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A 32-bits MIPS processor implement using VHDL.

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A 32-bits MIPS processor implement using VHDL.

1) ALU

ALU multiplexer operation:

Func 00 01 10 11
Output y '000...MSB of add_sub Output of add_sub Ouput of logic unit

The ALU has two sets of control imputs func and logic_func, func determines which of the four possible operations the ALU(lui, slt, arithmetic and logical) is to be performed. The logic_func control input determines which of the for possible logic operations (AND, OR, XOR, NOR) is to be performed. An additional control signal (add_sub) is used to choose between addition or subtraction

2) register file

The register file consists of 32 registers (R0-R31).The entire register file can be reset (each register cleared to 0) by asserting the asynchronous active-high reset input. There are two read ports (out_a and out_b). The 5 bit addresses presented on the input ports read_a and read_b determine which of the 32 registers are made available at the output ports out_a and out_b respectively.


3) Next address unit

The Next-Address unit is responsible for generating the next address which is to be stored in the Program Counter (PC) register. Before describing the functionality of the next-address unit, we will first examine encoding format of the jump and branch instructions. The five instructions (expressed in assembly language) are: jump there ; jump to memory location “there” jr rs ; jump to memory location whose address is in rs beq rs,rt, loop ; jump to memory location “loop” if rs=rt bne rs,rt, loop ; jump to memory location ”loop” if rs /= rt bltz rs, loop ; jump to memory location “loop” if rs < 0

All instructions are encoded in a 32 bit wide format with 6 bits used to represent the opcode. Memory addresses are 32 bits wide; consequently the jump instruction uses a variation of direct addressing known as “pseudo-direct” addressing since it is not possible to store the entire 32 bit address within a jump instruction. For the version of the processor implemented in these labs, a simpler form of this pseudo-direct addressing will be used.


4) Sign extend

Some of the MIPS instructions require that the 16-bit immediate field (stored in bits 0 to 15) of the instruction be sign extended to a full 32-bit width.

5)D_cache The data cache has an asynchronous reset, a clock (the writes into the data cache are synchronous with the clock), a data_write control signal (which acts as a enable, in other words, data is written into the memory at the next rising clock edge if data_write = ‘1’), and a 32 bit wide data output port. Since only the load/store instructions access the data cache, the out_b of the register file (which is the rt register) is connected to the d_in port of the data cach


The I-cache unit stores the program machine code. It is a 32 location read-only memory (ROM) consisting of a 5-bit wide address input and a 32-bit wide data output (consisting of the 32 bits of machine code for the instruction stored at the addressed location). It’s contents may be “hardwired” to contain a program in machine code during the development and debugging stages

7)PC register

The program counter register is a 32-bit wide register with an asynchronous reset. The input to the PC register is the output of the next-address unit. The output of the PC register ( the low-order 5 bits in order to reduce the size of the instruction cache memory) is used as the address input to the instruction cache memory

8) Sign extention

Some of the MIPS instructions require that the 16-bit immediate field (stored in bits 0 to 15) of Iformat instructions be sign extended to a full 32-bit width. The exact manner of this sign extension depends upon the type of instruction to be executed. Table 4 provides a summary of the possible types of sign extension

9) Control unit

The function of this unit is to produce the correct values for all the control signals at the proper point in time. Tables 1 and 2 lists the 10 control signals and summarizes their operation.

▶️ The complete datapath is shown in the figure below Datapath

Additional info

  • To simulate the full 32-bit design we need to create a “board wrapper” VHDL file for implementation is is a port the the original entity
  • The datapath was fulfilled using VHDL components and port mapping
  • The simulation of the entities was done in ModelSim as shows below(for register file)



A 32-bits MIPS processor implement using VHDL.






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