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Tags: JuliaGraphics/QML.jl



Toggle v0.9.1's commit message
## QML v0.9.1

[Diff since v0.9.0](v0.9.0...v0.9.1)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix setheaderdata! in JuliaItemModel (#203) (@barche)

**Closed issues:**
- Release v0.9.0 (#201)


Toggle v0.9.0's commit message
## QML v0.9.0

[Diff since v0.8.1](v0.8.1...v0.9.0)

## Breaking changes

Depend on Qt 6.7 and CxxWrap 0.16

## New features

Live reloading of QML (issue #195)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Test v0.9.0 (#199) (@barche)

**Closed issues:**
- jlqml assumes QML is in scope (#95)
- `force_model_update` should notify QML about length changes (#149)
- Properties passed to `loadqml` makes app to crash when loaded from module (#165)
- `exec_async` crashes (#174)
- Segfault when calling Julia functions (#183)
- Release v0.8.1 (#187)
- Makie render function not called (#189)
- InsertRow/SetRow (#194)
- WebEngineView / WebView (#200)


Toggle v0.8.1's commit message
## QML v0.8.1

[Diff since v0.8.0](v0.8.0...v0.8.1)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix QmlJuliaExamples clone branch (#172) (@cmey)
- Update (#175) (@ufechner7)
- Fix building of the documentation (#178) (@ufechner7)
- Fix workflow test button (#179) (@ufechner7)
- Add page for developers to documentation (#184) (@ufechner7)
- Fix for exec_async (#185) (@barche)
- Prerelease 0.8.1 (#186) (@barche)

**Closed issues:**
- Roadmap (#7)
- Integration of the GR Qt device driver (#23)
- plot.jl gives segfault when selecting GR backend (#27)
- Error on example (#28)
- Please provide forced (synchronous) redraw from Julia (#32)
- some more details on use of setindex! in ListModels (#35)
- Windows build (#36)
- Packages required by examples (#40)
- Cannot create platform OpenGL context (#42)
- Signals/slots (#43)
- wrong plot size in gr.jl example on a mac retina display (#48)
- Issue with SDK file path after High Sierra update (#50)
- apt-get can not install dependencies on Ubuntu 17.10 (#51)
- Error on running examples (#61)
- qmlscene support: how to install org.julialang (#66)
- gr example depends on Qt4 (#69)
- QML and CxxWrap 10.1 (#71)
- Cannot run GR examples on macOS (#92)
- Listmodel insert transitions (#96)
- Qt error of "import org.julialang 1.1" (#97)
- missing dependency for gltriangle? (#99)
- JuliaCanvas image buffer type inconsistent across different OSs (#100)
- Any plans for Qt 6? (#103)
- Wayland support under Linux (#125)
- Examples broken - loadqml not defined (#133)
- QT6 Branch doesn't compile on M1 with Julia 1.8 rc3 (#147)
- change license to MIT? (#150)
- Would it be possible to update project.toml / manifest.toml ? (#151)
- Latest release `QML v0.7.1` crashes during self test on `Julia 1.9.0-rc1` (#160)
- using QML causes crash on 1.9.0-rc2 (#161)
- Create new release (#167)
- Crash on Windows and Julia 1.9.2 (#168)
- Move to JuliaGraphics caused missing Qt plugin? (#171)
- makedocs fails (#176)
- Document developer workflow (#180)
- Links to examples in broken (#181)


Toggle v0.8.0's commit message
Update README and repository paths


Toggle v0.7.1's commit message
## QML v0.7.1

[Diff since v0.7.0](v0.7.0...v0.7.1)

**Closed issues:**
- Update to 0.6.2/0.7.0 (#122)
- Array as Observable (#128)

**Merged pull requests:**
- AbstractPlotting is no more (#131) (@SimonDanisch)
- Julia 1.7 update (#137) (@barche)


Toggle v0.7.0's commit message
## QML v0.7.0

[Diff since v0.6.1](v0.6.1...v0.7.0)

**Closed issues:**
- Makie support is broken (#105)
- Precompilation error (#112)
- Omit calling install_name_tool when GR is loaded (#117)
- Module "QtCharts" is not installed (#118)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove libuv dependency (#116) (@barche)
- Add Qt5Charts automatically to the path, if loaded (#120) (@barche)
- Makie update (#121) (@barche)
- Split off examples to separate repository (#123) (@barche)


Toggle v0.6.1's commit message
## QML v0.6.1

[Diff since v0.6.0](v0.6.0...v0.6.1)

**Closed issues:**
- Update to Julia v0.7 or v1.0 (#57)
- Future of QML (#60)
- QML.jl roadmap (#73)
- [help wanted] Reading QML map of key-value pairs in Julia (#94)
- JuliaCanvas documentation [suggestion] (#101)
- lrelease in Qt_jll.jl (#104)
- Windows 10: GKS: Qt5 support not compiled in (#107)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Test dynamic OpenGL on windows (#93) (@barche)
- Update (#98) (@Hugo-Trentesaux)
- Deprecate FileIO use (#111) (@barche)


Toggle v0.6.0's commit message
## QML v0.6.0

[Diff since v0.4.3](v0.4.3...v0.6.0)

**Closed issues:**
- exec() doesn't exit after QML error that prevents window from being displayed (#49)
- Updating a TableView (#54)
- Update dependencies (CxxWrap) (#58)
- QML on Julia 1.0.1 (#59)
- QML issues on MacOS (#64)
- Info about upcoming removal of packages in the General registry (#65)
- Participating in GSOC on the project "GUI library integration" (#68)
- Compatibility with Qt 5.12 and higher (#72)
- Using `qmlfunction` on anonymous functions seems to cause segfaults (#87)
- Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package FileIO while installing in Julia 1.3.1 (#90)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Add `&QByteArray::toString` as `to_string` (#56) (@NHDaly)
- add ENV[GKS_QT_VERSION]=5 to fix gr.jl example (#70) (@treygreer)
- Update CI (#74) (@aminya)
- fix warnings (#75) (@bramtayl)
- Propertymap update (#76) (@barche)
- Revamp docs (#77) (@bramtayl)
- Do not set Fontconfig environment variables (#78) (@giordano)
- Try running test using xvfb (#79) (@barche)
- getfield! -> getproperty! (#86) (@bramtayl)
- Fix tests on Windows (#89) (@barche)
- Update compat (#91) (@barche)


Toggle v0.4.3's commit message
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Toggle v0.4.2's commit message
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