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Python controller generator for ros2_control.


Generate the controller package using :

$ ros2 pytroller create my_pytroller --destination-directory controllers

The raw Python controller logic script to be implemented is located the script directory inside the newly created controller package.

This Python script containing the definition of the pytroller_logic_impl function that takes as input

  • state : type dict {joint/interface, value} : current joint states on all available interfaces
  • commands : type dict {joint/interface, value} : commands to be assigned to joint command interfaces
  • msg : command message from subscriber
  • params : type dict {parameter, value} : node parameters

For example :

# my_pytroller/script/

from math import cos, sin

def pytroller_logic_impl(period, states, commands, msg, params):

  commands['joint1/effort'.encode('ascii')] =[0]
  commands['joint2/effort'.encode('ascii')] =[1]

  return commands

Install all dependencies and build the controller using

$ rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths . -y -r
$ colcon build


Pytrollers use parameters generated by the generate_parameter_library package and are defined in the my_pytroller_parameters.yaml file :

  interface_full_names: {
    type: string_array,
    default_value: [],
    description: "Full names of the interface(s) to command",
  command_topic_name: {
    type: string,
    default_value: ""  # "~/commands",
    description: "Name of the subscribed command topic"
  command_topic_type: {
    type: string,
    default_value: ""  # "std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray",
    description: "Type of the subscribed command topic"

Additional parameters can be added to this configuration file. To do so, refer to the generate_parameter_library package documentation.

The values of the defined parameters are set in the controller configuration file used for ros2-control.



ICube Laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France

Maciej Bednarczyk:, @github: mcbed