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Lists on Info Systems & Technology

gribbans edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 115 revisions


Page is a WIP

Lists of IS and IT software worth investigating for use in future projects.

Table of Contents

Personal Workflow

Scope: File / Information / Reference / Project Management

Miro Talk Idea & communication WebRTC P2P real-time video and audio communication (OSS)
Open Board Idea & communication Cross-platform interactive whiteboard application (OSS)
:--------------------------------------------------------- :---------------------- :------------------------------------------------
ArgDown Information management Argumentation analysis, outlines lines of reason
Codex Docs Information management Application creation and library for internal, public or personal docs
DEVON Information management Unique 'true' information manager, integrates day to day sources of data
Docear Information management Part information mapper and part reference manager
Freeplane Information management Tool for concept mapping / information mapping
Joplin Information management Note-taking app. Uses a database, but export to .md available (OSS)
Laverna Information management Markdown notes with built in Dropbox support, and encryption
LogSeq Information management -
Memos Information management -
Notable Information management Markdown editor
Notesnook Information management Encrypted markdown/text note taking app.
Obsidian Information management Information management app, using .md markdown files, no database.
QOwnNotes Information management Text file and markdown Information management with Nextcloud / OwnCloud integration
Roam Research Information management Cloud based note taking app
Slash Information management Self-hosted bookmark collection / library, link sharing platform (OSS) Information management Browser based note taking app, uses the Web API IndexedDB
Trilium Information management -
Ulysses Information management -
Zettlr Information management Note taking app, focused on recreating a digital Zettlekasten
Zim Wiki Information management Note taking app
- - -
Brisqi Project management Desktop Kanban board, feels very good to use for some reason.
GitHub Projects Project management Create Issues, Projects, Roadmaps per GitHub repo
Linear Project management Product management tool: Issues, Projects, Initiatives
Notion Project management Cloud-based workflow management, desktop app available.
Plane Project management Cloud and self-hosted project and product management app (OSS)
Trello Project management Kanban, Task lists.
YouTrack Project management By JetBrains. Bug tracker, Issue and Project management
- - -
IA Writer Text editor Desktop writing app, text and markdown editor.
Markflowy Text editor Markdown editor with built in AI support.
Typora Text editor -
Typst Text editor -
- - -
JabRef Reference management Source reference manager. Search academic journals.
Mendeley References management Source reference manager.
Zotero Reference management Source reference manager, for use during academic research. Cloud backup

IDE & Text (Code) Editors

Aqua By JetBrains, test automation IDE, various test frameworks built-in
Android Studio By Google. For Kotlin, C++ and Java. AI (Gemini) built in. View designs made in Jetpack Compose
Eric IDE Git, PIP integration, virtual env, task (TODO) management, debugging for multi-threaded applications
Cursor Paid (with free tier) IDE with built in AI
IDLE 'Integrated Development and Learning Environment'.
IDX By Google. AI-assisted cloud-hosted IDE, use tools like LangChain
Intellij IDEA By Jetbrains. Focused on Java and Kotlin development
Komodo Supports pair programming. Strong contextual autocomplete. integration
Notepad++ Free source code editor (OSS), low CPU (and therefore lower power consumption aka 'greener')
PyCharm By Jetbrains. Focused on Python development
PyScripter Free IDE from Embarcadero (Delphi language)
Puck Online React focused visual editor Cloud-hosted IDE, import libraries and run dev/test env easily
Spyder Free scientific environment written in Python (OSS)
SublimeText Text editor for code, markup and prose. Smart completions based on existing code in a project.
VSCode Microsofts IDE based on VSCodium
VSCodium Underlying IDE which VSCode is built from (OSS)
WriterSide By Jetbrains. Text editor focused on writing documentation. Can export as a self contained website

Terminal CLI & TUI

Command line interface (CLI), and Test User Interface (TUI).

Hyper Terminal By Vercel, modern terminal application
PowerShell Terminal Updated terminal
Tabby Terminal Tabby (formerly Terminus) is a configurable terminal emulator, SSH
Terminal++ Terminal Minimalist terminal emulator
Termius Terminal SSH and terminal in one, with encrypted credential vault
Windows Terminal Terminal Microsofts new multi-tabbed terminal
Wishlight Terminal Terminal, SSH with TailScale (VPN), run as SSH client or server
:------------------------------------------------------------- :-------- :------------
Amp CLI Text editor for your terminal
Atac CLI API client (postman like) in your terminal
BAT CLI CAT clone, view files, contents with syntax highlighting
Browsr CLI File explorer in your terminal supporting all filesystem
CTOP CLI Graphical overview of real-time metrics for multiple containers
CURL CLI CLI and library for transferring data with URL syntax
FD CLI Fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
GH (GitHub CLI) CLI By GitHub. A CLI to handle repo, and repo management
GHQ CLI Remote repository management made easy
Gitui CLI CLI for managing Git
Glow CLI A markdown reader
GRV CLI A Git repository viewer
Harlequin CLI SQL IDE for the terminal
Lazydocker CLI UI for both docker and docker-compose
LazyGit CLI Simple terminal UI for git commands
Micro CLI Terminal-based text editor
Midnight Commander CLI User shell with text-mode full-screen interface
SD CLI Find & replace CLI (sed alternative), no Regex
Tailspin CLI Log file highlighter
Tiptop CLI Command-line system monitoring
Tre-command CLI A modern alternative to the tree command
TTYD CLI CLI tool for sharing terminal over the web
Visidata CLI Terminal spreadsheet multi-tool for discovering and arranging data.
:------------------------------------------------------------- :-------- :------------

Headless Content Management Software (CMS)

Scope: Content Generation and Management

Table is WIP

Details on Headless CMS and tools on content until there is enough for another table.

Airtable More a database (Excel-like spreadsheet), but can serve content
Baserow Open source version of Airtable (OSS)
Contentful SAAS -
Directus Combines Headless CMS with Backend-as-a-Service (APIs, Auth) (OSS)
DeCap -
Ghost Self-host on Docker
Hygraph -
Nocodb -
Payload -
Sanity SAAS. Most popular with dev's and start-ups
Stackbit -
Strapi Self hostable (OSS)
Tina CMS -
Cockroach Labs Web content editor Editor for composable websites
Wagtail Python and Drupal headless CMS (OSS)
Webiny -

Software-as-a-Service (SAAS), & Locally Hosted Platforms

Active Pieces Local/Cloud Workflow automation, like n8n or Kestra
AirTable Cloud Spreadsheet database
Appflowy Local/Cloud Like Notion. Collaborative workspace, projects, wikis (OSS)
AppSmith Local App-dev for internal tools
AppWrite Cloud Dev platform
Bildr Cloud B2C web app developer platform
Bubble Cloud B2C web app developer platform
Budibase Local/Cloud Modern, low-code platform, for internal applications (OSS)
DronaHQ Cloud Low code app development platform for internal apps
Flutterflow Cloud Developer platform for cross platform B2C apps
Glide Cloud Developer platform for internal apps, generous free tier
Kestra Local/Cloud Workflow and data pipeline automation
Make Local/Cloud Workflow automation, top tier.
n8n Local AI-enabled workflow and data automation (OSS)
Noodl Local Well featured, local AI assisted app dev platform (OSS)
Pipedream Cloud Workflow middleware (like Zapier), generous free
Postman Flows - Visual creation of API-driven workflows
Plasmic Local/Cloud React focused B2C app dev. Can be self-hosted (OSS)
Prisma Local/Cloud ORM for NodeJS, database tool
Refine Local React-based meta framework for data-heavy CRUD apps
Relume Cloud AI assisted 'NoLoCo' developer platform
Retool Cloud Internal developer platform
RunMe Local/Cloud Run code snippets directly from documentation
Rundeck Local Task & workflow automation
Saltcorn Local Setup internal dev platform, for data-driven web apps (OSS)
Toddle Cloud Collaborative programming platform & app host
Tooljet Cloud Internal developer platform
Trigger Cloud Task management, handle long running jobs
Thunkable Cloud NoLoCode mobile app dev platform
Wappler Cloud Very good at allowing fast building of sites
Windmill Local/Cloud Developer platform for internal tools (OSS)

APM (Application Performance Monitoring), Quality & Security

Airbrake Error monitoring and performance analysis. No free tier
Bugsnag diagnostics, debug workflow, 247 monitoring Free tier is 7.5K events/1M spans pm
CodeCov By, code coverage analysis platform
Datadog Observability platform, monitoring including security
Highlight Many other apps integrated. Full stack monitoring platform (OSS)
Logfire Python oriented observability platform (OSS)
New Relic Observability platform, monitor, debug, and improve the tech stack
OpenLLMetry Open-source observability for your LLM app, providers, vector dbs (OSS)
Open Telemetry Collated API/SDK/tools to instrument telemetry data (OSS).
OWASP SCA Useful OWASP list of SCA/SAST tools
Rollbar Realtime error detection, and prediction. Free tier 5k error events pm
Sentry Most used, Monitoring with Docker self-host option (OSS)
SigNoz Logs, metrics, exceptions; similar to Datadog, New Relic (OSS)
SonarLint Highlight issues that can lead to bugs, vulnerabilities
SonarQube Code quality tool
Temporal Uptime monitor

VCS/Code Repo & CI/CD

Argo CD Kubernetes hosted Continuous Deployment
Bamboo By Atlassian. CI system
Bitbucket By Atlassian. Code repository and management
Buddy CI/CD, claiming 'minimal-friction' automation platform
Buildbot Python framework for automating software build, test, and release (OSS)
CircleCI Remote access. Generous free tier of 6,000 hours
Codeberg Git remote host, free for OSS code
Concourse CI From VMWare. Container based automation pipelines inc. CI/CD flows (OSS)
Drone Self-service Continuous Integration platform
Earthly Simple CI/CD framework for repeatable builds
Flagger Manage Kubernetes deployments (deploy: Canary, A/B Testing, Blue/Green) (OSS)
Flux CD Continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes. Powered by GitOps Toolkit. (OSS)
Forgejo Self-hosted lightweight software Git 'forge' (OSS)
Fossil SCM Non-Git based SCM. Features inc. Wiki, documentation timeline, chat etc.
Gitea Code hosting, CI/CD, project management tools, package management
GitHub Actions Runner Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runners
Gitness Self-hostable SVC, CI/CD (OSS)
GoCD Free and open source CICD from ThoughtWork (OSS)
Gogs Self-hostable SVC, CI/CD (OSS)
Harness Git repo host, CI/CD, Feature Flags, IaC Management
Jenkins X CI/CD with Kubernetes. GitOps, Tekton pipelines, Secrets management
Semaphore Streamline developer workflow. Very performant. Free 7k cloud min/pm
Skaffold Building, pushing and deploying your app to Kubernetes
Soft Serve Local-host Git with built-in SSH server
TeamCity JetBrains mini GitHub, can be Docker hosted locally
Tekton Simple, fast out-of-the-box. Works with Skaffold container builds CD (OSS)
Travis CI Continuous Integration. Minimal Configuration as Code (YAML)

Backend-as-a-Service (BAAS) & Database Systems

DuckDB Local/Embed Lightweight, focused on OLAP. ACID-compliant, no external dependencies
DyBase Local/Embed Object oriented embedded db for languages with dynamic type checking
LibSQL Local/Embed SQLite fork
Pocketbase Local/Embed Embedded database, REST API, authentication (OSS)
SQLite Local/Embed SQLite database, REST API, authentication
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Airtable Spreadsheet Excel in cyberspace
Baserow Spreadsheet Generate internal apps from data structures, OSS Airtable alt
NoCoDB Spreadsheet Free open source Excel in cyber space Airtable (OSS)
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Key Value Key-value store, drop in replacement for Redis
Foundation DB Cloud Distributed, transactional key-value store (OSS)
Redis Key Value The former OSS now not, 'big kahuna'
Rocks DB Key Value Embedded database for key-value data
Memcached Key Value In-memory key-value store, distributed memory object caching system
Nats Key Value Connectivity, middleware but includes a key/value store
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
AstraDB Cloud Low Latency Vector and NoSQL AI Database
Cloudflare D1 Cloud Native serverless database. Available on Free and Paid plans
Conduit Local, Cloud NodeJS-based Backend as a Service (BAAS), Self-Hosted backend server.
Firebase Cloud Google database offering.
Hydra Local, Cloud Postgres with scalable analytics. Self hosted with Docker (OSS)
InfluxDB Local, Cloud Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
Maria DB Local, Cloud RDBMS with Vector Search (used with AI RAG embedding) (OSS)
Minio Local Amazon S3 cloud storage compatible object store (OSS)
PostgreSQL Neon Local, Cloud Serverless Postgres database
Supabase Local, Cloud Database, local host option
Tigerbeetle Local, Cloud DB focused on financial transactions
Xata Cloud PostgreSQL serverless data platform. Free tier 15GB data, 2GB storage
----------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
DB Browser for SQLite Db Tools Visual tool to create, search, and edit SQLite databases
Prisma Db Tools Interface to simplify database interactions
Mimalloc Db Tools By Microsoft. Compact general purpose allocator. High performance
Memcache Db Tools Free high-performance, distributed memory object caching system (OSS)

Platforms-as-a-Service (PAAS)

List of self hosted, OSS platform-as-a-source (PAAS)

Caprover Web GUI, NGINX, LetsEncrypt SSL cert
Coolify Personal hosting platform
Dokploy Uses Docker and Traefik

Remote Access, Connectivity & Authentication

Authentik open-source Identity Provide
Go Teleport Zero trust access using SSH, Kubernetes and HTTPS (OSS)
Guacamole Browser remote access to desktop PC
Kasm Access remote desktops via browser
Mesh Central Web-based remote monitoring, TeamViewer-esque remote desktop
Mullvad VPN WireGuard, OpenVPN protocols, Shadowsocks bridge protocol (OSS)
Netbird Configuration-free peer-to-peer private network, centralized access control
Remotely Remote access management *N.B. only supported reverse proxy is Caddy
TailScale Zero-config, p2p software-defined private network

Server Management: Dashboard and Utilities

Dashy HomeLab server management dashboard (OSS)
Flame Self-hosted start-page for your server
Heimdall Server application management dashboard
Homearr Server management dashboard
LetsEncrypt Non-profit TLS certification authority aka distributor of SSL certs for HTTPS
NGINX Proxy Manager Expose web services on your network. Free SSL with Let's Encrypt
Webmin Bare metal UNIX server system administration
ZeroSSL TLS (SSL) certificate authority


Caddy Open-source web server written in Go. Automatic TLS (SSL) cert management (OSS)
Emby Media streaming server, homelab oriented
Jellyfin Host server and stream media, homelab oriented
NGINX HTTP/2+3, reverse proxy, supports memcached
nGrok Secure ingress point: load balancing, reverse proxy, firewall, API gateway
Open Media Server Debian based NAS server, can also handling media streaming. Homelab oriented
SWAG 'Secure Web Application Gateway' (SWAG) Container Image
Traefik App. Proxy (auto routing), API Gateway, Load balancing. Authentication, Key Mgmt e.g. HashiCorp
Universal Media Server DLNA-compliant UPnP media server. Homelab oriented

Cloud, Compute & Web Hosting

Table is WIP

Amazom AWS -
Cloudflare -
Cloudflare Pages -
Digital Ocean - -
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) -
Green for Geeks -
Heroku -
Hetzner (Web) -
Hetzner (Cloud) -
LeaseWeb =
Linode Formerly Akamai
Netlify -
Open Stack (Managed) -
Oracle Free Tier -
OVH Cloud -
Paperspace -
Railway -
Redswitches -
Render -
Scaleway - -
Vercel -
Vultr -

Container Host & Virtual Machine Infrastructure

DevPod -
Docker The original containers
Kind Host Kubernetes, Docker
NVIDIA Container GPU accelerated containers
Podman Run Kubernetes pods, Docker/Kuber containers
Portainer Container manager
Rancher Container runner, manager
VirtualBox Run Virtual Machines
Yacht Container management UI, focused on templates and 1-click deployments

Operating Systems

Alpine Linux Tiny container OS
+ Alpine at Docker Hub Sub 5MB container image
+ Alpine at GitHub Sub 5MB container image
Fedora Atomic, Sway Immutable atomic OS
Micro OS By OpenSUSE, atomic, 1GB RAM, designed for containers
PhotonOS Linux OS from VMWare, enterprise grade container OS build
Proxmox NAS OS with support for running VM and Containers
TrueNAS Scale Host OS, support for running VM and Containers
UnRaid Container-ready O/S focused on self-hosted servers and NAS
Umbrel OS Homelab server focused OS, supports docker containers
Windows 10 LTSC Long-Term Servicing Channel barebones ver., support ends Jan 2027

To-do Task List

Completed To-do

  • Authentik | open-source Identity Provide
  • Remotely | Remote access management *N.B. only supported reverse proxy is Caddy |
  • Mesh Central | Web-based remote monitoring, management, remote desktop sessions |
  • Netbird | Configuration-free peer-to-peer private network, centralized access control |
  • Mullvad VPN | WireGuard and OpenVPN protocols, and Shadowsocks as a bridge protocol (OSS) |
  • Dashy | Open source, customizable, easy to use, privacy-respecting dashboard (OSS)
  • [LetsEncrypt]
  • [] Add IDE (built in AI assistant)
  • Dashy - HomeLab dashboard:
  • Heimdall
  • Homearr
  • Webmin for bare-metal servers
  • Add YouTrack - Project management, wiki, kanban gantt charts, can be externally accessible e.g. clients etc.
  • [TailScale] - HomeLab security:
  • Add Sphinx - use for documentation websites, self-hostable and far cheaper than
  • Add MKDocs
  • Add Readthedocs
  • Add Gitbook
  • Codeberg
  • Forgejo - self-hosted lightweight software 'forge' (Git, )
  • HomeLab OS: PhotonOS, UnRaid, Proxmox OpenMediaServer True NAS Scale
  • Add table on terminals, CLI: terminal-xm, aider,, micro, LazyGIT
  • Create table for CDE's
  • Rebase the page. Sharpen up entries and provide clear use case for each table.
  • Add DevContainers / TestContainer desktop
  • Add Kestra, n8n, Windmill
  • Add ToolJet, Retool
  • Add Guacamole / Kasm for Remote access