (hosted on mLab).

To change connection configuration see src/server/conf/db.js

For development purposes you can use next db:

const connectionUrl = 'mongodb://';

or set up your own db (500mb fo free in mLab)


Authorisation in app can be done via facebook. Credentials of facebook app should be passed to src/server/conf/passport.js

For development purposes you can use next credentials:

fb: {
    clientID: '1208431049220025',
    clientSecret: '39bf839eeb8805fd32f77dd70fac3604',

How to contribute?

We are open to, and grateful for, any contributions made by the community.

You can find a list of issues you can work on here. Feel free to create new ones.

In general, the contribution workflow looks like this:

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Create a new feature branch based off the master branch.
  3. Make sure all tests pass (npm run test) and there are no linting errors (npm run lint).
  4. Submit a pull request, referencing any issues it addresses.

Please try to keep your pull request focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits.

You can read here more about contributing here.

Commit messages

Feel free to use emoji in your commit messages 😧 (More about it here).

Useful links
