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ERNIE-Doc: A Retrospective Long-Document Modeling Transformer

For technical description of the algorithm, please see our paper:

ERNIE-Doc: A Retrospective Long-Document Modeling Transformer

Siyu Ding*, Junyuan Shang*, Shuohuan Wang, Yu Sun, Hao Tian, Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang (* : equal contribution)

Preprint December 2020

Accepted by ACL-2021

ERNIE-Doc paper

ERNIE-Doc is a document-level language pretraining model. Two well-designed techniques, namely the retrospective feed mechanism and the enhanced recurrence mechanism, enable ERNIE-Doc, which has a much longer effective context length, to capture the contextual information of a complete document. ERNIE-Doc improved the state-of-the-art language modeling result of perplexity to 16.8 on WikiText-103. Moreover, it outperformed competitive pretraining models by a large margin on most language understanding tasks, such as text classification, question answering, information extraction and semantic matching.


We proposed three novel methods to enhance the long document modeling ability of Transformers:

  • Retrospective Feed Mechanism: Inspired by the human reading behavior of skimming a document first and then looking back upon it attentively, we design a retrospective feed mechanism in which segments from a document are fed twice as input. As a result, each segment in the retrospective phase could explicitly fuse the semantic information of the entire document learned in the skimming phase, which prevents context fragmentation.
  • Enhanced Recurrence Mechansim, a drop-in replacement for a Recurrence Transformer (like Transformer-XL), by changing the shifting-one-layer-downwards recurrence to the same-layer recurrence. In this manner, the maximum effective context length can be expanded, and past higher-level representations can be exploited to enrich future lower-level representations.
  • Segment-reordering Objective, a document-aware task of predicting the correct order of the permuted set of segments of a document, to model the relationship among segments directly. This allows ERNIE-Doc to build full document representations for prediction.

framework Illustrations of ERNIE-Doc and Recurrence Transformers, where models with three layers take as input a long document which is sliced into four segments.

Pre-trained Models

We release the checkpoints for ERNIE-Doc base_en/zh and ERNIE-Doc large_en model。

Fine-tuning Tasks

We compare the performance of ERNIE-Doc with the existing SOTA pre-training models (such as Longformer, BigBird, ETC and ERNIE2.0) for language modeling (WikiText-103) and document-level natural language understanding tasks, including long-text classification (IMDB, HYP, THUCNews, IFLYTEK), question answering (TriviaQA, HotpotQA, DRCD, CMRC2018, DuReader, C3), information extraction (OpenKPE) and semantic matching (CAIL2019-SCM).

Language Modeling

Model Param. PPL
Results of base models
LSTM - 48.7
LSTM+Neural cache - 40.8
GCNN-14 - 37.2
QRNN 151M 33.0
Transformer-XL Base 151M 24.0
SegaTransformer-XL Base 151M 22.5
ERNIE-Doc Base 151M 21.0
Results of large models
Adaptive Input 247M 18.7
Transformer-XL Large 247M 18.3
Compressive Transformer 247M 17.1
SegaTransformer-XL Large 247M 17.1
ERNIE-Doc Large 247M 16.8

Long-Text Classification

Models Acc. F1
RoBERTa 95.3 95.0
Longformer 95.7 -
BigBird - 95.2
ERNIE-Doc Base 96.1 96.1
XLNet-Large 96.8 -
ERNIE-Doc Large 97.1 97.1
Models F1
RoBERTa 87.8
Longformer 94.8
BigBird 92.2
ERNIE-Doc Base 96.3
ERNIE-Doc Large 96.6
Acc. Acc. Acc.
Dev Test Dev
BERT 97.7 97.3 60.3
BERT-wwm-ext 97.6 97.6 59.4
RoBERTa-wwm-ext - - 60.3
ERNIE 1.0 97.7 97.3 59.0
ERNIE 2.0 98.0 97.5 61.7
ERNIE-Doc 98.3 97.7 62.4

Question Answering

Models F1
RoBERTa 74.3
Longformer 75.2
BigBird 79.5
ERNIE-Doc Base 80.1
Longformer Large 77.8
BigBird Large -
ERNIE-Doc Large 82.5
Models Span-F1 Supp.-F1 Joint-F1
RoBERTa 73.5 83.4 63.5
Longformer 74.3 84.4 64.4
BigBird 75.5 87.1 67.8
ERNIE-Doc Base 79.4 86.3 70.5
Longformer Large 81.0 85.8 71.4
BigBird Large 81.3 89.4 -
ERNIE-Doc Large 82.2 87.6 73.7
Models DRCD DRCD CMRC2018 DuReader C3 C3
dev test dev dev dev test
EM/F1 EM/F1 EM/F1 EM/F1 Acc. Acc.
BERT 85.7/91.6 84.9/90.9 66.3/85.9 59.5/73.1 65.7 64.5
BERT-wwm-ext 85.0/91.2 83.6/90.4 67.1/85.7 -/- 67.8 68.5
RoBERTa-wwm-ext 86.6/92.5 85.2/92.0 67.4/87.2 -/- 67.1 66.5
MacBERT 88.3/93.5 87.9/93.2 69.5/87.7 -/- - -
XLNet-zh 83.2/92.0 82.8/91.8 63.0/85.9 -/- - -
ERNIE 1.0 84.6/90.9 84.0/90.5 65.1/85.1 57.9/72/1 65.5 64.1
ERNIE 2.0 88.5/93.8 88.0/93.4 69.1/88.6 61.3/74.9 72.3 73.2
ERNIE-Doc 90.5/95.2 90.5/95.1 76.1/91.6 65.8/77.9 76.5 76.5

Information Extraction

Models F1@1 F1@3 F1@5
BLING-KPE 26.7 29.2 20.9
JointKPE 39.1 39.8 33.8
ETC - 40.2 -
ERNIE-Doc 40.2 40.5 34.4

Semantic Matching

Models Dev (Acc.) Test (Acc.)
BERT 61.9 67.3
ERNIE 2.0 64.9 67.9
ERNIE-Doc 65.6 68.8


Install PaddlePaddle

This code base has been tested with Paddle (version>=2.0) with Python3. Other dependency of ERNIE-Doc is listed in requirements.txt, you can install it by

pip install -r requirements.txt


We release the finetuning code for English and Chinese classification tasks and Chinese Question Answers Tasks. For example, you can finetune ERNIE-Doc base model on IMDB and IFLYTEK dataset by

sh script/
sh script/
sh script/

Preprocessing code for IMDB dataset

The log of training and the evaluation results are in log/job.log.0.

Notice: The actual total batch size is equal to configured batch size * number of used gpus.


You can cite the paper as below:

  title={ERNIE-DOC: The Retrospective Long-Document Modeling Transformer},
  author={Ding, Siyu and Shang, Junyuan and Wang, Shuohuan and Sun, Yu and Tian, Hao and Wu, Hua and Wang, Haifeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.15688},