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Public key RSA encryption in Swift.

SwiftyRSA is used in the Scoop iOS app to encrypt driver license numbers before submitting them to Checkr through our API.


With Cocoapods:

pod 'SwiftyRSA'

With Carthage:

github "TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA"



// String
let encryptedString = try! SwiftyRSA.encryptString(str, publicKeyPEM: pemString)

// Data
let encryptedData = try! SwiftyRSA.encryptData(data, publicKeyPEM: pemString)

// With a DER key
let encryptedString = try! SwiftyRSA.encryptString(str, publicKeyDER: derData)
let encryptedData = try! SwiftyRSA.encryptData(data, publicKeyDER: pemString)


// String
let decryptedString = try! SwiftyRSA.decryptString(str, privateKeyPEM: pemString)

// Data
let decryptedData = try! SwiftyRSA.decryptData(data, privateKeyPEM: pemString)

Advanced Usage

Create public and private RSA keys

Use ssh-keygen to generate a PEM public key and a PEM private key. SwiftyRSA also supports DER public keys.

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/mykey -N ''
$ cat ~/mykey > ~/private.pem
$ ssh-keygen -f ~/ -e -m pem > ~/public.pem

Your keys are now in ~/public.pem and ~/private.pem. Don't forget to move ~/mykey and ~/ to a secure place.

Get a key instance

Note that the key reference will only be valid as long as the SwiftyRSA instance is alive.

import SwiftyRSA

let rsa = SwiftyRSA()

// Public key (PEM)
let pubPath   = bundle.pathForResource("public", ofType: "pem")!
let pubString = NSString(contentsOfFile: pubPath, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)! as String
let pubKey    = try! rsa.publicKeyFromPEMString(pubString)

// Public key (DER)
let pubPath = bundle.pathForResource("public", ofType: "der")!
let pubData = NSData(contentsOfFile: pubPath)!
let pubKey  = try! rsa.publicKeyFromDERData(pubData)

// Private key (PEM)
let privPath   = bundle.pathForResource("private", ofType: "pem")!
let privString = NSString(contentsOfFile: privPath, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding, error: nil)! as String
let privKey    = try! rsa.privateKeyFromPEMString(privString)

Use a key instance to encrypt/decrypt

// Encrypt
let encryptedString = try! rsa.encryptString(str, publicKey: pubKey)
let encryptedData = try! rsa.encryptData(data, publicKey: pubKey)

// Decrypt
let decryptedString = try! rsa.decryptString(str, privateKey: privKey)
let decryptedData = try! rsa.decryptData(data, privateKey: privKey)

Use with Objective-C

@import SwiftyRSA;

NSString* str = @"ClearText";

NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:self.class];

NSString* pubPath = [bundle pathForResource:@"swiftyrsa-public" ofType:@"pem"];
NSString* pubString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:pubPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];

NSString* privPath = [bundle pathForResource:@"swiftyrsa-private" ofType:@"pem"];
NSString* privString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:privPath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];

NSString* encrypted = [SwiftyRSA encryptString:str publicKeyPEM:pubString padding:kSecPaddingPKCS1 error:nil];
NSString* decrypted = [SwiftyRSA decryptString:encrypted privateKeyPEM:privString padding:kSecPaddingPKCS1 error:nil];

Under the hood

When encrypting using a public key:

  • If the key is in PEM format, get rid of meta data and convert to NSData
  • Strip the ASN.1 data from the public key header (otherwise the keychain won't accept it)
  • Add the public key to the app keychain, with a random tag
  • Get a reference on the key using the key tag
  • Convert clear text to NSData using UTF8
  • Encrypt data with SecKeyEncrypt using the key reference
  • Convert the resulting data to base64 and return it
  • Delete public key from keychain using tag

When decrypting using a private key:

  • Get rid of PEM meta data and convert to NSData
  • Add the private key to the app keychain, with a random tag
  • Get a reference on the key using the key tag
  • Convert encrypted text to NSData from base64 string
  • Decrypt data with SecKeyDecrypt using the key reference
  • Convert the resulting data to String using UTF8
  • Delete private key from keychain using tag

Inspired from


This project is copyrighted under the MIT license. Complete license can be found here: