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Font Awesome 5 Official WordPress Plugin (status: private beta)


Loads Font Awesome 5 Free or Pro on your WordPress site. Provides features for developers of themes and other plugins to register their Font Awesome requirements with this plugin to ensure that a single, working version of Font Awesome is loaded that works across all WordPress components. Optionally, block some themes or plugins from trying to load their own versions of Font Awesome which might create conflicts and keep your icons from working correctly.

Supports both Free and Pro, optional use of version 4 compatibility (shims), pseudo-elements, and either the Webfont with CSS or SVG with JavaScript method.

Loads Font Awesome from the official Font Awesome Free or Pro CDN.


  1. Download the latest release of
  2. In the WordPress admin dashboard "Add Plugins" page, click "Upload Plugin" and upload that
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  4. Use the Settings->Font Awesome screen to configure the plugin

For End Users

Usage: Standalone

Suppose you have no themes or plugins activated that use this Font Awesome plugin. It's just you, looking to add icons to your WordPress site.


Simply install and activate the plugin. It will load sensible defaults for the latest version of Font Awesome 5 Free:

  • Webfont with CSS method
  • Version 4 compatibility (aka "v4shims")

Then just start adding Font Awesome HTML markup to your posts, pages, and templates. Refer to our documentation for basic usage, and for more fancy usage like Stacked Icons.

Look up available icons in our searchable Icon Gallery or Cheatsheet.

The admin settings page for this plugin won't be very complicated in this scenario, since no other WordPress components are using the plugin to provide icons. But that also means you can change the version and features settings to your heart's content without creating in any conflicts with other components' requirements.


Again, suppose there are no other components (plugins or theme) that depend upon this plugin to load Font Awesome. It's just you, the web site owner, and you want to use SVG icons, and maybe some of the fancier features that come with them.

In the plugin's settings page, on the "Method" dropdown menu, select "svg" instead of "webfont". Save those changes. That's it!

Now, your icons will render as SVG. You won't need to change any of the HTML markup (like the <i> tags you might have already used under the webfont method).

You now can use some of the fancier features, like Layering, Text, and Counters.

Font Awesome Pro

Suppose you've purchased Font Awesome Pro. To enable those Pro icons on your web site, it's just two steps:

  1. Login to your account and go to the Services page. Add any web domains where you'll use the icons. This is a "white list". It tells our server that if the icons are being loaded from any of these web sites, it's OK to load them as long as your account is active.

  2. Go to the plugin settings page and click the checkbox next to "Pro". Save that change.

That's it! Add Pro icons anywhere on your site.

Usage: With Plugins or Themes

Suppose you've installed a theme called "Radiance" and a plugin called "Shuffle" and that each of them depend on this plugin for their icons.

You don't do anything to configure them to work together. Rather, they use this plugin's API to register their own requirements.

On the plugin's settings page, you can see in the "Current Requirements" section what Font Awesome requirements Radiance and Shuffle have. If they have conflicting requirements, you'll see a simple error message to help you diagnose and resolve the problem.

For example, suppose Radiance says it requires Font Awesome version 5.1.0 or later, but Shuffle says it requires version 5.0.13. Well, we can't satisfy both, and we can't just load both versions--one for each of them--because that would break all of your icons. You can only load one version of Font Awesome at a time.

Instead, you'll see an error message that clearly shows which requirement is causing a conflict. You might resolve the problem by doing any or all of the following:

  1. Deactivate the Shuffle plugin
  2. Choose a different theme
  3. Contact the developers of Radiance or Shuffle to suggest that they change their requirements to reduce conflicts

While that might be a little bit of a hassle, at least it's clear and obvious and you know who to go to to resolve the problem. Not like the lawless days when every plugin and theme tried to load its own version of Font Awesome and everyone crossed their fingers hoping it just worked, and when it didn't, you weren't sure why.

Now suppose that Radiance and Shuffle have compatible requirements, and that they make no particular requirement about the method---i.e. they're content with either webfont or svg. Well, then, if you as the web site owner prefer to use SVG, just make that selection and save those changes. Your SVG requirement will satisfy Radiance, Shuffle, and your own preference. Anywhere that you or those components place icons, they'll be rendered as SVG.

Dealing with Themes or Plugins That Try to Load Their Own Versions of Font Awesome

Check the box next to "Remove Unregistered Clients" to try to stop other plugins or themes from loading unregistered (and therefore conflicting) versions of Font Awesome.

There are lots of themes and plugins out there that use Font Awesome. Normally, they load their own version. This works fine if they are the only component that uses Font Awesome, or if it just happens to be the case their version is the same as the version loaded by other plugins you may have installed (but even then, your web site could end up loading multiple instances of the same version, which is unnecessary, and bad for your web site's performance.)

Perhaps, one day, any plugin you'd want to use that depends on Font Awesome will be compatible with this plugin. All your icon version compatibility problems would disappear. In the meantime, we can attempt to stop those other themes or plugins from trying to load their own versions of Font Awesome, while still allowing them to display their icons as expected. Since there are lots of ways to load Font Awesome, there's no guarantee that our approach will work for discovering and stopping unregistered clients from loading their own versions. But we can try, and most of the time, we expect it to succeed.

For Developers

Action Reference

Action Description
font_awesome_requirements Called when the Font Awesome plugin expects clients to register their requirements. Normally, the culmination of the action hook is to call FontAwesome()->register($requirements_array)
font_awesome_enqueued Called when version resolution succeeds, with up to one argument, an associative array indicating the final load specification: version, method (webfont vs. svg), version 4 compatibility, license (pro vs. free), pseudo-element support. This is how a theme or plugin can be notified whether Pro is enabled, for example.
font_awesome_failed Called when version resolution fails, with up to one argument, an associate array indicating which conflicting requirement between which clients caused resolution to fail.

API Reference

Method Description
FontAwesome() returns the singleton instance for the plugin. All other function calls are methods invoked on this instance.
register($requirements_array) call this from a client (plugin or theme) to register requirements.
using_pro() returns boolean indicating whether Pro is enabled
using_pseudo_elements() returns boolean indicating whether pseudo-element support is enabled

Requirements Array

The requirements array supplied to register() looks like this:

  "name"            => "plugin-name", // This is the only required attribute.
                                      // Ideally, it's the same as the theme or plugin slug.
  "version"         => "^5.0.0",      // A semver string. Uses composer/semver
  "method"          => "webfont",     // webfont | svg
  "v4shim"          => "require",     // require | forbid
  "pseudo-elements" => "require"      // require | forbid

Notes on Requirement Attributes

  • v4shim: There were major changes between Font Awesome 4 and Font Awesome 5, including some re-named icons. It's best to upgrade name references to the version 5 names, but to ease the upgrade path, we also provide v4 shims which accept the v4 names and translate them into the equivalent v5 names. Shims for SVG with JavaScript have been available since 5.0.0 and shims for Web Font with CSS have been available since 5.1.0. Specifiying require for this attribute will cause the loading of Font Awesome to fail unless loading the v4 shims would satisfy the requirements of all registered clients. Specify forbid to insist that the v4 shim should not be loaded by any client--normally you should mind your own business, though.

  • pseudo-elements: Pseudo-elements are always intrinsically available when using the Web Font with CSS method. However, for the SVG with JavaScript method, additional functionality must be enabled. It's not a recommended approach, because the performance can be poor. Really poor, in some cases. However, sometimes, it's necessary.

What is Actually Loaded

In this version, all loading happens via the official Font Awesome Free CDN ( or Pro CDN ( No icon assets are bundled with this plugin.

So the end result of this plugin's work is enqueuing of a stylesheet or script, resulting in the appropriate <link> or <script> tags in the <head>.

Once a particular version and method is resolved, we load the all.js or all.css for that version, either Free or Pro. This is the simplest but normally not the most efficient. It would be more efficient to load only the icon styles that the web site actually uses. Or it could potentially be made even more efficient by additional some additional subsetting functionality. For this initial prototype version, though, we're not focusing on optimizing efficiency, but on the basic loading and version settlement paradigm across various clients. If this direction seems good, it would make sense to at least allow particular styles to be loaded.

Hopefully, you can imagine how straightforward it might be for each client to specify its requirement on a particular style set of icons, which would allow us to load only those styles specified.

Determining Available Versions

Currently (for this prototype), we store a YAML file for each available release, which contains metdata about that release. In order to make a new release available to this plugin, we simply add the appropriate metadata file. This file is generated by Font Awesome when building a new release for distribution and is checked in to a private repository. So, at this time, it requires a Font Awesome staff person to update this plugin with a metadata file for a new release.

In the future, the idea is to create a REST endpoint on which this plugin could query to get its metadata.

How to Ship Your Theme or Plugin To Work with Font Awesome

Currently, the idea is that your customer would install this plugin as a rerequisite to installing yours. Your code would expect this plugin to be installed and active. It would register its requirements, receive the action hook indicating successful load and confirmation of the final load specification, and the rest is just making use of the icons using <i> tags like normal.

So, you would not ship any Font Awesome assets.

How to Make Pro Icons Available in Your Theme or Plugin

Rather than you supplying the Pro icons, it's your customer who enables Pro icons by setting up their Pro accounts and configuring this Font Awesome plugin to indicate that Pro is enabled. Your code can then respond to the presence of Pro and use Pro icons.

If you insist on having Pro icons available at runtime, you'd need to insist that your customers purchase a Font Awesome Pro license, install this plugin, and enable their Pro account for use with it.

In the event that the customer has not enabled Pro, your code would have to use only Free icons. Any Pro icons would fail to load correctly. This may mean designing your code to work with Free icons as a baseline, and then using Pro icons only when available.

Give us feedback about this to help us get the story right. For example, do you need to have a way to require Pro (like v4shim can be required) so that you can count on it being there at runtime, instead of designing for both alternatives, Free and Pro?


There are example clients in this GitHub repo that demonstrate how your code can use this plugin:

Component Description
integrations/themes/theme-alpha Theme accepts default requirements, but also reacts to the presence of Pro by using Pro icons in a template.
integrations/plugins/plugin-beta Plugin requires v4shim and a specific version. Uses some version 4 icon names.

See for instructions on how you can run a dockerized WordPress environment and experiment with these examples.

Temporary Plugin Name Conflict

This plugin currently uses the same namespace as this obsolete plugin in the WordPress Plugins Directory. This plugin has not yet been published in the plugins directory, but must be installed manually or by uploading the zip file in this repository. It will not clash with that other plugin unless you attempt to install that other plugin. However, after installing this plugin--on the plugins page--WordPress may alert you that there is an update available. If so, that's only because the update notifier is finding the obsolete plugin by the same name in the directory and suggesting that it is a new version. Just ignore that "update available" notification. Before we do a final release and publish this plugin to the plugins directory, we'll be giving it a new name.

About Shortcodes

While it's common for plugins like this to provide shortcodes for usage, and we might want to add that in the future, the plugin does not currently support shortcodes. The focus for this prototype is more about the loading and version resolution.

Basic usage with <i> tags is pretty straightforward and, in many cases, seems almost equivalent to what a shortcode syntax might be.

We welcome your feedback about how important shortcodes would be to you so we can prioritize future development appropriately.