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To build the test cases do rake testing=1 -m then flash to Bambino, the results print out to the uart/serial

To make the Firmware do rake target=Bambino -m

Firmware currently runs on UART at 115200 baud and on USB serial at ttyACM0. On USB Serial you need to hit Enter to get it to start.

The config file is called config.ini on the sdcard and examples are shown in the ConfigSamples diretory, config-3d.ini is for a 3d printer, and config-laser.ini is for laser, these would be renamed config.ini and copied to the sdcard.

The config.ini may also be builtin and is defined in string-config-bambino.h, a #define is needed in the main.cpp to use the builtin config.ini.

Currently the max stepping rate is limited to 150Khz as this seems the upper limit to handle the step interrupt.

Enough modules have been ported to run a 3D printer, also a laser is supported.

Modules that have been ported so far...

  • endstops
  • extruder
  • laser
  • switch
  • temperaturecontrol
  • temperatureswitch
  • zprobe
  • currentcontrol
  • killbutton
  • player

NOTE for the smooothiev2 Prime Alpha replace Bambino above with Primealpha...

rake target=Primealpha -m

builtin config would be called string-config-minialpha.h (but the default is to read the config.ini on sdcard).

The Prime Alpha is currently working quite well.

on the Prime Alpha there are 4 leds..

  1. led3 - smoothie led, flashes slowly when idle, does not flash when busy
  2. led4 - smoothie led, on when executing moves, flashes when in HALT

Both flash if there was a serious config error. All 4 leds flash if there is no sdcard inserted.

The debug UART port is on PF.10 (TX) and PF.11 (RX) on the PrimeAlpha (G5 pin 4 and 5) The debug UART port is on P6.4 (TX) and P6.5 (RX) on the Bambino Socket 2 pin 4,5. baud rate 115200.

Initial Bootstrap

V2 does not have a bootloader, the firmware itself can flash itself and do updates etc. To bootstrap the inital firmware (or to recover from bad firmware or bricking) you can use a jlink to flash the firmnware, but as most will not have a jlink (although for developement this is highly encouraged so you can debug, as untested firmware PRs probably will not be accepted). The LPC4330 has several methods built into the ROM to allow initial loading of programs into RAM the two most convenient are DFU over USB or loading over the serial uart, both are described below. Basically we provide a flashloader.bin that loads and runs into RAM then acesses a file flashme.bin on the sdcard and flashes that into the SPIFI.

Debugging and Flashing

You can use a JLink to initially flash and debug, plug it into the jtag port. Run the jlink gdb server: /opt/jlink/JLinkGDBServer -device LPC4330_M4 -speed auto -rtos GDBServer/ -timeout 10000

Then run gdb: arm-none-eabi-gdb-64bit -ex "target remote localhost:2331" smoothiev2_Primealpha/smoothiev2.elf

The arm-none-eabi-gdb-64bit binary is in the tools directory, it is a fixed version that handles Hard Faults correctly.

To flash use the load command in gdb, it is recommended you do a mon reset before and after the load.

Once flashed you use the c command to run.

Once an image has been flashed, new images can be downloaded and flashed using dfu-util or by copying the firmware file to sdcard called flashme.bin and using the flash command. There is a YModem reciever and the script in the tools folder called can be used to write a firmware bin file to the sdcard. This python script uses the linux command sx to do the actual ymodem. You could also use the ymodem built into most screen programs.

If you do not have a jlink you can use the built in ROM UART3 bootloader and load the flashloader.bin file (from here using the tools/ program. This will flash the flashme.bin file on the sdcard. To use this you must set the boot pins to P2.9=1 P2.8=0 P1.2=0 P1.1=0 (on underside of proto board marked BOOT3, BOOT2, BOOT1, BOOT0), and use P2.3 and P2.4 for the UART. Then reset the board, once flashed set back to the intial BOOT from SPIFI 0001.

Another option is to use the ROM based USB loader, you need to prepend the required header using dfu-prefix -L -a flashloader.bin, then put the system into USB boot mode P2.9=0 P2.8=1 P1.2=0 P1.1=1 (Pull BOOT2 high) then reset then use dfu-util -R -d 1fc9:000c -D flashloader.bin (you may need to use sudo on this) to load the modified flashloader.bin. This again would flash the flashme.bin file on sdcard. There are some files available on NXP website called lpcscrypt that can also flash over the USB direct into SPIFI.

Flashing V2 Smoothie using J-Link (Windows)

Install and launch Jflash Lite Set to LPC4330_M4, JTAG 4000khz Select V2 smoothie bin file Set Address to 0x14000000 Click Program Device Install SD with config.ini into V2 board Plug into USB and boot. Verify serial connection


Pull requests to the master branch will not be accepted as this will be the stable, well tested branch. Pull requests should be made to the unstable branch, which is a branch off the edge branch. Once a PR has been merged into unstable and has been fairly well tested it will be merged to the edge branch. Only when edge is considered stable will it be merged into master.