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Kingia Castle Smart Home Configuration

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I have made the move to a package-based configuration.

This will make it easier for anyone that wants to use a certain part of my configuration as all parts are in the one yaml file rather then having to search through multiple yalm files to find what pertains to a certain intergration.

I have also merged all of my includes into a folder as a way of cleaning up my configuration files.

I have uploaded new screenshots to reflect the changes made since I first uploaded them.

My lovelace UI is a constant work in progress config and screenshots are available and updated as I change them.

I have now moved to a HA split across 3 Rasberry Pi setup as a result of really sluggish automations. I took this opportunity to move 90% of my automations into Node-RED. I have left my yaml version of the automations for those who don't use Node-RED but these are now legacy and may not get updated as I change my automation flows in Node-RED. I will update my packages to include my Node-RED flows for the automations you find in yaml, hopefully these can help anyone having trouble with Node-RED or looking for a place to start on how to convert your existing yaml based automations into Node-RED. Please reach out to me if you want any help with Node-RED.