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Files for running Docker builds and Jenkins CI



To run builds locally you run them via docker-compose.

First export necessary environment variables:

export UNITY_SERIAL=...
export DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=hdrp/simulator
export UID

Building WebUI

docker-compose run --rm build-webui

This will create WebUI/dist/* files. Use build-webui-p to build production files.

Running file/folder check

docker-compose run --rm buid-simulator check

Output will be in lgsvlsimulator-check.html file.

Running unit tests

docker-compose run --rm buid-simulator test

Output will be in lgsvlsimulator-test.xml file in NUnit v3 format

Running binary build

docker-compose run --rm buid-simulator windows

Output will be file. Replace windows with linux or macos to build for other OS'es.

Running build for Asset Bundles

docker-compose run --rm buid-bundles

Output will be in AssetBundles folder.

Jenkins setup

To setup Pipeline CI job on jenkins following global environment variables are required:

  • UNITY_USERNAME - Unity username for license
  • UNITY_PASSWORD - Unity username for password
  • UNITY_SERIAL - Unity username for serial
  • GITLAB_HOST - hostname of GitLab instance, ex:
  • DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME - name of Docker image, ex:
  • SIMULATOR_ENVIRONMENTS - comma separated list of environment bundles to build, ex: CubeTown,SanFrancisco
  • SIMULATOR_VEHICLES - comma separated list of vehicle bundles to build, ex: Car1,Car2
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS access key
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS secret key
  • S3_BUCKET_NAME - AWS S3 bucket name to where upload bundles
  • SIMULATOR_STAGING_CLOUD_URL - staging URL to use for cloud access, used only for non-release job
  • SIMULATOR_RELEASE_EMAILS - comma separated e-mails where to send start/finish e-mails abour release job

Following credentials must be set up in Jenkins:

  • auto-gitlab - ssh key for cloning git repositories, this key must have access to HDRP repositories
  • Jenkins-Gitlab - username/password combo for Docker registry on GitLab where to push Simulator docker image

Pipeline requires following parameters available:

  • BUILD_WINDOWS - boolean param, with value "true" if Windows binary needs to be built
  • BUILD_LINUX - boolean param, with value "true" if Linux binary needs to be built
  • BUILD_MACOS - boolean param, with value "true" if macOS binary needs to be built
  • CLOUD_URL - string param, if non-empty then the value will be used for cloud access
  • LGSVL_CODE_SIGNING_FILE - secret file containing code signing key/certificate for Authenticode
  • LGSVL_CODE_SIGNING_PASSWORD - if nonempty then value of this variable will be used as password to code signing key from LGSVL_CODE_SIGNING_FILE secret file credential

It will automatically upload asset bundles to AWS S3 bucket when master branch is built.

Job will produce following artifacts:

  • lgsvlsimulator-check-BRANCH-NUM.html
  • - for each OS selected for building