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214 lines (164 loc) · 8.16 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (164 loc) · 8.16 KB

% CS444 Assignment 1 % Kevin Suwala, Kyle Verhoog % $date$


File: src/main/scala/compiler/scanner/Scanner.scala

Our design goal with the scanner was to make it as generic and configurable as possible. We opted to develop something similar to lex. So tokens can be specified with regular expressions provided in a configuration file. The scanner reads in this configuration and generates a DFA which can be used to scan source files into the specified tokens.


The scanner works by generating or loading a DFA which specifies the tokens to scan. The scanner then iterates over a given string with maximal-munch and scans the longest matching strings using the DFA and produces a list of tokens to be used by the parser.

The tokens are specified by a configuration file of the form


See file src/main/resources/tokens.lex.

DFA Construction

In order to construct the DFA used for scanning, we decided to write our own regular expression library. The motivation for doing so was to gain familiarity with developing a regular expression library as well as to make generating the DFA for the scanner generic and configurable.


The DFA generation works by reading in the regular expressions, generating an NFA for each and then combining the NFAs. The resulting NFA is then converted to a DFA.

Regular Expression Library

Defined in src/main/scala/regex, the regex library was written from scratch. Inspiration was taken from the well-written articles from Russ Cox listed here: Our regex library implements the following features:

  • concatenation: ab
  • union/alternation: a|b
  • repetition zero-or-more: a*; one-or-more a+
  • any character: .
  • zero-or-one: a?
  • ranges: [a-z]


The regular expression implementation takes advantage of the fact that Joos source files can only be expressed with the ASCII character set. We abuse unicode characters heavily in our implementation to provide support for ASCII characters like new-line, tab and others.


The primary problem we had with defining the Joos tokens with our regular expression implementation was specifying multi-line tokens. This could easily be done in most regular expression libraries that support lazy matching with the pattern /\*.*?\*/. We worked around this with a pretty dirty hack that involved replacing the comment characters with a special unicode character and then matching the special characters.

Persisting the DFA

The DFA generation takes a significant amount of time as no optimizations were implemented, we just merge the token NFAs. So we persist the generated DFA and since the DFA does not change (often) we simply read it in on program start-up.

Helpful Error Messages

Care was taken so that if a scanning error were to occur, an exception is raised containing useful debugging information like the line, column number and the string scanned so far. The following is a snippet of a scan on the character @:


public class Empty {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // int m = i;
        int x = 
Scan failed on char '@' on line 6 col 17.

Parsed '' for current token.


Scanning performance is pretty good. With the maximal munch approach and DFA we acheive linear scanning performance.



File src/main/resources/grammar.json. File src/main/resources/grammar.cfg.

The grammar was based upon the grammar specified in the Java Language Specification version 1 text. We simply removed Java features not required for Joos1W from our grammar. A JSON representation of the grammar was constructed along with a Ruby helper script to convert the representation to a format needed by the utilities. This grammar turned out to be LR(1).


File src/main/scala/compiler/parser/Parser.scala.

The parsing algorithm we use is LR(1). We used the provided helpers in to generate the parse table and then wrote the standard LR(1) parsing algorithm.


Some basic weeding is done in the parser. This includes weeding on identifiers for Java keywords that are not apart of the Joos1W language. Examples of these are try, catch, do and float.

Abstract Syntax Tree

File: src/main/scala/compiler/ast/AST.scala

After parsing is completed, an Abstract Syntax Tree is generated from the parse tree.


The AST is constructed in one top-to-bottom traversal of the parse tree. The nodes of the Abstract Syntax Tree inherit from the following base class:

class AST(var parent: Option[AST] = None,
          var leftChild: Option[AST] = None,
          var rightSibling: Option[AST] = None) { ... }

Nodes have access to their parent, their left-most child and the sibling to their right. This was influenced by the design of Abstract Syntax Trees as described in Crafting a Compiler.


The nodes of our Abstract Syntax Tree are classes that represent elements from the grammar. We define classes with useful helper methods to represent language constructs. For example the AST node for MethodDeclaration contains helper functions like modifiers() for the modifiers of the method, identifier() for the name of the method and returnType() for the method return type. Instead of pulling this data up into the node when generating the AST, the helper functions are AST lookup methods that provide syntactic sugar for accessing child nodes. For example, with the aforementioned identifier() method looks like this:

  def identifier: String = {
    this.getDescendant(2, Some(1)) match {
      case Some(n: MethodDeclarator) => n.identifier
      case e =>
        throw MalformedASTException(
          s"Method does not have MethodDeclarator child (got $e.")


Some weeding is performed during AST construction as the AST nodes have some insight to their own structure. For instance, the MethodHeader class will validate the modifiers that it has ensuring rules like "an abstract method cannot be static or final" are followed.

Final Weeding

File src/main/scala/compiler/ast/Weeder.scala.

After the AST has been generated, a pass is made through the AST from top-to-bottom performing any outstanding weeding. Here we check for things like

  • filename matches class or interface name
  • every class must contain at least one explicit constructor

and more.

Bringing it all Together

All the pieces are combined in src/main/scala/Compiler.scala and src/main/scala/Joos1WCompiler.scala. Here is where the entry point main is defined. Essentially all it does is call:
