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A collection of tools for extracting FHIR resources and analytics services on top of that data.


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NOTE: This is a work in progress and the current version is only for demonstration purposes. Once these tools reach Alpha status, this note should be removed. This is a collaboration between Google and OpenMRS community and this repository might be moved to OpenMRS org in the future.

What is this?

This repository includes tools for transforming OpenMRS data into a FHIR based warehouse. There are two aspects to this transformation:

  • Streaming mode: In this mode, there is an intermediate binary that continuously listens to changes in OpenMRS to translate new changes into FHIR resources and upload them to the target data warehouse.
  • Bulk upload (a.k.a. batch mode): This is used for reading the whole content of OpenMRS MySQL database, transform it into FHIR resources, and upload to the target data warehouse.

There is also a query module built on top of the generated data warehouse.

Streaming mode (Atom Feed)

This is currently implemented as a stand alone app that sits between OpenMRS and the data warehouse. It currently depends on the Atom Feed module of OpenMRS. To use the Debezium based streaming mode go to Streaming mode (Debezium) section.

The source of data is OpenMRS and the only sink currently implemented is GCP FHIR store and BigQuery but it should be easy to add other FHIR based sinks.

The steps for using this tool are:

  • Add Atom Feed module to OpenMRS.
  • Add FHIR2 module to OpenMRS and update Atom Feed config.
  • Set up the Atom Feed client side database.
  • Create the sink FHIR store and BigQuery dataset.
  • Compile and run the streaming app.

Add Atom Feed module to OpenMRS

Assuming that you are using the Reference App of OpenMRS (for example, installed at http://localhost:9016), after login, go to "System Administration" > "Manage Modules" > "Search from Addons" and search for the Atom Feed module (e.g., install version 1.0.12).

For any changes in the OpenMRS database, this module creates entries with payloads related to that change, including URLs for FHIR resources if the change has corresponding FHIR resources.

Add FHIR2 module to OpenMRS and update Atom Feed config

The FHIR module in OpenMRS is being reimplemented in the fhir2 module. You need to download the latest released version and install the module through the admin page in OpenMRS (or copy that file to the modules directory of your OpenMRS installation).

The URLs for FHIR resources of this module have the form /ws/fhir2/R4/RESOURCE e.g., http://localhost:9016/openmrs/ws/fhir2/R4/Patient. Therefor we need to update the Atom Feed module config to produce these URLs. To do this, from the OpenMRS Ref. App home page, choose the "Atomfeed" option (this should appear once the Atom Feed module is installed) and click on "Load Configuration". From the top menu, choose the file provided in this repository at utils/fhir2_atom_feed_config.json and click "Import".

To check the above two steps, create a new Patient (or an Observation) and verify that you can see that Patient (or Observation) at the aforementioned FHIR URL. Then check the Atom Feed URL corresponding to your change, e.g.,




Set up the Atom Feed client side database

The Atomfeed client requires a database to store failed event and marker information, and we'll use MySQL for this purpose. If you don't have an available MySQL service, you can start one up using docker: docker run -e "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root" -p --name=atomfeed-db -d mysql/mysql-server:latest

Now you should have MySQL running on the default port 3306, and can run:

mysql --user=USER --password=PASSWORD < utils/dbdump/create_db.sql

This will create a database called atomfeed_client with required tables (the USER should have permission to create databases). If you want to change the default database name atomfeed_client, you can edit utils/dbdump/create_db.sql but then you need to change the database name in src/main/resources/ accordingly.

Create the sink FHIR store and BigQuery dataset

To set up GCP project that you can use as a sink FHIR store:

  • Create a new project in GCP. For an overview of projects, datasets and data stores check this document.
  • Enable Google Cloud Healthcare API in the project and create a Google Cloud Healthcare dataset
  • Create a FHIR data store in the dataset with the R4 FHIR version
  • Enable the BigQuery API in the project and dataset with the same name in the project
  • Download, install, and initialize the gcloud cli:
  • Make sure you can authenticate with the project using the CLI:
    • $ gcloud init
    • $ gcloud auth application-default login
    • Create a service account for the project, generate a key, and save it securely locally
    • Add the bigquery.dataEditor and bigquery.jobUser roles to the project in the IAM & Admin/Roles settings or using the cli:
      • $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding openmrs-260803 --role roles/bigquery.admin --member
      • $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding openmrs-260803 --role roles/healthcare.datasetAdmin --member
    • Activate the service account for your project using gcloud auth activate-service-account <your-service-account> --key-file=<your-key-file> --project=<your project>
    • Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable:
  1. Use the script utils/ to create a FHIR store in this dataset which stream the changes to the BigQuery dataset as well: ./utils/ PROJECT LOCATION DATASET FHIR-STORE-NAME
  • PROJECT is your GCP project.
  • LOCATION is GCP location where your dataset resides, e.g., us-central1.
  • DATASET is the name of the dataset you created.
  • FHIR-STORE-NAME is what it says.

Note: If you get PERMISSION_DENIED errors, make sure to IAM & ADMIN/IAM/Members and add the bigquery.dataEditor and bigquery.jobUser roles to the Cloud Healthcare Service Agent service account that shows up.

You can run the script with no arguments to see a sample usage. After you create the FHIR store, its full URL would be:

Compile and run the streaming app

From the root of your git repo, run:

$ mvn clean install

and then:

$ mvn exec:java -pl streaming \ \`
  • OPENMRS_URL is the path to your source OpenMRS instance (e.g., http://localhost:9016/openmrs in this case)
  • OPENMRS_USER/OPENMRS_PASSWORD is the username/password combination for accessing the OpenMRS APIs using BasicAuth.
  • GCP_FHIR_STORE is the relative path of the FHIR store you set up in the previous step, i.e., something like: projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/datasets/DATASET/fhirStores/FHIR-STORE-NAME where all-caps segments are based on what you set up above.

To test your changes, create a new patient (or observation) in OpenMRS and check that a corresponding Patient (or Observation) FHIR resource is created in the GCP FHIR store and corresponding rows added to the BigQuery tables.

Streaming mode using Debezium

The goal of the debezium-based streaming mode is to provide real-time downstream consumption of incremental updates, even for operations that were performed outside OpenMRS API, e.g., data cleaning, module operations, and data syncing/migration. It captures incremental updates from the MySQL database binlog then streams both FHIR and non-FHIR data for downstream consumption. It is not based on Hibernate Interceptor or Event Module; therefore, all events are captured from day 0 and can be used independently without the need for a batch pipeline. It guarantees tolerance to failure such that when the application is restarted or crashed, the pipeline will resume from the last processed offset.

Getting Started

  • Fire up OpenMRS Stack (containing FHIR2 module and demo data ~ 300,000 obs)
$ docker-compose -f openmrs-compose.yaml up # change ports appropriately (optional)

You should be able to access OpenMRS via http://localhost:8099/openmrs/ using refApp credentials i.e username is admin and password Admin123

  • Run the streaming pipeline using default config (pointed to openmrs-compose.yaml )
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn compile exec:java -pl streaming-binlog
  • Or customize the configuration (including gcpFhirStore, OpenMRS basicAuth)
$ mvn compile exec:java -pl streaming-binlog -Ddatabase.hostname=localhost \
   -Ddatabase.port=3306 -Ddatabase.user=root -Ddatabase.password=debezium \
   -Ddatabase.dbname=mysql -Ddatabase.schema=openmrs -Ddatabase.serverId=77 \
   -Ddatabase.offsetStorage=offset.dat -Ddatabase.databaseHistory=dbhistory.dat \
   -Dopenmrs.username=admin -Dopenmrs.password=Admin123 \
   -Dopenmrs.serverUrl=http://localhost:8099 \
   -Dopenmrs.fhirBaseEndpoint=/openmrs/ws/fhir2/R3 \
   -Dfhir.sinkPath=projects/PROJECT/locations/LOCATION/datasets/DATASET/fhirStores/FHIRSTORENAME \
   -Dfile.parquetPath=/tmp/ \

Debezium prerequisite

The provided openmrs-compose.yaml (MySQL) has been configured to support debezium, however, to connect to an existing MySQl instance, you'll need to configure your DB to support row-based replication. There are a few configuration options required to ensure your database can participate in emitting binlog.

  • The source MySQL instance must have the following server configs set to generate binary logs in a format it can be consumed:
    • server_id =
    • log_bin =
    • binlog_format = row
    • binlog_row_image = full
  • Depending on server defaults and table size, it may also be necessary to increase the binlog retention period.

An example of mysql.conf has bee provided with the above configurations

# ----------------------------------------------
# Enable the binlog for replication & CDC
# ----------------------------------------------

# Enable binary replication log and set the prefix, expiration, and log format.
# The prefix is arbitrary, expiration can be short for integration tests but would
# be longer on a production system. Row-level info is required for ingest to work.
# Server ID is required, but this will vary on production systems
server-id         = 223344
log_bin           = mysql-bin
expire_logs_days  = 1
binlog_format     = row

For more information, please visit

Dev. tip

When working on a feature in the Debezium based pipeline, you can replay old binlog updates by setting the system properties database.offsetStorage and database.databaseHistory to an old version of the history. In other words, you can start from history/offset pair A, add some events in OpenMRS (e.g., add an Observation) to create some updates in the binlog. Now if you keep a copy of original version of A (before the changes) you can reuse it in future runs to replay the new events with no more interactions with OpenMRS.

Batch mode

The steps above for setting up a FHIR Store and a linked BigQuery dataset needs to be followed. Once it is done, and after mvn install, the pipeline can be run using a command like:

$ java -cp batch/target/fhir-batch-etl-bundled-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \ --serverUrl=http://localhost:9018 \
    --searchList=Patient,Encounter,Observation --batchSize=20 \
   --targetParallelism=20 --gcpFhirStore=GCP_FHIR_STORE`

The searchList argument accepts a comma separated list of FHIR search URLs. For example, one can use Patient?given=Susan to extract only Patient resources that meet the given=Susan criteria. You can also dump the output into Parquet files using the --outputParquetBase flag.

If you prefer not to use a bundled jar (e.g., during development in an IDE) you can use the Maven exec plugin:

$ mvn exec:java -pl batch \
    "-Dexec.args=--serverUrl=http://localhost:9020  --searchList=Observation \
    --batchSize=20 --targetParallelism=20 --outputParquetBase=tmp/TEST/" 

Using Docker compose

Alternatively you can spin up the entire pipeline using docker containers by running

1. Fire up OpenMRS (containing FHIR2 module)

$ docker-compose -f openmrs-compose.yaml up # change ports appropriately (optional)

You should be able to access OpenMRS via http://localhost:8099/openmrs/ using refApp credentials i.e username is admin and password Admin123 Please remember to install OpenMRS demo data module!

2. Configure ./docker-compose.yaml

Parameters (e.g port/url ) have been configured to point to http://localhost:8099/openmrs/

Remember to appropriately change other parameters such as source url, sink path, and any required authentication information.

3. Fire up Batch Pipeline

$ mvn clean install
$ docker-compose up --build batch

5. Fire up Streaming Pipeline (Debezium)

$ mvn clean install
$ docker-compose up --build streaming-binlog

6. Fire up Streaming Pipeline (Atomfeed)


TODO: Add details on how this works and caveats!

How to query the data warehouse

Here we only focus on the case where the FHIR resources are transformed into Parquet files in previous steps and we want to query them through Spark.

Some sample queries using pyspark are available in the dwh/ folder.

Setting up Apache Spark

Details on how to set up a Spark cluster with all different cluster management options is beyond this doc. Here we only show how to run the sample queries in the local mode.

The sample queries are written using the Python API of Spark (a.k.a. pyspark) so it is a good idea to first create a Python virtualenv:

$ virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install pyspark

Tip: If you use IntelliJ, the virtualenv can be created by (and used in) the IDE.

Once this is done, you can run pyspark to get into an interactive console. This is useful for developing queries step by step, but we won't use it once we have developed the full query plan.

Let's assume that the Parquet files that you have generated in the batch mode are in the tmp/parquet folder. In particular, you havePatient and Observation sub-folders with some Parquet files in them. To run you can do:

spark-submit --src_dir=tmp/parquet \
  --base_patient_url=http://localhost:8099/openmrs/ws/fhir2/R3/Patient/ \
  --num_days=60 --last_date=2020-04-30

This will show the value of various DataFrames that are calculated by this script which include aggregate values on the observations with the given codes grouped by patient IDs. Sample observation codes from the test data look like 5089AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. To see a list of options with their descriptions, try:

$ python --help


A collection of tools for extracting FHIR resources and analytics services on top of that data.







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