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A python wrapper over KCL-VAL binaries compiled from source


    python3 -m pip install val-wrapper

How does it work?

The entire build and python packaging is handled by cmake. The VAL github source is added as an external project which is compiled on the target system. The python wrapper is a script which calls the Validate executable.


The wrapper source code in this repository is released under MIT license. On the other hand, the pypi release, which redistributes the VAL binaries, carries the original license under which VAL source is released.


    cmake -B<build_dir> -S<this repo's root path> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation dir>
    cmake --build <build_dir> --target install

Build a platform specific wheel

    python3 bdist_wheel --plat-name=<platform tag>
  • Platform tags are based on the platform on which the binaries were built, for example:
    • win_amd64
    • manylinux1_x86_64
    • manylinux_x_y_x86_64
    • ... many more, lookup the documentation

PIP install using locally built binaries

    cd <installation dir>/pypi_release
    python3 -m pip install .


  • Command line is installed as a python script, a wrapper around Validate executable, which can be run from the command line. The pypi script installation directory is generally in system PATH, if not, it should be added manually. -h
  • From another python module

    You can import val_main from val_wrapper and use it to run VAL binaries.

    SYNTAX: val_main("<executable name>", [<arg1>, <arg2>, ...])

      from val_wrapper import val_main
      val_main("Validate", ["-h"])
  • Google colab notebook

      !pip install val-wrapper wurlitzer --upgrade
      from val_wrapper import val_main
      from wurlitzer import sys_pipes
      with sys_pipes():
          val_main("Validate", ["-h"])