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Client-side JS filtering of JSON objects and rendering HTML snippets via jQuery.


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Filter.js is client-side JSON objects filter to show/hide html elements. Multiple filter criteria can be specified and used in conjunction with each other.


Capture the JSON data (maybe using @people.to_json).Here 'id' field is mandatory in all json records and it should be uniq.

var people = [{person: {id: 1, name: 'Jiren', age:26, country: 'India', country_id: 1, 
                        states : [{ state : 'MH', state_id : 3 }, {state : 'HN', state_id : 4}] } }, 
              {person: {id: 2, name: 'Joe', age:25, country: 'USA', country_id: 2,
                        states : [{ state : 'MH', state_id : 3 }, {state : 'HN', state_id : 4}] } }

View function call for every object of the people array. It will render the HTML template.

var view = function(person){

  name    = this.span({'class': 'name'},;
  age     = this.span({'class': 'age'},  person.age);
  country = this.div({'class': 'country'},;

  return'/demo/' + ,{'title':}, [name,age,country]);

Suppose you require some HTML element which is not currently supported in filter.js, you can simply use the registerHtmlElement method to add this to your HTML views.


//Use arguments attributes, content
this.article({class: 'new'}, 'demo')

Filter criteria is defined in the follwing ways:

var settings = {
  filter_criteria: {
          country: ['#country_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'country_id'],
          age: ['#age_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked .TYPE.range', 'age'],
          states: ['#state_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'states.ARRAY.state_id'],
   callbacks = filter_callbacks, //Define below.
   and_filter_on: false,
   search: { input: '#searchbox' }

The detailed explaination is here: For category selections:

country: ['#country_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'country_id'],

Selector: '#country_list input:checkbox': All the checkboxes in the div with id="country_list"

Event : : This is the event on the selector that will trigger the filter.

Selection Criteria: .SELECT.:checked : The criteria for filtering. (In this case, all selected checkboxes)

JSON attribute: country_id : This is a JSON attribute defined in JSON objects for which filtering is done.

For Range selections,

age: ['#age_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked .TYPE.range', 'age'],

The only thing that changes here is the additional field

Range: .TYPE.range : It is expected to set ranges as values like '20-30', 'below-30', '30-above'.


<input checked="checked" value="20-30" type="checkbox">

For Array selections,

states: ['#state_list input:checkbox .SELECT.:checked', 'states.ARRAY.state_id'],

If we need to look into a JSON array for the search criteria, we can use the .ARRAY. selector. This would look into the states array and filter on the state_id

Categroy 'AND', 'OR' selection criteria.If any categroy selection result is zero and 'and_filter_on' => 'true' then no elements are shown.For 'and_filter_on' => 'false' zero result category ignored.

and_filter_on: true  //AND opration
and_filter_on: false //OR Opration

For Instant Search,

search: { input: '#searchbox'}

Search option is adding live search from the html elements. 'input' is the jquery element selector for the searchbox.

Filtering Callbacks

Define callback in settings. Callbacks executes after each filtering events.(In examples folder: 'filterjs-map.html')

var filter_callbacks = {
    gmap: function(result){
    logger: function(result){
      $.each(result, function(i,v){ console.log(})
    //Tinysort integration
    tiny_sort: function() {
       $('a[data-fjs]').tsort('.fs_price:visible', {order: 'asc'})

If want to execute callback on init set configuration in setting

exec_callbacks_on_init: true

Triggering the filter

var fJS = FilterJS(people, "#people_list", view, settings);

This will render each JSON object to html and append to '#people_list' div. Second arg is object render function which can be customized as show above.

NOTE: Initially where html element going to render and append must be empty.Here '#people_list' div is empty.

Filter using link

Define link with hidden input. Link data-target is hidden input id and data-value is use to set hidden input value.

<a id="filter_by_link" href="#" data-value="100-200" data-target='#link_filter'>Price: 100 - 200</a>
<input type="hidden" id="link_filter"/>

Add filter criteria to setting.

link_filter: ['#link_filter .EVENT.change .SELECT.:input .TYPE.range', 'amount']

To clear filter. data-value set to data-taget element which is hidden field associated with link.

<a id="clear_link_filter" href="#" data-target="#link_filter" data-value='0-above'>Clear</a>

Bind event on filter link and clear filter link. Here on click link data-value set to data-target element value.

$('#filter_by_link, #clear_link_filter').click(function(e){

Javascript Template Integration

Template must have parent any html tag. i.e


<span class="name">{{name}}</span>
<span class="age">{{age}}</span>

  <span class="name">{{name}}</span>
  <span class="age">{{age}}</span>

Mustache.js integration

Define mustache.js template in html page.

<script id="person_template" type="text/mustache">
  <a href="/demo/{{id}}" title="{{name}}">
    <span class="name">{{name}}</span>
    <span class="age">{{age}}</span>
    <div class="country">{{country}}</div>

View function:

var mustache_template = $("#person_template").html(); //Find template data.

var view = function(person){
    return Mustache.to_html(mustache_template, person);

Jquery Template integration

Define jquery template in html page.

<script id="person_template" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
  <a href="/demo/${id}" title="${name}">
    <span class="name">${name}</span>
    <span class="age">${age}</span>
    <div class="country">${country}</div>

View function:

var jquery_template = $("#person_template"); //Find template data.

var view = function(person){
    return $.tmpl(jquery_template, person)

Instant Search integration

Default search config: This will search each filtered item html text. Add default search option in filter setting.

search: {input: '#searchbox'}

Custome search for particular fields. Custome search config for above html template 'a' tag(filtering item), if we want to search by only 'name' and 'age'

'field_selector' is html element selector inside the item html.

search: {input: '#searchbox', field_selector: '.name, .age' }


To see the sample demo, clone this repo and open demo/filterjs.html in your browser


Filter with google map


GoodInKind Services GoodInKind NonProfits Dealacer (require soft registration)

If you use this, please send me an email, I shall add your link here!

Changes and New Functionality


  • And / Or filtering


  • Filtering Callbacks


  • Search with filtering


  • Custom search for particular field

Sponsors and Supporters


Please send me a pull request so that this can be improved.


This is released under the MIT license.


Client-side JS filtering of JSON objects and rendering HTML snippets via jQuery.







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