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Python code to plot measured and simulated AmBe-2 data without outer tungsten capsule in remote position and calculate discrepancy between the two.

python version: Python 3.10.10

jupyter version:

IPython          : 8.14.0

ipykernel        : 6.24.0

ipywidgets       : not installed

jupyter_client   : 8.3.0

jupyter_core     : 5.3.1

jupyter_server   : 2.7.0

jupyterlab       : 4.0.3

nbclient         : 0.8.0

nbconvert        : 7.6.0

nbformat         : 5.9.1

notebook         : 6.5.4

qtconsole        : not installed

traitlets        : 5.9.0

matplotlib version: 3.7.2

numpy version: 1.25.1

pandas version 2.0.3

scipy version 1.11.1

iminuit version 2.22.0

Author: Mariia Fedkevych,

  1. Download and open Analysis_full_spectrum_noW_remote_with_attenuator.ipynb as a jupyter notebook.
  2. Give a correct path to the measurement Data files and the output folder and run the code. The simulated spectrum .npz arhive (produced by AmBe_characterization_analysis/AmBe_GeSim_noW_remote/Analysis_GeSim_AmBe_remote_noW.ipynb) should be in the notebook folder.

It will plot the measured and simulated spectra along with discrepancy between them.