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Software Part of Shuhai

1. Prerequisites

a. Install the following package (cmake) for Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install libboost-program-options-dev cmake

b. Make sure you have sudo priority, which is required when installing PCIe kernel and running related application code.

2. Setup Hugepages

a. Create a group for users of hugepages, and retrieve its GID (in this example, 1001) then add yourself to the group.

$ sudo groupadd hugetlbfs

$ sudo getent group hugetlbfs

$ sudo adduser dasidler hugetlbfs

b. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add this text to specify the number of pages you want to reserve (see page-size)

# Allocate 8192*2MiB for HugePageTables
vm.nr_hugepages = 8192

# Members of group hugetlbfs(1001) can allocate "huge" shared memory segments
vm.hugetlb_shm_group = 1001

c. Create a mount point for the file system

$ mkdir /media/huge

d. Add this line in /etc/fstab (The mode 1770 allows anyone in the group to create files but not unlink or rename each other's files.)

# hugetlbfs
hugetlbfs /media/huge hugetlbfs mode=1770,gid=1001 0 0

e. Reboot

f. Add the following line to /etc/security/limits.conf to configure the amount of memory a user can lock, so an application can't crash your operating system by locking all the memory.

@hugetlbfs	hard	memlock		1048576

3. Kernel Part

Loading PCIe kernel module if not loaded yet.

$ cd driver
$ make clean
$ make
$ sudo insmod xdma_driver.ko

Please make sure your kernel module is successfully installed for Ubuntu.

4. Application Part

a. Compile application code

$ cd ..
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ make

b. Run HBM testing or DDR4 testing with parameters specified in the "config" file (shown in 3.c).

$ sudo ./test-hbm --configFile=config.txt
$ sudo ./test-ddr --configFile=config.txt

If configFile is not specified, the parameters are loaded with default values.

Name Value Range for HBM Value Range for DDR Default Values Desription
workGroupSize 0x20-0x10000000 0x40-0x10000000 0x10000000 Working set size
readEnable 0-2^32-1 0-2^2-1 0 Read enable Signal, each bit represents a channel, the lowest bit represents the channel 0
writeEnable 0-2^32-1 0-2^2-1 0 Write enable Signal, each bit represents a channel,the lowest bit represents the channel 0
latencyChannel 0-31 0-1 closed Specify which channel to test latency
strideLength 32,64,128,etc 64,128,etc 64 Stride length
memBurstSize 32,64,128,256,512,1024 64,128,256,512,1024 64 Memery burst size

c. Format of "config" file

Each line in the "config" file refers to a parameter reconfiguration, whose format is parameter channel value, where

parameter illustrates the exact parameter you want to reconfig,

channel illustrates the exact AXI channel you want to reconfig the parameter, and

value illustrates the exact value you want to set the parameter.

For example, for example: strideLength 0 128 means the strideLength of the AXI channel 0 is set to 128.

Two examples used in our paper.

The configuration file "config1.txt" is associated with Fig 7.a in our paper

sudo ./test-hbm --configFile=config1.txt

The configuration file "config2.txt" is associated with Fig 5.a in our paper

sudo ./test-hbm --configFile=config2.txt