diff --git a/content/200-concepts/100-components/01-prisma-schema/03-generators.mdx b/content/200-concepts/100-components/01-prisma-schema/03-generators.mdx index 0727139d1b..db038cb1b5 100644 --- a/content/200-concepts/100-components/01-prisma-schema/03-generators.mdx +++ b/content/200-concepts/100-components/01-prisma-schema/03-generators.mdx @@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ The following is a list of community created generators. - [`prisma-appsync`](https://github.com/maoosi/prisma-appsync): Generates a full-blown GraphQL API for [AWS AppSync](https://aws.amazon.com/appsync/) - [`prisma-generator-nestjs-dto`](https://github.com/vegardit/prisma-generator-nestjs-dto): Generates DTO and Entity classes with relation `connect` and `create` options for use with [NestJS Resources](https://docs.nestjs.com/recipes/crud-generator) and [@nestjs/swagger](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nestjs/swagger) - [`prisma-erd-generator`](https://github.com/keonik/prisma-erd-generator): Generates an entity relationship diagram -- [`prismix`]https://github.com/jamiepine/prismix): Prisma requires your schema to be written in a single file, Prismix allows you to write as many schema files as you'd like, wherever you like—all while supporting cross-file model relations +- [`prismix`](https://github.com/jamiepine/prismix): Prisma requires your schema to be written in a single file, Prismix allows you to write as many schema files as you'd like, wherever you like—all while supporting cross-file model relations - [`Prismaliser`](https://github.com/Ovyerus/prismaliser): Prismaliser is a visualisation webapp for Prisma schemas. It allows you to visually explore your schema and the relations between your models, by showing links between the different types of relations in the schema (many-to-many, one-to-many, one-to-one), similar to an Entity-relationship model.