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OPy Compiler and Byterun

The OPy compiler is a Python bytecode compiler written in Python. See Building Oil with the OPy Bytecode Compiler. It's currently used to translate Python source code in Oil to .pyc files.

The byterun/ directory is a fork of byterun. It's an experiment for learning what it will take to write a minimal interpreter for Oil. It can currently run all Oil unit tests, but isn't otherwise used.

2022 Update: OPy Will be "Replaced" By mycpp / Pea

A bytecode interpreter isn't fast enough to run Oil. We still have the double-interpretation problem.

Getting started

Do the "Quick Start" in "in .

Then build the py27.grammar file:

$ make _build/opy/py27.grammar.pickle

After Oil is setup, we can try out OPy. Run these commands (and let me know if any of them doesn't work):

oil$ cd opy
opy$ ../bin/opyc run gold/  # basic test of compiler and runtime

Compile Oil with the OPy compiler:

$ ./ oil-repo  # makes _tmp/repo-with-opy and _tmp/repo-with-cpython

Run Oil unit tests, compiled with OPy, under CPython:

$ ./ oil-unit

Run Oil unit tests, compiled with OPy, under byterun:

$ ./ oil-unit-byterun   # Run Oil unit tests, compiled with OPy, under CPython

Gold tests in gold/ compare the output of CPython vs. byterun:

$ ./ gold

Oil spec tests under byterun (slow):

opy$ ./ spec smoke  # like $REPO_ROOT/test/ smoke
opy$ ./ spec all    # like $REPO_ROOT/test/ all

FYI, they can be run manually like this:

$ gold/  # run with CPython
$ ../bin/opyc run gold/

Demo of the speed difference between OSH under CPython and OSH under byterun:

./ osh-byterun-speed

OPy Compiler Regtest

This uses an old snapshot of the repo in _regtest/.

./ compile
./ verify-golden

Notes on Three OPy Builds

  • $REPO_ROOT/_build/oil/bytecode-opy: Bytecode for the release binary. Built by Makefile.
  • $REPO_ROOT/opy/_tmp/repo-with-opy: The entire repo with OPy. For running Oil unit/spec tests under byterun, etc. Built by ./ oil-repo.
  • $REPO_ROOT/opy/_tmp/regtest: The snapshot of Python files in opy/_regtest are compiled, so we are insensitive to repo changes. Built by ./ compile.

OPy Compiler Divergences from CPython


  • I don't remember where exactly, but I ran into a bug lexing the CPython test suite. IIRC, CPython's lexer was more lenient about adjacent tokens without spaces than
  • had -*- coding: latin-1 -*-, which causes problems. OPy should require utf-8 source anyway.


  • I ran into a bug where a file like d = {}, without a trailing newline, gives a parse error. Adding the newline fixes it.
  • print statements aren't allowed; we force Python 3-style print(x, y, file=sys.stderr). I think this is because the parser doesn't know about __future__ statements, so it can't change the parsing mode on the fly.

Bytecode Compiler

  • I think there are no LOAD_FAST bytecodes generated? TODO: Make a bytecode histogram using opy/misc/inspect_pyc.
  • The OPy bytecode is bigger than the CPython bytecode! Why is that?