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Helion Cloud Foundry

This repository integrates all HCF components.

Preparing to Deploy HCF

Note: You can run the Windows Cell Add-On on a variety of systems within a Vagrant VM. For more information, see To Deploy HCF on Windows Using VirtualBox.

Manually testing a branch on Jenkins

  1. Login to Jenkins
  2. Lookup the hcf-vagrant-in-cloud-develop job
  3. Use the Build with Parameters link to start a build
  4. Specify the branch you want built and start

To Deploy HCF with Vagrant

NOTE: These are the common instructions that are shared between all providers, some providers have different requirements, make sure that you read the appropriate section for your provider.

  1. Install Vagrant (version 1.7.4 and higher).

  2. Clone the repository and run the following command to allow Vagrant to interact with the mounted submodules:

git clone
cd hcf
git submodule update --init --recursive

Important: Ensure you do not have uncommitted changes in any submodules.

  1. Bring the VM online and ssh into it:
# Replace X with one of: vmware_fusion, vmware_workstation, virtualbox
vagrant up --provider X
vagrant ssh

Note: The virtualbox provider is unstable and we've had many problems with HCF on it, try to use vmware when possible.

  1. On the VM, navigate to the ~/hcf directory and run the make vagrant-prep command.
cd hcf
make vagrant-prep

Note: You need to run this command only after initially creating the VM.

  1. On the VM, start HCF using the make run command.
make run

To Deploy HCF on OS X Using VMWare Fusion

  1. Install VMware Fusion 7 and Vagrant (version 1.7.4 and higher).

Note: To get a license for VMware Fusion 7, use your HPE email address to send a message to with the subject Fusion license request.

  1. Install the Vagrant Fusion provider plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion

Note vagrant-vmware-fusion version 4.0.9 or greater is required.

  1. Download the Vagrant Fusion Provider license and install it:
vagrant plugin license vagrant-vmware-fusion /path/to/license.lic
  1. Follow the common instructions in the section above

To Deploy HCF on Ubuntu Using libvirt

  1. Install Vagrant (version 1.7.4 and higher) and the libvirt dependencies and allow non-root access to libvirt:
sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin libvirt-dev qemu-utils qemu-kvm nfs-kernel-server
  1. Allow non-root access to libvirt:
sudo usermod -G libvirtd -a <username>
  1. Log out, log in, and then install the libvirt plugin:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
  1. Follow the common instructions above

Important: The VM may not come online during your first attempt.

To Deploy HCF on Fedora using libvirt

  1. Install Vagrant (version 1.7.4 and higher) and enable NFS over UDP:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone FedoraWorkstation --change-interface vboxnet0
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone FedoraWorkstation --add-service nfs
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone FedoraWorkstation --add-service rpc-bind
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone FedoraWorkstation --add-service mountd
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone FedoraWorkstation --add-port 2049/udp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo systemctl enable nfs-server.service
sudo systemctl start nfs-server.service
  1. Install libvirt dependencies, allow non-root access to libvirt, and create a group for the libvirt user:
sudo dnf install libvirt-daemon-kvm libvirt-devel
sudo usermod -G libvirt -a <username>
newgrp libvirt
  1. Install fog-libvirt 0.0.3 and the libvirt plugins:
# Workaround for
vagrant plugin install --plugin-version 0.0.3 fog-libvirt
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
  1. To set the libvert daemon user to your username/group, edit /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf as follows:
user = "<username>"
group = "<username>"
  1. Follow the common instructions above

Important: The VM may not come online during your first attempt.

To Deploy HCF on Windows Using VirtualBox

Important: Working on a Windows host is significantly more complicated because of heavy usage of symlinks. On Windows, only the VirtualBox provider is supported.

  1. Ensure that line endings are handled correctly.
git config --global core.autocrlf input
  1. Clone the repository, bring the VM online, and ssh into it:

Important: Do not recursively update submodules. To ensure that symlinks are configured properly, you need to do this on the Vagrant VM. To be able to clone everything within the VM, you will need an ssh key within the VM allowed on GitHub.

vagrant up --provider virtualbox
vagrant ssh
  1. Configure symlinks and initialize submodules:
cd ~/hcf
git config --global core.symlinks true
git config core.symlinks true
git submodule update --init --recursive
  1. On the VM, navigate to the ~/hcf directory and run the make vagrant-prep command.
cd hcf
make vagrant-prep

Note: You need to run this command only after initially creating the VM.

  1. On the VM, start HCF
make run
  1. For the Windows Cell Add-On, see the Windows Cell Readme.

Important: You can run the Windows Cell Add-On on a variety of systems within a Vagrant VM.

To Deploy HCF on Amazon AWS Using Terraform

  • Pick a target, e.g. aws-spot-dist and run make aws-spot-dist to generate the archive populated with development defaults and secrets.

  • Extract the newly created .zip file to a temporary working dir:

mkdir /tmp/hcf-aws
cd /tmp/hcf-aws
unzip $OLDPWD/aws-???.zip
cd aws
  • Follow the instructions in

Makefile targets

Vagrant VM Targets

Name Effect
run Set up HCF on the current node (bin/
stop Stop HCF on the current node
vagrant-box Build the Vagrant box image using packer
vagrant-prep Shortcut for building everything needed for make run

BOSH Release Targets

Name Effect
cf-release bosh create release for cf-release
usb-release bosh create release for cf-usb-release
diego-release bosh create release for diego-release
etcd-release bosh create release for etcd-release
garden-release bosh create release for garden-linux-release
cf-mysql-release bosh create release for cf-mysql-release
hcf-sso-release bosh create release for hcf-sso-release
hcf-versions-release bosh create release for hcf-versions-release
cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release bosh create release for cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release
releases Make all of the BOSH releases above

Fissile Build Targets

Name Effect
build make compile + make images
compile-base fissile build layer compilation
compile fissile build packages
images make bosh-images + make docker-images
image-base fissile build layer stemcell
bosh-images fissile build images
docker-images docker build in each dir in ./docker-images
tag Tag HCF images and bosh role images
publish Publish HCF images and bosh role images to Docker Hub
hcp Generate HCP service definitions
mpc Generate Terraform MPC definitions for a single-node microcloud
aws Generate Terraform AWS definitions for a single-node microcloud

Distribution Targets

Name Effect Notes
dist Generate and package various setups
mpc-dist Generate and package Terraform MPC definitions for a single-node microcloud
aws-dist Generate and package Terraform AWS definitions for a single-node microcloud
aws-proxy-dist Generate and package Terraform AWS definitions for a proxied microcloud
aws-spot-dist Generate and package Terraform AWS definitions for a single-node microcloud using a spot instance
aws-spot-proxy-dist Generate and package Terraform AWS definitions for a proxied microcloud using spot instances

Development FAQ (on the vagrant box)

Where do I find logs?

  1. To look at entrypoint logs, run the docker logs <role-name> command. To follow the logs, run the docker logs -f <role-name> command.
__Note:__ For `bosh` roles, `monit` logs are displayed. For `docker` roles, the `stdout` and `stderr` from the entry point are displayed.
  1. All logs for all components can be found here on the Vagrant box in ~/.run/log.

How do I clear all data and begin anew without rebuilding everything?

On the Vagrant box, run the following commands:

cd ~/hcf

# (There is no need for a graceful stop.)
docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

# Delete all data.
sudo rm -rf ~/.run/store

# Start everything.
make run

How do I clear the logs?

On the Vagrant box, run the following commands:

cd ~/hcf

# Stop gracefully.
make stop

# Delete all logs.
sudo rm -rf ~/.run/log

# Start everything.
make run

How do I run smoke and acceptance tests?

On the Vagrant box, when hcf-status reports all roles are running, enable diego_docker support with

cf enable-feature-flag diego_docker

and execute the following commands: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ smoke-tests /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-flight-recorder

To run the tests against a remote machine (e.g. to test a HCP deployment), first make sure that your settings match the deployed configuration; the easiest way to do this is to deploy via the fully-specified instance definition files rather than the minimal ones meant for HSM. Also remember to enable diego_docker as above. Afterwards, run the tests as normal but with a DOMAIN override: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ smoke-tests --env /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain --env /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests --env /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-autoscaler --env

It is not currently possible to run acceptance-tests-flight-recorder on HCP, as it expects direct access to the other roles in the cluster.

How do I run a subset of HCF acceptance tests?

Use the following command to specify additional include/exclude patterns for test filenames: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain --env INCLUDE=pattern --env EXCLUDE=pattern

For example to run just and /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain --env INCLUDE=sso

It is also possible to run custom tests by mounting them at the /tests mountpoint inside the container. The mounted tests will be combined with the bundled tests. To exclude the bundled tests match against names starting with 3 digits followed by an underscore: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain --env 'EXCLUDE=\b\d{3}_' -v /tmp/tests:/tests

Or explicitly select only the mounted tests with: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests-brain --env 'INCLUDE=^/tests/' -v /tmp/tests:/tests

How do I run a subset of Cloud Foundry acceptance tests?

Use the following command to specify the changes to the test suites to run: /home/vagrant/hcf/bin/settings/ acceptance-tests --env CATS_SUITES=-suite,+suite

Each suite is separated by a comma. The modifiers apply until the next modifier is seen, and have the following meanings:

Modifier Meaning
+ Enable the following suites
- Disable the following suites
= Disable all suites, and enable the following suites

fissile refuses to create images that already exist. How do I recreate images?

On the Vagrant box, run the following commands:

cd ~/hcf

# Stop gracefully.
make stop

# Delete all fissile images.
docker rmi $(fissile show image)

# Re-create the images and then run them.
make images run

My vagrant box is frozen. What can I do?

Try each of the following solutions sequentially:

  • Run the ~. && vagrant reload command.

  • Run vagrant halt && vagrant reload command.

  • Manually stop the virtual machine and then run the vagrant reload command.

  • Run the vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up command and then run make vagrant-prep run on the Vagrant box.

Can I target the cluster from the host using the cf CLI?

You can target the cluster on the hardcoded address assigned to a host-only network adapter. You can access any URL or endpoint that references this address from your host.

How do I connect to the Cloud Foundry database?

  1. Use the role manifest to expose the port for the mysql proxy role

  2. The MySQL instance is exposed at

  3. The default username is: root.

  4. You can find the default password in the MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable in the ~/hcf/bin/settings/settings.env file on the Vagrant box.

How do I add a new BOSH release to HCF?

  1. Add a Git submodule to the BOSH release in ./src.

  2. Mention the new release in ./bin/.fissilerc

  3. Edit the release parameters:

a. Add new roles or change existing ones in `./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/role-manifest.yml`.

b. Add exposed environment variables (`yaml path: /configuration/variables`).

c. Add configuration templates (`yaml path: /configuration/templates` and `yaml path: /roles/*/configuration/templates`).

d. Add defaults for your configuration settings to `~/hcf/bin/settings/settings.env`.

e. If you need any extra default certificates, add them to `~/hcf/bin/settings/certs.env`.

f. Add generation code for the certs to `~/hcf/bin/`.
  1. Add any opinions (static defaults) and dark opinions (configuration that must be set by user) to ./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/opinions.yml and ./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/dark-opinions.yml, respectively.

  2. Change the ./Makefile so it builds the new release:

a. Add a new target `<release-name>-release`.

b. Add the new target as a dependency for `make releases`.
  1. Test the changes.

  2. Run the make <release-name>-release compile images run command.

What does my dev cycle look like when I work on Component X?

  1. Make a change to component X, in its respective release (X-release).

  2. Run make X-release compile images run to build your changes and run them.

How do I expose new settings via environment variables?

  1. Edit ./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/role-manifest.yml:
a. Add the new exposed environment variables (`yaml path: /configuration/variables`).

b. Add or change configuration templates:

    i. `yaml path: /configuration/templates`

    ii. `yaml path: /roles/*/configuration/templates`
  1. Add defaults for your new settings in ~/hcf/bin/settings/settings.env.

  2. If you need any extra default certificates, add them to ~/hcf/bin/dev-certs.env.

  3. Add generation code for the certificates here: ~/hcf/bin/

  4. Rebuild the role images that need this new setting:

docker stop <role>-int
docker rmi -f fissile-<role>:<tab-for-completion>
make images run

__Tip:__ If you do not know which roles require your new settings, you can use the following catch-all:

make stop
docker rmi -f $(fissile show image)
make images run

How do I bump the submodules for the various releases?

Note: Because this process involves cloning and building a release, it may take a long time.

Cloud Foundry maintains a compatibility spreadsheet for cf-release, diego-release, etcd-release, and garden-linux-release. If you are bumping all of those modules simultaneously, you can run bin/ <RELEASE> and skip steps 1 and 2 in the example:

The following example is for cf-release. You can follow the same steps for other releases.

  1. On the host machine, clone the repository that you want to bump:

git clone src/cf-release/ ./src/cf-release-clone --recursive ```

  1. On the host, bump the clone to the desired version:
git checkout v217
git submodule update --init --recursive --force
  1. Create a release for the cloned repository:
__Important:__ From this point on, perform all actions on the Vagrant box.

cd ~/hcf
./bin/ src/cf-release-clone cf
  1. Run the config-diff command:
FISSILE_RELEASE='' fissile diff --release ${HOME}/hcf/src/cf-release,${HOME}/hcf/src/cf-release-clone
  1. Act on configuration changes:
__Important:__ If you are not sure how to treat a configuration setting, discuss it with the HCF team.

For any configuration changes discovered in step the previous step, you can do one of the following:

  * Keep the defaults in the new specification.

  * Add an opinion (static defaults) to `./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/opinions.yml`.

  * Add a template and an exposed environment variable to `./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/role-manifest.yml`.

Define any secrets in the dark opinions file `./container-host-files/etc/hcf/config/dark-opinions.yml` and expose them as environment variables.

  * If you need any extra default certificates, add them here: `~/hcf/bin/dev-certs.env`.

  * Add generation code for the certificates here: `~/hcf/bin/`.
  1. Evaluate role changes:
a. Consult the release notes of the new version of the release.

b. If there are any role changes, discuss them with the HCF team, [follow steps 3 and 4 from this guide](#how-do-i-add-a-new-bosh-release-to-hcf).
  1. Bump the real submodule:
a. Bump the real submodule and begin testing.

b. Remove the clone you used for the release.
  1. Test the release by running the make <release-name>-release compile images run command.

Can I suspend or resume my vagrant VM?

  1. Run the vagrant reload command.

  2. Run the make run command.

How do I develop an upstream PR?

  • If our submodules are close to the HEAD of upstream and no merge conflicts occur, follow the steps described here.

  • If merge conflicts occur, or if the component is referenced as a submodule, and it is not compatible with the parent release, work with the HCF team to resolve the issue on a case-by-case basis.

What is the difference between a BOSH role and a Docker role?

  • fissile generates bosh and bosh-task roles using BOSH releases while regular Dockerfiles create docker roles.

  • You can include both types of role in the role manifest, using the same run information.

How can I add a Docker role to HCF?

  1. Name your new role.

  2. Create a directory named after your role in ./docker-images.

  3. Create a Dockerfile in the new directory.

  4. Add your role to role-manifest.yml

  5. Test using the make docker-images run command.

How do I publish HCF and BOSH images?

  1. Ensure that the Vagrant box is running.

  2. ssh into the Vagrant box.

  3. To tag the images into the selected registry and to push them, run the make tag publish command.

  4. This target uses the make variables listed below to construct the image names and tags:

|Variable  |Meaning|Default|
| ---    | ---  | ---  |
|IMAGE_REGISTRY  | The name of the trusted registry to publish to (include a trailing slash)  | _empty_|
|IMAGE_PREFIX  | The prefix to use for image names (must not be empty) |hcf|
|IMAGE_ORG  | The organization in the image registry |helioncf|
|BRANCH    | The tag to use for the images | _Current git branch_ |
  1. To publish to the standard trusted registry run the make tag publish command, for example:
make tag publish

How do I generate HCP service definitions?

  1. Ensure that the Vagrant box is running.

  2. ssh into the Vagrant box.

  3. To generate the SDL file that contains HCP service definition for the current set of roles, run the make hcp command.

__Note:__ This target takes the same `make` variables as the `tag` and `publish` targets.

You can also read a step by step tutorial of running HCF on HCP using Vagrant.

How do I generate Terraform MPC service definitions?

  1. Ensure that the Vagrant box is running.

  2. ssh into the Vagrant box.

  3. To generate the file that contains the Terraform definitions for an MPC_based, single-node microcloud, run the make mpc command.

__Note:__ This target takes the same `make` variables as the `tag` and `publish` targets.

How do I test a new version of configgin

  1. Ensure that the Vagrant box is running.

  2. ssh into the Vagrant box.

  3. Build new configgin binary and install it into all role images

    configgin is installed as a binary in ~/tools/configgin.tgz. In order to test a new version you have to install a new build in that location and recreate first the base image, and then all role images.

    In the docker rmi command below use tab-completion to also delete the image tagged with a version string:

    git clone
    cd hcf-configgin/
    make dist
    cp output/configgin*.tgz ~/tools/configgin.tgz
    docker rmi -f $(fissile show image) fissile-role-base fissile-role-base:<TAB>
    fissile build layer stemcell
    make images

How do I add a new version of Ruby to the build system?

  1. Add the version to the last line of docker-images/hcf-pipeline-ruby-bosh/versions.txt

  2. Edit the HCF-PIPELINE-RUBY-BOSH DOCKER IMAGE TARGET section of Makefile

    Update the version from 2.3.1 to the desired version.

  3. Run make hcf-pipeline-ruby-bosh

Build Dependencies
