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Global warming and population change both heighten future risk of human displacement due to river floods

These scripts reproduce the main results of the paper:

Pui Man Kam(1), Gabriela Aznar Siguan(2), Jacob Schewe(3), Leonardo Milano(4), Justin Ginetti(5), Sven Willner(3), Jamie McCaughey(1), and David N. Bresch(1,2): Global warming and population change both heighten future risk of human displacement due to river floods, Environmental Research Letters (ERL), 2021.

Publication status: published.

(1) Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

(2) Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, Zurich, Switzerland

(3) Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

(4) Centre for Humanitarian Data, United Nations OCHA, The Hague, The Netherlands

(5) Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Geneva, Switzerland

Contact: Pui Man Kam


Python script to compute the estimated absolute number of displacement in the climate change scenarios. The output raster files contain the estimated number of displacement at 5km resolution globally in a particular decade, with each band (total 21) represent a combination of general circulation models (GCMs) and global hydrological models (GHMs).

Same as, but compute the historical simulation from 1966-2005 (baseline period) using the constant population at base year 2000 and the historical simulation from the flood models.




Publication: submitted

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Created on 24 August 2020