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infinitymusicbot Features ✅ Thumbnail Support Playlist Support Current playback support Showing track names when skipping Zero downtime, Fully Stable DEEZER,YOUTUBE & SAAVN PLAYBACK SUPPORTED Settings panel Control with buttons Userbot auto join Channel Music Play Keyboard selection support for YouTube play Commands for Group 👥 For all in group /play - play song you requested /play - play replied file /dplay - play song you requested via deezer /splay - play song you requested via jio saavn /ytplay : Directly play song via YouTube Music /playlist - Show now playing list /current - Show now playing /song - download songs you want quickly /search - search videos on youtube with details /deezer - download songs you want quickly via deezer /saavn - download songs you want quickly via saavn /video - download videos you want quickly Admins only 🏅 /player - open music player settings panel /pause - pause song play /resume - resume song play /skip - play next song /end - stop music play /userbotjoin - invite assistant to your chat /userbotleave - remove assistant from your chat /reload - Refresh admin list /musicplayer [on/off] - Enable/Disable Music Player Channel Music Play 👨‍🎤 For linked group admins only:

/cplay - play song you requested /cplay - play replied file /cdplay - play song you requested via deezer /csplay - play song you requested via jio saavn /cplaylist - Show now playing list /cccurrent - Show now playing /cplayer - open music player settings panel /cpause - pause song play /cresume - resume song play /cskip - play next song /cend - stop music play /userbotjoinchannel - invite assistant to your chat channel is also can be used instead of c If you donlt like to play in linked channel:

Get your channel ID. Rename your group to: Channel Music: your_channel_id Add @VCsMusicPlayer as Channel admin with full perms add helper to channel Simply send commands in your group. Commands for Sudo Users 👮 /userbotleaveall - remove assistant from all chats /gcast - globally brodcast replied message to all chats /pmpermit [on/off] - enable/disable pmpermit message PMpermit .a - approove someone to pm you .da - disapproove someone to pm you Sudo Users can execute any command in any groups Credits